Trump Campaign Doubles Down: It’s Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies ‘Vermin’ to politics – 532 points –
Trump Campaign Doubles Down: It's Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies 'Vermin'

Donald Trump's campaign spokesman defended Trump using "vermin" to describe his enemies, while historians compared his language to Hitler, Mousselini.


Don't forget that Trump is also a rapist

Also don't forget to mention it at every opportunity. The rapist Donald Trump must be called exactly that so people don't forget we're talking about a convicted rapist who for some reason is not a registered sex offender which, of course, doesn't mean he's any less of a rapist, which Donald Trump verifiably is.

He's not a convicted rapist. It was a civil trial, not a criminal one. The trial decided that he did sexually assault E. Jean Carroll (but not legally rape, although the judge said it was rape despite the legal definition) but that resulted in a ruling for damages. The statute of limitations for a criminal trial had passed.

So he's not a convicted rapist, but the judge at his civil trial involving rape said he was a rapist. But that's why he isn't a registered sex offender.

Thanks for the clarification, I didn't know all those details.

No problem. I wish he had been convicted obviously. And I seriously doubt that is anywhere near the only time he's raped a woman. But like so many other things in his life, he's gotten away with it.

A jury if his peers still found that Trump was a rapist. The judge in that trial clarified that the jury finding meant that Trump was a rapist.

This was after the Trump camp claimed, after losing the defamation suit, that none of this meant that Trump was a rapist.

So the judge explicitly clarified that the jury had found that Trump had committed rape.

Found that he was more likely a rapist, not a rapist beyond a reasonable doubt.

Trump was found to be a rapist by a jury because he used his fingers to sexually assault and violate a woman. The judge clarified that Trump raped Jean carroll.

Those conclusions are beyond reasonable doubt.

Those conclusions are beyond reasonable doubt.

No that's literally not what they found, because it was not a criminal trial. That wasn't the burden of proof. He may be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, but a civil court is not legally capable of proving that.

Trump was not criminally convicted as his rape trial was a civil case, not criminal.

Those jurors found Trump responsible for digital rape that in New york is defined as sexual assault, that the judge clarifiedas rape because trump violated a woman sexually, the new york legal term is just too narrow here for the finding because he used his fingers to violate her vagina.

Still rape.

Your doubt is your own, but seems unreasonable.

I'm talking about the legal term, reasonable doubt. To prove something beyond a reasonable doubt in a court is a different process. One that isn't done in a civil court, therefore it can't prove it. That doesn't mean he isn't guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, just that a civil court can't prove that.

So you're just agreeing with what everyone else has clarified, that this is a civil, not criminal trial.

The jury and judge found Trump liable for rape. This finding is beyond a reasonable doubt.

No, baby hands is not criminally liable beyond a reasonable doubt, he is civilly liable for rape beyond a reasonable doubt according to judge and jury.

My criticism is using the term "beyond a reasonable doubt" about the court's finding. Which it didn't claim to make and can't have made.

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No. He means that a civil trial uses different evidentiary standards. In a civil suit the standard is "preponderance of the evidence", while a criminal trial requires proof "beyond a reasonable doubt".

It's factually wrong to say it's beyond a reasonable doubt due to the civil suit.

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The problem is that calling it sexual assault doesn't make it clear that he penetrated her with his penis without consent. The only reason it's not "rape" is that it wasn't a criminal trial.

The reason it's not considered rape is because it didn't fit New York state's archaic legal definition of rape.

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A child rapist at that. Just look at all the evidence with him and epstein.

You know what, I haven't looked into any connective evidence beyond him on a flight manifest going to Epstein's island. What other evidence is there?

He's in epstein's black book.

He's quoted saying he loves epstein. Great guy. Throws great parties with young women.

Photos of him with epstein at the parties.

Court case with him and epstein right before he ran for president, where they were defendants for raping 2 children.

You mean there was a court case with Trump and Epstein where Trump and Epstein were the defendants for rape?

Ya. I couldnt get a pdf link where it wouldnt want to download on mobile. But a quick google search can pull it up.

The case was dropped. The accuser pulled out, believed to be because of death threats she was getting for accusing Trump.

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Does this mean we can openly call trump a lying, raping, Nazi?

No no that's defamation, he's merely a lying and raping enthusiast of Nazi rhetoric and practice, he has never been a registered member of any National Socialist Party.

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In other words: "We know where we are heading, no need to remind us!"

Interesting that people only now realise that he's copying Hitler. MAGA already was a Nazi slogan.

My 80+ year old Grandma who lives in conservative land has been calling the Trump flags around 'Nazi flags' since 2016 ahah. The media constantly acts like this is all shocking instead of completely expected, I guess to justify their moniker of 'news'.

She's a smart woman it seems.

It was always pretty blatant with the rage against antifacists. Hitler loved to discredit the press by calling them liers as well and did make 'intellectuals' the enemy. I think 'woke' is just another word for it.

I'm so tired of this POS getting attention again. And I'm not even American. The amount of stress he causes me... Please let this end...

I completely agree. He like a toddler, maybe we just suck it up for 4 more years to give him what he wants and then he can disappear forever.

No! I don't agree with Biden's policy about Gaza and I want to punish him by pushing people not to vote for him or Trump. But it's so wrong when this buffoon comes into power again. So I'll bite my tongue and say the other party is worse. Even if that's NOT the way to vote and it really diminishes minorities and representation.

His fascism blew over to some/most European countries and that's soooo bad. I even read some posts in Belgium about putting Muslims in camps 'for their own safety' because this POC made it normal for all the basement racists to come out of hiding. Just no...

