Trump Campaign Doubles Down: It’s Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies ‘Vermin’ to politics – 532 points –
Trump Campaign Doubles Down: It's Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies 'Vermin'

Donald Trump's campaign spokesman defended Trump using "vermin" to describe his enemies, while historians compared his language to Hitler, Mousselini.


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No no that's only the rule for us.

My fucking uncle, who is normally a really nice person, had in his retirement party a big poster of Trump with "If you cant respect the president then get out of America."

Now it's "fuck Biden." Rules for thee and not for me is the Republican way.

One of my neighbors had a wifi network named "Donald Trump is your President!!!"

After the 2020 election I created one named "Joe Biden is your President!!!!" and put it on my external access point and boosted the power to maximum.

Normally a really nice person, to you, so far