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Joined 11 months ago

Correct! He sued his way into being called a founder.

I cant say I know what this shithead has contributed to society if anything but a place for toXicity to grow.

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Cops are so fucking dumb. The cap is still on the bottle!

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It sure will teach them never to be a nintendo fan again.

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I thought the same, mint mobile. I was like wtf does credit karma have to do with phone service.

My theory is that Putin is waiting on the US presidential elections. To see if Trump will win and back him in his warmongering.

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She already was. Saying weeks ago she'd pardon him and all.

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Disagree. Lemmy's porn in like 75% just bots reposting content.

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Theres also usb drives that are designed to short circuit your computer. Frying the motherboard.

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Spez said himself he likes what Elon was doing.

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Good way to get yourself blackballed from the industry if you give a bad complaint from previous employer.

Next make it a law that companies must inform you when they sell your info.

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Hand holding scenes.

Next, remove the presidential pardon power.

Meanwhile.... https://lemmy.world/post/13656660

Only $5000 fine

Its all commercials now anyways. Of course no one is listening.

I have seen two of my neighbors flying the Trump flag. I feel its like flying the confederate flag. A declaration that you are a racist evil POS.

Go watch the end of alien again. She's tossing that animal crate around like a ups driver. That cat would be dead.

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Do you not remember the youtube drama over someone claiming the word "react"?

That was only 1 word...

Never pre-order. Learned that long ago. Even games I have waited on for a long time, i'll still wait. Starfield was most recent example of that.

I think I will break the rule though for the factorio DLC, if they do a preorder.

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Republicans dont represent the people. Only the oligarchs.

Those that were just getting to sleep for the night when he cast his wish....

You would need a functioning judicial system for that to happen.

Twitch has increased their ad blocking techniques for the last 3 years or so. Twitch has been a lot more advanced and aggressive with their method. Yet, there are still ways to subvert the ads on twitch. If I didnt read lemmy, i wouldnt even know youtube was doing anything. I have just basic adblocking ublock

Although every once in a while, twitch will release a new technique and it might take 24 hours to solve.

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Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to harass others.

DeSantis went too hard on being a fascist too quickly. You have to trickle in the evilness to fool the republican voters.

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All it does is make it to where there is a HIGH chance for packages and mail to be misdelivered. Nobody wants this... whoever was the developer needs to have someone else do it if they are that lazy.

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Here in Houston, doubt many here would back his bullshit.

In fact, Abbott barely won texas against Beto, who has said that he actually wants to take guns from people. In texas...

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If Putin doesn't like it, then Trump doesn't like it. He probably doesn't even know why.

They missed the best part when he was calling the fallen soldiers losers. Trump also said he didnt know if the allied forces were the good guys during ww2.

They had issues with Mr. Rogers... fox news claimed he was evil...

Eventually jail... No it wont. No faith in the courts to do what is needed.

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But if you announce it outside of april 1st, you're the fool then.

New York will seize his properties in New York.

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He was well washed out before the slap.

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Behind bars atleast.

Surely fox news will tell them how to think.

The dude bragged about how he had mein keimf on his bedstand.

Him and Desantis both studied hitler and wannabe him.

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Crackheads. -- "look at all that copper!!"

Probably hoisin sauce

Your argument sounds very similar to when people argue that video games promote violence and criminal activity.

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