USA leftists against voting in favor of Direct Action: What's the Direct Action? to Ask – 3 points –

I have seen a lot of leftists advocate for direct action and opposition to casting any vote. What's the plan for this direct action? What will its effectiveness be against a potential project 2025?

(This question is not directed to anyone who has decided to vote and engage in direct action, or the two Trump supporters on Lemmy.)


This sounds like a rumor started by conservatives to keep people away from the polls. Trump ONLY has a chance if people don't show up.

I have no idea what you're talking about officer. 🙂's #1 suggestion for leftists is........ killing themselves.

Welp.’s #1 suggestion for leftists is… killing themselves.

That's a fucking lie, I didn't suggest anyone do this. For some more context:

Bushnell's sacrifice was so fucking brave and should be honored, which is why PFLP and Hamas both made statements of support. It's the highest form of protest and the only single act of protest that has ever accomplished anything in history. How dare you say his sacrifice was in vain?

That's not a suggestion. That's a fact. No other protest will ever matter the way this does. Rest in power Aaron Bushnell.

I'm too scared to die, but I also know that's the only thing I could ever hope to do that would ever matter. I'm nothing compared to that.

Maybe I deserve to die. I've spent my entire life supporting the empire with my labor and consumption and taxes. My inaction kills thousands and what do I fucking do about it? Whine? I'll never accomplish a fraction of what Bushnell did. I'm worthless.

You definitely aren’t worthless and your voice does matter. Vote.

What Aaron Bushnell did took incredible courage, no doubt, but sadly it won’t change much in this day and age with so much information being shared constantly 24/7.

Vote for genocide?

I'd rather die.

There is more than 2 options … and if you think everyone is out to kill everyone else you’ve been brainwashed and are naive. No one is perfect, no. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote for someone that ticks most of the boxes for you.

No one ticks most of the boxes for me! The best I can do is vote for the lesser of two genocides.

I'd rather die.

I don't think the leftists in the United States could stand a chance against the local right wing gun nut, let alone an independent right wing militia, let alone the full force of the U.S. government.

That your plan?

Now Comes the Part Where We Throw Our Heads Back and Laugh!

I have no idea what you're talking about officer. 🙂

If you believed Joe Biden is as much of a fascist as Donald Trump, then you had four years to do something about it. What happened from 2021 to today? Nothing. You sat on your ass.

The Right has carried out two insurrections in plain sight (Jan 6 and Texas), and next time we have one, the far right will be blessed by the government.

If you think you can do something, godspeed, butwhy would anyone think that the next four years would be different from the last four?

I voted for Biden to "stop fascism" in 2020.

He proved that was fucking stupid when he became a genocide collaborator and I'm not making that mistake again. I now believe he's as much of a fascist as Donald Trump, which is why he keeps trying to collaborate with the fascists to get a fascist border deal passed.

But! I have no idea what you mean by "do something about it" officer. I'm a good citizen, I would never do anything. 🙂

You can pretend you're part of a superior in-group within the left, but I hope other leftists will stumble across your replies and realize that they haven't been given any plan by anti-voters either.

Your replies are cope. A LARP.

I'm not pretending shit, I'm telling you the literal truth. There is no "in-group". There is no "plan". I keep telling you that I'm not doing anything, officer, but you keep trying to bait me anyway. I wonder why! 🤔

...and you don't even bother to suggest doing anything. No soup kitchens, no organizing, no running for local office, no nothing.

It's just a LARP.

I will say that soup kitchens are good but they can never accomplish anything beyond feeding people.

But I'm not going to performatively suggest doing something that doesn't matter. What else you got? Petitions? Marches? 🙄

You're 100% correct, and I'm voting across the board for Republicans so that the DNC will stop running facist neo-cons. It's like Biden's policies have been written for him by Trump, absolutely sickening.


Voting doesn't accomplish anything. You can't push Dems to the left, they'll shit in your mouth and blame you for having bad breath.

Hmm well I have thoughts on this but since I support voting and direct action it sounds like you don’t care lol

Tbh, I'd love to hear good ideas for direct action too.

I generally prefer actions that undermine systems of oppression while also helping people. As you point out we aren’t in a position to militarily defeat the government or anyone really and honestly I’m not even sure that’s desirable anyway. Maybe I’m naive but I choose to believe that the world can be changed nonviolently.

So things like mutual aid, working in your community to plant trees, build organizations and infrastructure that directly help people, etc. On the more confrontational side, political marches and rallies, especially when organized as a sustained pressure campaign that targets specific decision-makers with specific demands, civil disobedience that directly makes it harder for the agents of oppression to do their work but that doesn’t harm the general public.

In the current context, the best actions are those that raise awareness and build sympathy for your movement while also reversing, slowing or stopping harm.

I know that’s a little vague but I think there are many activities that can contribute. So find your people and your niche and get to work. I’m just starting out in this journey myself so I’m sure I have more to learn too.