4 Post – 193 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

If bots actually do start frequenting Reddit, and they get hard to detect, the AI content generation will start poisoning itself. Isn't that cool?

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Much ado about nothing. The biggest freak-outs about this tend to be by people who weren't even particularly good to begin with. Like Taylor Silverman, the skater who lost to a trans woman... And multiple children as young as ten.

If you want to talk about hormone levels and time spent transitioning, there's a conversation to be had, but the right isn't having it. For example, the movie Lady Ballers was supposed to be a documentary that proved men could dominate women's sports by pretending to be transgender, but everybody involved eventually backed out after discovering the effort it would take to actually transition, even for the purpose of showing up the so-called woke left.

During a recent episode of The Ben Shapiro Show, cast member and conservative commentator Ben Shapiro — whose previous credits include spending nearly 45 minutes throwing a tantrum over the Barbie movie’s existence — said that they originally intended to make as a documentary. But then they found out that (gasp!) a group of bigoted cis men in bad wigs can’t simply participate in women’s sports.

“As it turns out, most ladies’ leagues don’t allow any actual men, and [the actors] weren’t willing to go the full distance in terms of what it would require, the actual hormone treatments, to actually play in ladies’ leagues,” Shapiro admitted during an interview with Boering about the film

Of course, those conversations about testosterone levels will also unfairly target black women, who have been targeted in the past by the same shrill white women using almost the exact same tactics as we see today.

But respectfully.

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Unironically time for America to be World Police, this one time

I've told all my friends to only talk to me on Signal, and they both do.

Being correct on the internet. 100% so far

I made another post asking how people who wouldn't vote were planning on doing direct action, and I got criticized for not asking about the people who were... so I made this post.

I can't win

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I want some insight into your mind and how you think leftism is mainstream. First, can you define leftism in a way that matches the dictionary, and then can you explain how it isn't counterculture

I've never had to double check the results of my calculator by redoing the problem manually, either.

Marvel movies aren't leftist, and their comedy isn't leftist either. That's not even political really. You're describing a Flanderization of Joss Whedon comedy tropes

We're like a century past innovation making our 40 hour work week into a 20 hour one

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Take On Me because the rotoscoping work is amazing, and now more movies need to embrace it.

  • closest movie: Cool World, which is basically an avant-garde music video of its own, with people transitioning between the 2D and 3D worlds

Turbo Killer because it has fast cars, violence, and Satanism

  • closest movie: Rock and Rule, set in a furry cyberpunk dystopia "where magic and technology collide", featuring glowing pentagons and shiny (not as fast) cars
  • second closest movie: Nicolas Cage's Mandy. Just wait for it...
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It's Always Sunny is probably the closest thing to leftist comedy you'll find

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The posters are propaganda. Nobody is going to find a missing Israeli child in the United States, which is where the posters were.

Removing propaganda that is being used as an excuse for genocide is a good thing, not exactly sure how you consider it stupid.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You're asking about a collective and also a singular...

Just in general I'd say that if you're trying to quit a habit around trans women, go the extra mile and quit it around cis ones too. For the collective "hey guys" I have no one-word replacement ("folks/folx" sounds equally southern and somehow more cringe), but you could replace the whole phrase with "hey everybody", "hi gang", "how are you all", or just "hey".

When speaking to any woman, I would advise against calling them "dude" or "man." Full stop. No further thoughts necessary on that one.

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  1. Nobody had responded when you wrote this
  2. What a persecution complex
  3. Twitter is owned by a transphobe with a personal vendetta against his own child for being trans. You are not being discriminated against

I swear I'm American (and it doesn't matter to me because hopefully the debate > my identity), but what would you clock me to be? Am I European or Canadian or something?

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This is the content I missed from Reddit

fedora tipping intensifies

Yeah I'm kind of surprised this is the complaint because the Biden admin has been particularly strong on workers rights issues

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America is giving money to Israel which is genociding Palestinians in Gaza.

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Are you talking about an artist exclusively running their images through an AI model until it is capable of regenerating images that look like it was created by them and have some semblance of intent?

In order to get anything that looks remotely like what people want, I'm pretty sure they would have to upload millions of pictures of their own creation first. So most people just layer their images on top of the giant mash of ethically sketchy data that already was there.

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Barbie and Ken.

Nice try, FBI. Not today, CIA

I'm here to repeal and replace good things, and I'm all out of "replace".

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"Buddy" elicits so many conflicting feelings in me.

Encino Man "buuuuudy"

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OP was looking for good alternatives, that one is an alt right cesspit

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Even if you adopt hardline Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as an ideology, the modern state of China has applied so much pro-capitalist revisionism to it that it's a shell of its former self. Today, Maoist parties are suppressed in China.

I'm not a Maoist by a long shot, but I can at least appreciate the fact that the ones shouting "revisionism!" the most are the ones who have most bastardized their own texts.

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I remember back when r/conspiracy blamed everything to the left of the John Birch Society on Mossad, because they liked exchanging "Jewish" with "Israeli" to look less like raging anti-semites.

But in reality... Mossad does exist. Duh. Foreign intelligence and propaganda campaigns are universal.

That's an easy one: no, because they are animals.

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He doesn't advertise himself as a journalist who filters things.

But if you want him to be held responsible for filtering what he releases, why didn't he filter the list of gay people in countries where being gay is a death sentence?

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Mentioning downvotes. Or upvotes. The first rule of vote club is...

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And Israel sure does love culling up to 1.3% of the population of Gaza

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They're starting to roll ads into AI-generated comments, and are selling off user data. It really does suck.

I'm petty sure this whole comment is satire but

I liked the bit about poll watching. Is this a checklist for things that will be infiltrated for the next election?

I'm pretty much pulling from the stuff that right-wingers have talked about infiltrating from the lowest levels and saying we should do it first. Moms for Liberty is a fascist group with actual pull. Steve Bannon wants the fashies to join local boards.

I don't always watch them, but when I do, they are AI generated and have really obscure titles like "He is the last man on earth"

Exactly; where do I go to learn why you did that?

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Only when people can afford to have a hobby.

Or post revolution.

My first thought would be "why can't I load Lemmy" as they DDOSed the site

Shy of that, "good for them." Glad they wouldn't choose anything worse 😉