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Joined 13 months ago

From the guy who said 640Kb is enough for anyone..

I have to admit, this one took me a minute 🙂

Ah this again.. BMW offers an indicator subscription.. you get 10 free flashes per month, and then if you haven't bought in, it's pay per flash.. sheesh.. how is that hard to understand? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Future penny stock.

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Chances are, If you can afford the car, then that amount is nothing to you.

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I'm baffled that the republicans thought putting a senile proven fraudster, insurrectionist and sexual predator with a bunch of pending court cases against him was a good idea..

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A simple counter idea to this can be summarised in one question; Why have we not made an effort to introduce ourselves to ants?

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Guns are licensed strictly for hunting only and our kids come home from school without being shot.

Glad I jumped off that train..

I like the shock and aw factor trying to be ilicited here.. forgetting where the dude is from and how his family made their money.. a tiger doesn't change its stripes.

No it isn't.. not on my watch.

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I imagine that would make emergency deplaning take a lot longer to the point lives could be lost if there were a fire.

Anyone got a link? I need to see it for masturbation research. 😁

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What if you don't find his wife attractive?

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I have a BMW motorbike, it's a tiered subscription, the level I'm on allows for 10 flashes per month 😁

My last ever hp printer went in the e waste skip last week for a similar reason.

Given they quietly walked back their stance on military projects during the altman drama my guess would be MI related contracts.

Definitely lolcode.. HAI Can Has stdio KTHXBYE :)

So they built skynet?

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They do know unreal engine 5 is a thing, yeah?

38 Ireland, yes, it's the main transmission type here, the same as most of Europe.

Same reason people buy lottery tickets despite the odds..

Maybe they are planning a multinational base like the iss.. is the right balance imo.. you get the shape the query and get object field mapping.

It's good for doing the boilerplate code for you that's about it.. you still need a human to do the thinking on the hard stuff.

Its going to be the best bit.. watching trump spew some insane bullshit then see him smacked down using his own track record. Delicious.

I think most eu countries use tetra for emergency services. it's great for cross service group/task communications also.

I assume a lawsuit will follow that will be severely punishing to the department and the officer ( hopefully the final figure has many zeros at the end)

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In this case it would almost be letting her off the hook, rotting in prison seems a better punishment.

Hopefully he never becomes Rapist-in-chief again if the US population has any cop on..

Yep.. I too think they are awesome 👍

Not a fan of Brand but I am sick of this media circus bullshit.. they should not be publishing this unless a police investigation has taken place and he is charged and found guilty in court; we have a legal system for a reason.

They have opened themselves up to be sued for slander.