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I think the issue is that there is sexual imagery of the person being created and shared without that persons consent.

It's akin to taking nude photos of someone without their consent, or sharing nude photos with someone other than their intended audience.

Even if there were no stigma attached to nudes, that doesn't mean someone would their nudes to exist or be shared.

I've had my eye on the Framework 16 and it has an option for an AMD processor and dedicated graphics card.

My masters degree in statistics has been instrumental in my job, both in getting the job and using the skills I learned on a daily basis.

My degree 100% improved my life and opened doors for me that I wouldn't even have known about without it.

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Anyone interested in a local llm should check out Llamafile from Mozilla.

I typically only go when she’s working because she and I get along well

I think this was the part where things might have gotten creepy

At the risk of sounding like a monster, I can't think of a single main/side I wouldn't combo.

Can you give an example that doesn't go together?

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Iran and the Hamas leadership have never had the Gazan civilian's best interest at heart; they've just used Israel and the fight against occupation as an excuse to maintain power and expand their influence.

Israel is conducting this genocide, but Israel never would have had an excuse to enter the Gaza strip without the attack on October 7th. Hamas had to have known their attack wouldn't accomplish anything and would illicit a strong and disproportionate response from Israel. Now the citizens of Gaza are paying the price while the Hamas leadership fucks off to chill in Qatar.

Where did you get "it costs literally 12 cents a box"? Is that a random number for effect or do you have some insider knowledge and know that for sure?

Either way is fine with me, just curious because it seems like a very small amount after paying for the raw materials, the workers wages, the shipping costs, and the grocery store overhead, etc.

Sorry for not making it more clear, that is an example of how FUD works and not something I know for certain is FUD.

It has a lot of the hallmarks of a Russian FUD campaign. It's catchy, it's easy to explain and understand, it has a very strong appeal to emotion, it's easy for someone to participate in and feel good about themselves, it allows participants to feel connected to a cause without actually having to really do anything, it undermines Biden's presidency to the benefit of Russia and Trump.

Given the timing, the nature of the campaign, how it seems to be spreading, and who benefits from it, I think that there's a really good chance that Russians or some other group are amplifying and spreading the campaign even if they didn't originate it.

I am open to the possibility that it's a purely organic campaign, however we're unlikely to ever know with certainty if the vote uncommited campaign is FUD or organic. Unfortunately that's just the nature of FUD which makes it so effective.

I'm a data scientist for a mid-size finance company.

Are you implying FUD is a conspiracy theory? Or that FUD exists on the fediverse is a conspiracy theory? Or that the recent "vote uncommitted movement is FUD" is the conspiracy theory?

Regardless, I'm not dismissing the vote uncommitted opinion, and I certainly don't dislike it. Even if the "vote uncommitted" movement is Russian FUD I'm all in on it, and I'm even committed to taking it a step further because I'm so upset about the Joe Biden's extreme facists policies.

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You're 100% correct, and I'm voting across the board for Republicans so that the DNC will stop running facist neo-cons. It's like Biden's policies have been written for him by Trump, absolutely sickening.

I updated my comment so hopefully it's clearer. Its well documented that Russia and China use social media to spread FUD, which undoubtedly includes the fediverse.

This part is conjecture: it seems likely that the fediverse is an entry point for FUD because the lack of moderation and the large number of users sympathetic to their cause.

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That was an example of how FUD works. I can see why you think state sponsored FUD is a conspiracy that doesn't exist.

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Which part is the theory?

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That would be almost as stupid as attacking a country with an extreme rightwing government run by people who are looking for an excuse to use their incredibly powerful military to seize your land. A government run by a corrupt politician that would love to have a war that lasts as long as possible so they cling to power.

Hamas probably wouldn't shoot down food aid planes, but they're certainly stupid enough to try.

That's an interesting take. It seems like this thread is about sending a message to the DNC establishment, but maybe I missed the restriction of "sending a message to the DNC, but only through the Washington state primary".

There is no strawman, only lived experience.

I'm not talking about the primary, my apologies for conflating the two streams of thought.

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That's not really a conspiracy theory. It's exactly how propaganda and state sponsored FUD works.

The spreaders of propaganda find a point where they can create dissension, create a talking point around that point of dissension, convince people that it's their idea to buy into the dissension.

Example of how FUD works. This is not something that I know happened. This is just a hypothetical example of FUD works, it is not known fact. I was not sitting in a room with a bunch of Russian agents that decided to AstroTurf beehaw or some other radical left wing Lemmy instance with a trendy talking point so they can influence the 2024 American presidential election in an effort to get a president elected who will withdraw American support for NATO, eleminate funding for the Ukraine war effort, and support Zionist ambitions in Israel. This is just an example of how FUD works.

Russia/RNC/whoever see they can exploit the genocide in Israel to weaken Joe Biden by framing him as a perpetrator of genocide. They go on internet forums that are sympathetic to this cause like Lemmy. They pose as upset Democratic voters that are going to teach the DNC a lesson by refusing to vote for Joe Biden and help get Trump reelected. They have bad faith discussions with well meaning but gullible Lemmings (known as useful idiots or "UI") and convince the UI that not supporting Joe Biden is the right thing to do and that the UI is a reasonable person that is just responding the facts in front of them. They do this by coming up with catchy nicknames like Genocide Joe and appealing to the UI's need to feel heard and be represented. The UI then goes about their day spreading this message far and wide never realizing they were manipulated into believing something and engaging in an action that will ultimately harm them.

It's standard procedure perfected by the Russians over the last 10 years or so. People are incredibly easy to manipulate, that's why advertising and marketing are so effective.

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Right? I used to think like the other sheep and vote for the do least harm candidate. Now I'm going to show the DNC that I can't be bullied and vote Republican for everything, MAGA!

That will hold Joe Biden accountable and show the Democrats that there are consequences for their actions.

No he's not, and because the DNC isn't doing exactly what I want I'm voting for Trump. We have have to show the DNC that if they aren't running the candidates that are exactly in line with us we aren't going to blindly fall in line.

And let's face it, ours is the only voice that deserves to be heard. Moderade Democrats have run this country into the ground and we need to take it back by voting Republican up and down the ballot.

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