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Joined 11 months ago

Are they really defining one slang term using two other slang terms?

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Not just lesbians - be afraid, little kitty

Many copyright holders believe that if they’re able to communicate with pirates, a proportion will change their behavior.

Yes, they will probably be more careful next time

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Scots isn't just an accent, it's a language in its own right.

Although honestly I'm not sure how much of this is Scots and how much is just specific to Scottish twitter lol

So actually having done some more reading this isn't Scots - I'm fairly sure this is Scottish English which is somewhat a merging of Scots with English.

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I think *LLMs to do everything is the bubble. AI isn't going anywhere, we've just had a little peak of interest thanks to ChatGPT. Midjourney and the like aren't going anywhere, but I'm sure we'll all figure out that LLMs can't really be trusted soon enough.

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And in between are all the ones about LSD. It's a mystery really.

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If I'm asking directions I'm probably not somewhere where I have a good sense of what's north based on local knowledge. Yeah, I can probably find North here in my home town... But I wouldn't know any of that about New York.

Do you have an example? Just curious.

Personally I'd rather have crowd sourced bias than the bias of one really rich dude anyways.

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Gamers lose when the store shuts down and you lose access to all of the games you got for free, or worse actually paid for.

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Really thought from the picture that the mother roomba was deploying a swarm of cleaning bots to cover more ground.

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Machine Learning is such a better name. It describes what is happening - a machine is learning to do some specific thing. In this case to take text and output pictures... It's limited by what it learned from. It learned from arrays of numbers representing colours of pixels, and from strings of text. It doesn't know what that text means, it just knows how to translate it into arrays of numbers... There is no intelligence, only limited learning.

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It's shit like this that will eventually drive me away from windows. I was baffled when it appeared.

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If this is the same startup I read about a while ago... Well the technology doesn't actually exist. There's a vague suggestion that maybe lucid dreams could be induced through techniques that are not properly understood yet, and that's about it.

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I think that's a misunderstanding of how ADHD, and in fact mental illness in general, works. Perhaps for some people removing the distraction will work, but more often in my experience another will just fit in its place. The phone is not the problem, it is a symptom.

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They don't want to "kill Firefox" though. They want people to use Google products in all forms - using Google through Firefox is better than scattering users to other browsers without a Google default. By forcing users to Chromium they don't just kill Firefox, they direct users TO ever more Google products in the process.

I love the typo in your transcription. I do in fact feel the masculine urge to be a bridge.

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In the UK we use metric and imperial so you can buy things in kilos but also measure your efficiency in MPG. Welcome to the island of the future/past.

Here's a fun fact I just learned!

It's fairly well known nowadays that lemmings do not, in fact, follow one another off cliffs to their deaths. The myth has been persistent for many years, and was notably perpetuated by Disney in their documentary White Wilderness, which showed lemmings apparently diving from a cliff to their deaths. Truly though, these lemmings had been flown half way across the world and were thrown from the cliffs by the documentary's producers.

I feel like the kind of "freedom" players want from an RPG is somewhat inconsistent with playing as a specific character, i.e. Geralt. For me, I want to be my own character and decide who they are and what they do. I never really got on with Geralt because I don't want to be a moody medieval jedi, I'd much rather be a whimsical wizard or something.

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Chat GPT repeats itself over and over, wouldn't surprise me if these articles were written by AI

Altruism is not without reward, even if it seems like it is. No one acts selflessly for no reason, they do so because they are rewarded by their body with dopamine and other "reward" hormones - i.e. because it feels good to do so.

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And -5 farenheit is.. just a bit colder than fuck? I understand what temperatures I start feeling cold perfectly well in Celsius, I know roughly when I'll need a jacket, when I'll need a hat and scarf... Farenheit tells me nothing because I don't know about it. Sure, 0 is very cold, but where is "cold enough to wear a jacket"? It's most likely never going to reach 0°F where I live, and it won't reach 100°F outside of very rare summer days... Beyond those extremes it's not useful to me because I don't know it.


I have a sneaking suspicion that if she had two vaginas she might have realised somewhere before child number 4.

Hmmm, yes .. "Scientists are researching a device" aka "this device does not exist nor does the technology required to build it"

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The problem with this conflict in particular is that taking the side of Palestine has become synonymous with taking the side of Hamas, or with simply being antisemitic. It's essential if you want to express any support for Palestine that you also painstakingly lay out exactly what you support and what you don't, otherwise.... Well, the onion said it best.

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I appreciate where you're coming from, I have ADHD too, but it's true that if the answer is "I can't do that" and "that" needs to be done... Then I shouldn't be the one whose responsibility it is to do it. I've taken on more responsibility in my current job than I can handle, and that was a huge mistake. It is not on my employer to just put up with that because I'm neurodivergent, obviously they have a role to play in supporting me but I also need to understand what my limits and strengths are and work within them.

No, the title is poorly worded. They are testing a technology that could redirect an asteroid, there isn't one that is currently a concern.

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Captchas aren't made to "defeat AI logic", the human detection happens in part outside the picture selection part. The picture selection is for training AI. In this case you are training an AI to distinguish the (potentially abstract) concept of warmth.

Consider replacing one of your kidneys.

I assume that people are reading this buny as in bunny but I can't help but hear buny as in puny in my head

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Ok so who's deciding which people are evil and which aren't? There are plenty of wrong things (according to me, today) that have been consensus among some for hundreds or even thousands of years. Adults marrying children. Slavery. Execution of homosexuals.

Or consider that vegan/vegetarians would say that slaughtering animals is wrong, and that they know that in the same "innate" way that you're describing... and yet the majority disagree with them. So who's right? Where can we get this objectivity? If it's just our "gut" then I'm sorry but there is not a single morality, there are 7 billion separate objective moralities.

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Just because you don't like crumpets doesn't mean there's a need for genocide

Surely that's the vaccine, not the needle?

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Cum is used (at least in British English) to mean "with" or "also used as", e.g. basement-cum-bedroom would be a basement that is also a bedroom. Not, in fact, a basement bedroom where you do all your masturbating.

Man I can't come up with anything that isn't just utter nonsense when actually tripping. Granted these songs have nonsense lyrics, but there's no way I could put my nonsense to music while watching the walls melt 😂 it's impressive that they managed as much sense as they did.

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People probably don't want to lose their job because they can't afford to. You acknowledged it yourself in your OP, most people don't have the money to just leave a job. I could probably afford to be out of work for a little while, but I've been applying for jobs for ages with no luck... So I'm not exactly confident even my reasonable nest egg would last me until I found something.

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Isn't the point that you don't have a choice to just buy a house, because there are obstacles that prevent it. In the same way, I don't have a choice to use Linux or whatever other foss alternative to the stuff I use daily because my laptop is owned by the company I work for and their policies dictate that it runs windows etc.

Tbf if you're used to the ol' emoticons its muscle memory in a way that emojis can't be because your frequently used ones are always moving (at least on my phone).

Oh damn I did not know Vihart was still going! Tis a good day.