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Joined 1 years ago

My mind is still baffled that you can let outside sources give government members money to do their bidding and call it 'lobbying.'

I mean if this happened where I live, we'd call it bribery.

AOC is on fire lately. I'm a big fan of her.

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I use duckduckgo and lately have been adding Lemmy at the beginning (like I did Reddit) and it really works. Search results come back if there is a discussion going on about the topic.

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I have a gut feeling that something really nasty is going to come out about this guy. I mean worse than we all think he already is.

I'm sorry but this makes Texas less than a third world country. This is just backwards and medieval.

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The guillotine got axed. Someone should do something about it.

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The US really should think about implementing a law about hate speech, inciting violence against others, based on race, gender, religion, etc ...

Just copy paste from the law in Belgium, the UK or Germany. That way you can round up these people and maybe in a decade have a decent society again.

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Read this about what they're planning to do in the first 180 days:

Wiki link:

Someone made a very good post recapping, but I can't find it. Even as a non American, this scares the shit out of me. Democrats need to pull their heads out of their asses now or be ready for a real life Gilead.

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I live in a country where wages are linked to a central index.

The index measures how expensive life is becoming. If the prices of products and services rise, the index rises accordingly. If the figure exceeds the so-called central index, benefits and wages will automatically increase.

So, this happened in October again and next month I'll have an increase of 2% in wages.

It's more complicated than that, but most countries should use this to protect at the very least handicapped, sick or unemployed people who live on benefits.

It's not much, but it helps in a way.

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Wow, no one is going to mention what Israel is doing to these people? I don't agree with terrorists, but the replies should be more nuanced than 'bad Palestines'.

In my eyes, as an outsider following the news, Israel has pushed Palestinians to the brink by killing Palestine civilians, seizing more of their land AGAIN and having a dictator for a president that just changed the constitution..

If you take people's land, your military kills children, films and laughs about it, push them into poverty, and then come for their homes... Sometimes this is the only way to say 'enough'.

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Why always get the gays involved? I swear, these people are obsessed with penises and projecting at this point.

I mean I'm a straight woman, I watched one video just because I was curious about the practicality of things and was too embarrassed to harass a gay friend about it.

But when I want to get horny now, it doesn't even cross my mind. Even though there was one scene with Nick Offerman that was really hot in The Last of Us.

So major projection from these people.

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Sorry, long one.

Looking back, I think my oldest sister was one of the lucky ones.

One day, this guy my parents chose, flew into the country and two weeks later they were married.

The only 'good' thing is, he wasn't really religious, not bad looking and had her back, just an overall good guy. She quickly fell for him, but still begrudging him too, because it was not her choice.

He gave her more freedom, respect and trust than my parents ever did. He'd help with the kids, clean, cook, work etc... so she could go back to school for her degree.

My parents objected to that and her walking around without a stupid headscarf they pressured her into and he told them she was his wife now, he trusted her and she could do and dress as she pleased. She got her degree and started working.

They're still happily married now after 28 years and have 3 daughters. One of them even broke the wheel and married a Belgian guy :)

Times have really changed for the better for some of us.

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There are. In the first week of the attacks, the Israel Times had a blog post about Act 2 of the war. Here's the blog post:

My country's news outlet even has a section that informs us about the disinformation campaigns going on on both sides and addressing/correcting what's probably the truth.

Edit: they're on Lemmy too.

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Maybe the Palestinians should get the chance to show a 45min video of their bodies in the US Congress or House.... Oh no, THAT right is only for the Israeli government.

I think Israel right now wants to be Ukraine. Ukraine has won the people's hearts by fighting so hard despite overwhelming odds. They're paying with their lives to stop Russia not only from destroying them, but also from invading other parts of Europe.

They should be honoured.

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No offence to dogs, but cats are perfection.

Biased view from owner of 2 asshole cats.

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He's grooming your mom and now your mom is 'grooming'/readying her entire family, so he can run away from his situation in his home country and start again. The question is this: why is he running away? He has a roof over his head, he's an adult, his aunt is forcing him to study so he can get a decent job?

Sorry this is ridiculous, he just thinks he wants an easier life and sees your mom as a way to get it. If he gets into your home, he won't be getting a job, he'll be playing games all day and eating food and doing nothing. Because that's what he wants, to be taken care of.

