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What’s wrong with Neil’s beard?

I’ll take a personal day. Maybe I’ll watch, maybe I’ll just slob on the sofa, we’ll see…

Boy, sure would be nice if there were literally any consequences at all for him, wouldn’t it?

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I want to use my main mail address everywhere, even public places.

No you don’t. It’s not quite as simple, but buy your own domain, get an email provider such as Fastmail that will let you use a catch-all, then use a unique address for every site you visit.

Then if one starts receiving spam, you can block that specific address and voila, no more spam. Plus you know what sites have either poor customer detail hygiene or are actively selling your details.

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“After some initial trouble, you will ascend to new heights”

Edit: just realised that’s a bit dark if it was Judas’s fortune…

Sure, but if he doesn’t put it up at the beginning, why does anyone think he’ll pay up if he loses? He’ll just keep delaying, as he’s done all along with all of these cases. And if he wins the election, it’ll all go away anyway, which is the “all in” gamble his while life is basically riding on.

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Counterpoint - if people don’t need to take crappy jobs just to afford food and shelter, those jobs will have to provide better pay and conditions to get employees.

Also, if more people can afford to get further education, you’ll get more doctors and engineers and high skilled workers, because they’ll be able to do the training instead of getting several minimum wage jobs just to support their families.

I’ve said it before - any society that can afford billionaires can afford to feed, clothe, shelter and provide basic medical care to all is members, it’s just choosing not to.

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Oh, I was hoping they were going to literally trap him inside a giant obelisk. Shame.

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They’ve been together over 40 years, I’d be fairly surprised. But if that’s who they are, I’d obviously support both of them.

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If the threat of a fascist dictator who’s currently liable for half a billion dollars of damages from his defamation (of his rape victim) and his decades of real estate fraud (not to mention his homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, xenophobia, insurrection and arguably straight up treason, Christ the list goes on) doesn’t get people voting then honestly, your vaunted republic deserves to fall.

Or you could vote for “literally none of that” Biden.

But hey, tricky choice, right?

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Or, and hear me out, not fucking that. Just give me the next year and let me import the character.

Or a brand new story in a different time period with a brand new character.

Want a different coloured hat, or a new type of mount? By all means, have cosmetic paid DLC.

But the all-in-one single player story was the good bit. Don’t fuck that up for the sequel.

I’ve seen stories about this. If it’s so hot it makes someone else ill, but you can eat it, you’re fine. If you maliciously make it too hot for anyone, that’s apparently unacceptable.

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Why can’t they just be happy being a male and just wear feminine clothes?

My god, you’re a genius. No trans person has ever tried “just being happy” with how they are. They put themselves through the misery and surgery and social stigmatisation, when all they had to do was “be happy”.

I bet you could solve depression too, if you put your mind to it.

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Why? Because it makes you feel better?

I think they know themselves and what they need better than you do.

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What do you think a leftist is?

Any film where the entire cast aren’t straight white men fighting over a prize woman is “radical left” and simply watching it will turn you into a disabled trans lesbian in the name of forced diversity.


They’ll never take over from Betamax…

The revelation will place Lord Cameron and prime minister Rishi Sunak under intense pressure because any such legal advice would mean the UK had to cease all arms sales to Israel without delay

Fucking do it

Designate India as an “unsafe” tourist destination and suggest people travel elsewhere instead. Advise businesses to avoid sending staff there for any reason and recommend (not mandate) that they look at reducing trade and presence there.

I’m no economist, so I have no idea how blunt that instrument is or how it would affect domestic or Indian economies, but it’s an idea…

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Again, you’re basing all of this on your opinion of what a woman is.

And you’re wrong. It’s as simple as that.

The last time I tried to install Windows 11 on a VM (Nutanix AHV), I had to fiddle with a virtual TPM and lost the live migration feature as a result.

Dos this mean I can install the LTSC version, not need the TPM and have a working, live migrate-able machine?

Something to test next week…

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Same here. I floundered and ended up on Kbin. Then that had a massive outage and I discovered that lemmy had Voyager, and bam!

America, no!


Sorry, force of habit

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You’re a transphobe and an asshole. Got it.

You’ve had your shower thoughts, everyone is telling you why you’re wrong. At best your ideas are from the last century. At worst you’re just a troll. We can’t make you get with the times or summon the smallest amount of empathy for other people, but we can shun you for your offensive attitudes.

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It’s not a film, but David Tennant and Michael Sheen in Good Omens.

Until the hardware breaks and you can’t find refinements.

Edit: replacements, bloody autocorrect!

I’m sorry, you made some great points, but all I can take away from that is that your idea of heaven is becoming a Ninja Turtle…? 🤣

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If the government can get your current email or bank account shut down, why do you think they couldn’t/wouldn’t do that on a government-provided one?

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Yes, a label is just a more versatile folder. If you don’t like that, you can just use a single label per email, but I genuinely can’t see any value in that. But you can if you want.

Nice try, but no, the correct response was “I got better…”

A newt?

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The water infrastructure was nationalised decades ago. Each reason has a single private company that maintains the pipes, supply, treatment etc. to everyone in that area. Being private companies, the execs have been getting massive bonuses while dumping raw sewage into public waterways recently. And why? Because as someone else here said: after Brexit, the government got rid of the environmental laws saying they couldn’t. And when you’re a monopoly in your area, are you going to spend money on treating water you don’t have to, or give that money to the shareholders?

It’s a fucking disgrace, a lot of people should go to prison for it and the whole system should be renationalised. But then people in government would lose money, and we can’t have that now, can we?

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I read it as saying the current PlayStation exclusive content (apparently you get to buy a shop and there’s a whole Thing when you go in there) will be made available for everyone else.

So that’s nice. Those of us that don’t have a PlayStation can now experience everything we’ve already paid for.

It’s like… I want to disagree with you, but you’re making me think.

Why are we ok with having required services that are only provided by third party companies?

They’re not specific - No government says you must have a Facebook or Twitter account. But you’re right - you have to have a bank account and you’ll not get far in 2024 without email.

What about a step further? If you want a phone number, you need a landline or mobile. Both of those are only provided by private companies too…

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Depends how bad at walking they are…


Alright, Columbo, calm down.

Ok, legit sremoved from that, but I do approve of the way they showed their working.

Edit: do I have to write “snicker” like an American? Does some bot suffer from the Scunthorpe problem here?

It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.

What if Alice has told you their preferred pronouns are they/them? Would you still call them ‘her’ in spite of their wishes?

If Geoff is happy with being called ‘he’, then sure, he went to the match.

I think it only sounds clunky because we’re not so used to it. Imagine a child today being brought up knowing “they” is a perfectly normal individual or group pronoun alongside he and she. In ten years, it won’t sound weird to them (hah) at all.

Not sure why you’re downvoted for that. I’m a meat eater, and I’ll admit veganism seems more ethical. But it’s too inconvenient to give up meat, so I don’t. And having vegans around reminds me that I could be doing more to make the world a better place. So guilt.

Probably helped by the fact that none of the vegans I know are preachy about it, so I can’t just assume they’re all assholes either.