Are there r/WorldNews Israel bots or am I hallucinating to Ask – 57 points –

I just noticed that there are quite a few users on Reddit from r/WorldNews who are defending Israel unequivocally and when I checked some of the users they seemed to be engaging on topics only about Israel/Palestine and they seem to be extremely active, so I have checked the Internet and there are even some older BBC article and Reddit posts discussing exactly this issue:


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There are. In the first week of the attacks, the Israel Times had a blog post about Act 2 of the war. Here's the blog post:

My country's news outlet even has a section that informs us about the disinformation campaigns going on on both sides and addressing/correcting what's probably the truth.

Edit: they're on Lemmy too.

I remember back when r/conspiracy blamed everything to the left of the John Birch Society on Mossad, because they liked exchanging "Jewish" with "Israeli" to look less like raging anti-semites.

But in reality... Mossad does exist. Duh. Foreign intelligence and propaganda campaigns are universal.

Yeah the thing about Mossad is that they’re on par with the CIA in ambition and skill and unfortunately they also happen to be Jewish. One side is going to look at them because CIA-like, the other is going to look at them because Jewish.

Frankly I think they’re probably trying to influence things some, but from what I hear they’re more of the assassin type. I think a lot of people have a lot of interest in the United States heavily funding Israel and ignoring Ukraine. And the people who benefit from us not throwing massive amounts of weapons at Israel tend to suck at influencing us in these ways

What country/news outlet is that? This should be more common

Have you noticed specific instances on lemmy?

Belgium's VRT. I've seen other countries' outlets starting to do it too.

The link says nothing about bots.

You are making this sound more mysterious than it is.

The benign terminology in this blog article is: “act 2” is the ground offensive, the “act 1” was Hamas’ attacks on Oct 7. There’s also no mention of “act 3”.

Did you read the article? It's suggesting Israeli citizens step into conversations and defend Israel. No need for bots, there are people to do it.

I did, and it says things, but not the things that the original commenter said, nor implied. But apparently calling out misinformation is not welcome here.

They didn't say anything about bots? Not sure what you're trying to call out.

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