I'm all for giving people opportunities, but this guy has no plan, beyond living with your mom. Also, again, he's not a 'kid.' He's an adult, let him figure things out for himself, or else he'll always look for the easiest solutions and be a major problem for your family. Yes, he's scamming your mom. Show her alle these responses and tell her to grow up and protect her kids lika an adult should do.

Same. They literally changed her Asian features into that? And it's not like the changed face is prettier than her. Disgusting.

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Cunt. To go after people that have already lost everything. She probably wants to freeze them to death this winter. Instead of being human and helping them.

I have small hands and I hate that I have to jerry rig my phone with shit to just reach the upper part of it.

I'm so tired of this shit. Not everyone was dancing in the streets. You act as if it was a national holiday. Every society has it's outliers and extremists, just like Israeli settlers who are killing West bank palestinians right now and/or torturing them, even going as far as trying to rape them. So don't make comparisons, especially when you're the aggressor here.

Also, if what Israel is doing is so right, why is there so much pushback, despite their disinformation and propaganda campaign? Let that sink in. What they did was bad, what you're doing right now has overshadowed that.

Fight back? Lol. After being born in an open air prison.

After being born into oppression.

After being told they're nothing more than animals.

After being thrown in prison as a kid for decades because they threw stones at a fucking tank.

After being slowly starved to death.

After being evicted from their lands and homes by the Israeli military, AND being mocked by the very settlers that take their homes from them right in front of their faces at the same time.

After their parents, children, siblings, aunts and uncles, their entire fucking bloodline is being bombed to death.

After watching the whole world just stand there and watch them being slaughtered just because Israel has more money, so they can lobby?

After weeks of Israel secretly lobbying the EU and US to displace all Palestinians to the Sinai peninsula, you know, a fucking HUGE part of another sovereign country like that's very normal, all the while killing thousands of people for a little piece of their land? Now I understand why the Egyptian president Sisi told the EU to take in Gazans themselves, if they care so much about human rights.

After kids literally see organs and body parts flying around because of the bombing?

After having no access to water, so no drinking water, toilets, showers, dehumanising them. Opening one water source because of UN pressure and then a few days later bombing that specific water source...

After having no food for a month now.

After threatening the UN to teach them a lesson because they asked for a humanitarian pause.

After killing journalists and their entire family in precision attacks, so they can't report what's really going on?

After killing UN workers?

Right now they've also run out of medicine. One patient's lungs had to be rinsed with ginger. They use effing ginger as an antibiotic/antiseptic. One kids leg had been blown off and they had to operate without anesthesia....

You want these people to fight? LOL.

There's really no way Israel comes out of this as the 'good guy'. The atrocities they committed and still are committing in less than a month's time, has made the world forget about 7/10. THAT says something, because we thought THAT day was bad.

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He's trolling him :)

The problem is hypocrisy. If you allow actual Nazi's to walk around with swastikas in public...well this is the same.

No they were targeting them specifically from the beginning, not just now.

At least 31 Journalists have been killed and we're not even a month in.

Here's the wiki site that keeps count:

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Because this time it really could lead to WWIII. The middle east has always been a powder keg, but this time, both sides have committed such atrocities that there's no coming back from it, unless they sit back at the negotiation table. (They won't).

For the Israeli side, it's the 1400 dead and mutilated bodies and the 200 hostages they somehow forgot about. For Hamas, the last decades of living in an open air prison, harassment and dehumanising of their people. Also they have nothing to lose at this point. And the violence is not letting up.

If Israel continues with this bloodlust thing they're doing by bombing civilians, journalists and UN workers indiscriminately to death, chances are the Hezbollah's will get involved in Lebanon. They're much more organised and subsidized. When they get seriously in, it means the US will be obliged to counter attack. When the US counterattacks, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Egypt, all the Arab countries (with A SHIT TON OF MONEY) will get involved too in this war. This means more death and a war that no one will win, only more dead civilians as usual.

The more I think about it, the more I think this is Netanyahu's end goal. Forcing the US to join in on the war is their only way of winning this genocidal war. And to do that they have to antagonise all the regional players to a point that they can no longer look away from all the kids dying and start a real war on them so the Israeli can play the victim and be supported by the US and some (not all!) EU countries. This can break the world, divide the unity of the EU and pit them against the US. Africa will get involved too. Actually pit everyone against everyone....