I just want him to die or disappear. Just vote him out so we can get back to real politics and what's really important instead of this shit show. After you vote him out, THEN put pressure on Biden/Democrats to do better. It will be too late for Gazan children that are dying and dead tough...

I completely agree. He like a toddler, maybe we just suck it up for 4 more years to give him what he wants and then he can disappear forever.

Lol, the new repub strategy, folks. "Just let the illiterate brats have what they want".

Well trump is a dump piece of shit! Now we’re both calling each other names!

The difference is that Trump has an (increasingly literal) army of thugs ready and raring to inflict violence on us "vermin," and you don't. Trump is not just "calling [people] names;" he's making credible threats.

Anybody who tries to minimize this with false equivalences is either dangerously naive or spreading disinformation.

I’m all for his REAL supporters proving it by getting TRUMP or MAGA tattooed on their foreheads. Problem with red hats is you can take them off.

Rwanda comes to mind. Scary

Hah. Somebody on Reddit called mine "the most uninformed comment I've ever seen" for drawing that comparison. I haven't logged in over there since June 30th, otherwise I'd go back and rub their face in it. Oh, also, I hate being right about this one.

Cockroaches (Rwanda, 1994)

Vermin (US, 2023)

There's a comparison to be made here

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Of course they did would anyone expect different? He's a fascist and knows he can get away with it. Backing down would be worse PR for him he isn't trying to please the kind of people who take offense to dehumanizing minorities.

Good lord, that thumbnail. Really captures the evil.

especially lately I havnt even seen a picture he doesn't look like a hateful angry maniac. how can someone like that be.considered for leadership. insane

Wow, straight to "And if I did, you deserved it."

We're on the fast track now, boys.

Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesperson, responded to the backlash by calling critics “snowflakes” and promising that “their existence will be crushed” by Trump. In a statement to The Washington Post, Cheung said: “Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

Cheung later clarified to The Post that he meant to say their “sad, miserable existence” rather than their “entire existence.”

Oh, that's much better. Thanks for the clarification!

In all seriousness, though, it's never a good sign when the clarification of a candidate going Hitler is to double down on the Hitler. There are going to be scary times ahead if Trump is allowed anywhere near the White House again.

He did the same thing in 2016, clear use of what seemed to be at least Nazi adjacent propaganda, and he doubled down on it, got elected, are people still doubting he literally supports neo-Nazis?

It's weird. No one ever said "Bush Derangement Syndrome" or "Nixon Derangement Syndrome" or "Reagan Derangement Syndrome". And those guys really fucked around with the country. Maybe, if everyone seems to have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" there's a realllllllly good reason?

And we didn't even say that the right had "Obama Derangement Syndrome" even though they were clearly deranged by a black guy being in the Oval Office.

Heck, Obama has been out of office for almost 7 years now (this January) and the right STILL brings up Obama.

How does he even have a campaign? Who are these shit stains willing to work for him?

Because any way you spin it, he's popular and roughly half the country is happy with him.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Donald Trump‘s campaign is defending the former president’s use of the word “vermin” to describe his opponents and detractors after receiving backlash for echoing a term used by brutal authoritarian dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Trump said in a Veterans Day speech on Saturday after using the term in a social media post earlier that same day.

Because if you have a capable, competent, smart, tough leader, Russia, China, North Korea, they’re not going to want to play with us.”

The speech prompted reactions from historians, including John Meacham, who said Monday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that Trump is “lifting” rhetoric from Mussolini and other historic fascists.

“On a weekend when most Americans were honoring our nation’s heroes, Donald Trump parroted the autocratic language of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini — two dictators many U.S. veterans gave their lives fighting,” Biden-Harris spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.

In a post to Truth Social on Monday, he wrote that those involved in the prosecution of his legal cases — namely Special Counsel Jack Smith, former special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco — “will end up in a Mental Institution by the time my next term as President is successfully completed.”

The original article contains 489 words, the summary contains 243 words. Saved 50%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

It's so wild to me that the Trump experiment has gone on as long as it has. He's broken politics in this country. The GOP at least will never be the same. We let a rich yuppie real estate guy from New York city completely monopolize political power. As much as I can't stand the guy, I have to accept that almost half the country sees something else entirely. He speaks to something that people are desperate for in this country, Democrats would do well to figure out why that is instead of dismissing this guy like they have done.

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Well, I think Trump supporters are vermin, too. They're a bunch of hairy rat bastards that seem spend a lot of time in grain. If the shoe fits...

Hopefully he never becomes Rapist-in-chief again if the US population has any cop on..

As an (USA) outsider, let's see if I get this right...
Trump said that "communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs" live like vermin in USA. Then Biden compared him to Hitler.

And only Trump's language is the problem, not Biden's?

So as a non-American, what you're not seeing is that none of these words are ever applied correctly in the US. The "communists, marxists, fascists, and radical left" that Trump is talking about are all words he uses to describe anyone who disagrees with him.

For instance, those fighting for transgender rights are commonly labeled Marxist fascists by Trump and his supporters

Yes, he calls people who he disagrees with "vermin" (which is bad) and Biden calls him Hitler and his supporters MAGA terrorists (which is bad). So, one is OK by Lemmy, one not. Interesting.

One of those is accurate. It's not an insult if it is a descriptor.

One is comparing humans to animals because they don't like them, the other is comparing a human to another human because of their rhetoric.

Is Elmer Fudd a Nazi too then?

You know who else breathed air? HITLER. Y'all are Nazis now.

The fucking stupidity... Smh