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Joined 1 years ago

Could the selection be intentional? A silly unenforceable case to open the door for a more comprehensive invasion of privacy on platforms to make discussion and hosting discussion of piracy into a riskier endeavor?

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City cops don't live near the people they police.

Normally a really nice person, to you, so far

They'll say it's our fault.

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"I like people who didn't crash."

And then the board and all in attendance burst into mocking laughter that she would never forget for the rest of her life. Right?

Libs take the cash from Google and hand it directly to Chatham Asset Management. 0 benefit to actual Canadian media or Canadians šŸ‘

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At least he didn't blame millennials and their cellphones again.. yet

After apparently being given insufficient time to properly tune the game. There's another story going around about how Bethesda wants to increase their output since at the moment we're not going to see any proper Fallout from them until into the 2030s, over 15 years after the last one. I say hire Obsidian now and pay their bonus up front including their New Vegas bonus they got scammed out of last time.

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And particularly chilling: they have the police on their side. When the maggots all show up at your neighborhood or place of work to vandalize and harass and assault, the cops will arrive late and they will be turned to face against you

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They were fighting uphill. He said, "Wow.."

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Laid low waiting for a proportionate backlash that should have happened but didn't

"It's not a crime when we do it." Meanwhile I guarantee you this person has turned their nose up at lower class people shopping in the same stores like they could only be there to steal shit.

Look at how many cheap screens and toys the slaves have made for us, luxuries our forebears with nutritious food and community resources and homes could never imagine

I don't think it's a bad game at all. But the Bethesda formula is definitely showing its age and the muted tone and presentation of Starfield, compared to Elder Scrolls and Fallout, accentuates this. I have like a dozen other games vying for my attention and a huge backlog of other titles, and I've been struggling to find motivation to play Starfield as a result. If I'd paid CDN$90 for the privilege I'd probably feel more strongly about it either way.

Or his reputation will fade and get rehabbed like Reagan and Dubya, especially when the next Republican administration is monstrous in new and terrible ways.

These people should just give all of their money to me and all their problems will be solved, the problems being them having any money.

It's also a problem when a group has most of the guns and is stupid enough to use them without thought for the consequences. Moreso when the authorities responsible for enforcing those consequences tend to be in agreement if not allegiance with the group in question.

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Lock up the buttery males

Monarchy is the origin and the goal of conservatism. Total hierarchy, everyone in their proper place from top to bottom.

It was a fun distraction from the hottest consecutive weeks ever recorded though.

Alberta, Canada, has a separate publicly funded catholic school system. They bus kids to our main government building every year for the big anti-abortion rally.

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It gets worse either way, the only good times for us are when things are stable. But stability is worse than failure to someone whose occupation is Shareholder.

Apparently that's happening on the Associated Press website as well. Websites relying on ad dollars will be in trouble when having a strong blocker has become basic security. Can't even check the news without your browser getting hijacked with scams

It also begs the question of why many of those places are worth risking everything to flee from, which western capitalism is typically involved with to a significant degree.

Something something it's time for We The Peopleā„¢ to bring Common Senseā„¢ back and something something.

I really liked it. Good game to play during the coldest days of winter if that is much of a thing where you are.

It's going to be this way until we figure out a better way to cultivate empathy at a huge scale. Between technological isolation, increasing scarcity, and the divide-and-conquer tactics of the power players in our society, we seem to be going the wrong direction fast. We'll continue to collectively stick the penny in the light socket until we are able to appreciate the experiences of other people enough to learn something from them.

Imagine if they gave some or all of it to an Amazon union drive. A prank of historical proportions

Used mine every day until that phone's screen stopped responding and at the time none of the otherwise decent phones with decent prices had a jack. Headphone jack will remain a consideration in my next phone purchase once this one dies.

Meanwhile they can't function without their morning coffee otherwise it's Tylenol time to manage the headaches, meds for all the disorders we get living in a society, and a dozen dopaminergic compulsions required to compenate for this and that.

What gets defined as the "news industry" and who gets to define it? We already have too much foreign owned corporate news media in this country so how much of that money will just go right into the hands of the propagandists to tip the scales further in their favour?

We wanted to know how good his 5g reception is