And then we have China and Russia...this is literally their wet dream. They'll swoop in and take over after everyone of importance dies.

Sorry, just very drunk and it is still a worst case scenario...

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Yes, Belgium in Europe. Come on over!

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This is hypocrisy. Let people smoke whatever they want. We're not living in the fifties, everybody and their mother knows nicotine kills.

What they don't get is that not everybody has a wonderful life and wants to live forever.

There are bans in place for kids, and adults should have the right to decide what they want. Ban flavoured alcohol too then.

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No, they're just going to kill everyone in the north then turn around and attack the south, pressuring Egypt into opening its borders and displacing the rest of the population into the Sinai Peninsula. The blackout is back, so they can kill indiscriminately now.

Then use Gaza as a neutral zone, something like North and South Korea have to cut off all ties.

Then it's just a matter of time to do the same to the West Bank.

They're already lobbying the EU and US to put pressure on Egypt to give up the Sinai peninsula (like it's so normal to give up an entire fucking peninsula). That's why Sisi said Europe should take in Gazans themselves if they care so much about human rights.

You know about Netanyahu's plans we heard about a few days ago and everybody shrugged it off as a 'theory/study? This is exactly what's happening.

This also explains why they don't care about civilian casualties. There will be no Gaza anymore, and the more Palestinians they kill right now, the less future terrorists for them (their opinion).

How can this be legal? Sorry I'm a real dimwit today. Maybe Americans should focus on getting rid of lobbyists with money first. That'll get rid of a lot of problems.

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I'm so tired of this POS getting attention again. And I'm not even American. The amount of stress he causes me... Please let this end...

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Okay, I'll say it. His name is very ironic, guessing he's a republican. Maybe all his insecurities came from there?

Poor, poor victim. Nobody deserves that.

You get a red flag! You get a red flag! Everybody gets.. no you get a red flag!

There are no Hamas on the West bank I'm told. They are restricted to Gaza and that's why it was an open air prison. These are just Palestinians that live and work there, but are not connected to Gaza.

Besides that, they moved all the real soldiers and reservists to the frontline and allowed among others, settlers to do the policing in the region with maybe 1 IDF person in charge when shit happens. I truly believe that's the reason why we're seeing this. It's assholes driving around, looking for Palestinians torturing and killing them. Afterwards it's always in self defense.

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Off topic, but there's something really really wrong with this guy. I don't like the continuous half smirk on his face. I don't like absolutely anything about him and find him creepy.

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Agree, this is getting out of hand. It's complicated but world leaders should stop using and dividing civilians like this.

Just acknowledge that Hamas is bad, the Israeli response is bad and that civilians on both sides are paying the price.

Also, biden's biggest problems right now are that more black and Latino voters are moving to the republican side. The polling today was really worrying.

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They sue newspapers and media that say anything unfavourable about them. That's why BBC and other outlets are being super careful what and how they word shit.

A part of that 14 billion is going to propaganda and lawyers to sway public opinion.

Just one point of view: I'm too poor to even buy food, but pirating books keeps me informed about current affairs and shit. It also enables me to stay alive because I still have access to my favourite authors, which makes me so happy and try to stay alive for one more release date.

Full disclosure: I've gone from a very good job to debilitating disability over 10 years in Europe. Also, before this, I bought hardback books of everything I liked. I'll do this again as soon as I can afford it. I'll always support authors as much as I can.

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I know that one: no, no they don't.

'Indeed, a woman is five times more likely to be murdered when her abuser has access to a gun.'

Read this link if you want to know more

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It always starts with abortion rights, every time they want to control women and ban LBGTQ+. Poland is known for wanting to keep the 'traditional family unit' as it is and cracking down on everyone that's different.

Next is to take away their financial independence with the 'stay home and take care of the children' fase. So no way out.

Then comes the 'I'm the man of the house, so you do as I say or I'll report you to the authorities' fase. Lots of marital rapes and domestic violence in this fase...

Then it's the marrying out your 14 year old daughter's to your friends to get any sort of power... Sorry I'm describing handmaid's tale at this point. Or any fascists state...

But I heard with the latest elections young Polish people might turn things around.