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That's exactly Macron's plan. Have the right-wingers fuck up bad so his chances are better at the presidential elections in three years.

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I wonder why you're so afraid of a few questions. Do you act like that in real life? Postulating your opinion and then getting all flustered when it's challenged? Perhaps the format of a blog would suit you better than a comment section where you can't dictate the way the conversation goes.

Citizens will not stop a coup attempt using guns. You're watching too many movies. Be realistic.

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I made an argument and you went "nuh-uh!" Sorry I tried to have a conversation with you, I guess. Maybe reflect on what you expect from making online comments.

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Yeah, I remember how you conflated Jan 6 with a military invasion. I then explained (argued even, you might say) how the scenario you're referencing has little in common with the us military engaging fat gun enthusiasts on us soil, to which you replied "nuh-uh!"

Now that we're all up to speed, can you elaborate on how you imagine citizens stop an actual military coup? Tanks are rolling up to seize the white house and there's Kevin (a farmer!!) with both his AR15s, a Desert Eagle and really cool shades. What's happening next in your fantasy?

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So, you're not actually talking about a coup or a military invasion, you know, the topic you just had to inject yourself into. Cool. Have you tried using words that convey the ideas you want to express from the start? It works, I guarantee.

I don't want to talk about gun control, thank you. You should work on your reading comprehension in order to get a sense of what the other people are talking about and make fewer nonsensical deductions.

In your scenario fear, how do citizens with guns save the day, though? Does Kevin (remember, a farmer!) just start shooting? What do you imagine the police who are apparently on the side of the magas who shot first do with Kevin? Are you actually older than 15? Because not thinking things through and insisting they're right is what teenagers do.

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I wouldn't call it "thinking". Conservatives react more than anything. They react to progress (--> hate), change (--> hate) and things they're not familiar with (--> hate). They don't pro-actively think per se.

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"My computer is broken, it won't turn on!"

"Are you sure it's plugged in?"

"You think I'm stupid? Of course it's plugged in! It's broken!"

"Sometimes the plug isn't in all the way and then it won't work."

"I know how to plug in a plug, it just won't turn on because it is b-r-o-k-e-n!"

"Are you sure the plug is all the way in?"

"It's all the way in. My computer is broken!"

"Im coming down there and if the plug isnt all the way in, I'll be pissed and mock you."


Goes down there and plugs the plug all the way in

Computer starts

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Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12

Yeah, they could also replace the start button with a shit emoji. But there's no indication at all anybody wants to do any of that because they're not idiots. You only said that so people visit your shitty website. In fact, not even the quote you reference for your article suggests any plans of replacing the start button whatsoever:

“The Copilot is like the Start button,” Nadella explains. “It becomes the orchestrator of all your app experiences. So for example, I just go there and express my intent and it either navigates me to an application or it brings the application to the Copilot, so it helps me learn, query and create — and completely changes, I think, the user habits.”

Fuck clickbait headlines and fuck websites bending any and all content to the SEO voodoo.

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Not the food wasting one.

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"I'm gonna use a word I really shouldn't use. But people might get mad at me for doing so. But on the other hand, the word is really edgy and cool... That's it! I'll just cover up part of the word so people don't notice I'm using it! I'm so smart!"

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And yet men go for the women with long eyelashes. Just because men aren't aware of it doesn't mean the women's moves don't work.

But even if they didn't, imagine this: Women can change the way they look entirely without wanting to look hotter for men. Shocking, I know.

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Sure thing, just like he locked Clinton up. Why does anyone believe the stupid shit this idiot says?

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Few us citizens will even protest this extreme injustice. Ask yourselves how this would play out in France.

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"You see, your honor, when I raped this woman it was an official function of the president of the United States! Obviously, presidential immunity must apply!"

Also don't forget to mention it at every opportunity. The rapist Donald Trump must be called exactly that so people don't forget we're talking about a convicted rapist who for some reason is not a registered sex offender which, of course, doesn't mean he's any less of a rapist, which Donald Trump verifiably is.

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I'm convinced those do very little for the environment. There was some really smart executive at the plastic bottle company who made this up so they can charge more from beverage companies.

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Poor guy. Better start a gofundme right now.

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Don't miss next week's article "Why You Need an Internet Article to Tell You What Is And Isn't Okay"

Is this the first time you realize that your life and experiences are not a template for anyone else's life and experiences?

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They don't care if he admits it or if it's true. They only care about what he instructs them to care about. Please, we must all start to understand this otherwise it's us living in an illusion.

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I've been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

You know that those were still written by humans to tell a story, right? I wouldn't derive any universal laws from them.

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Yanks went from fighting Taliban to becoming Taliban extremely fast.

"But it's got what plants crave!?"

Right up until 2030 when they push it back to 2045.

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The real POV would be a closed bedroom door.

And everybody's just happy to bitch about whatever the headline suggests without ever checking if it's even true.

Your correct indexing is highly appreciated!

Hello frens


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Thanks for the clarification, I didn't know all those details.

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Just because I'm using a plural pronoun I'm not dehumanising anyone. Please read what is actually written and keep your desire to scold people at home.

The failed one on Jan 6 but you already knew that and just act obtuse for some reason I'm sure makes perfect sense in your head.

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Is that a press release for a trailer? Are you going to release a trailer for the trailer next? Just fucking tell us the release date and shut up until then. It's not like you need to introduce the GTA brand to anyone.

They're probably hoping for just that. It would mean further delays.

100% surge is legit

Yes, I have.

I don't think I've ever encountered a proud bootlicker before. Kind of icky.

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