
1 Post – 302 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Neurodivergent Dad. Accepting info dumps on all channels.

I hate how the Bible is being used as a nationalist prop. Nationalism was a theme of the old testament and Jesus called his followers to move beyond national identity. But that's how fascism works, it apropariates instead of actually creating something new.

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Guy is probably getting scared of his board members and is wanting to secure himself from being outed. There's a reason why we are now hearing about his drug problem, and those stories are likely coming from his board members.

People are right to point out that he should not simply cut a check to the government, instead he should lobby for higher wealth taxes like he lobbies for patents or voucher schools. Anything less is just free PR.

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Proprietary software makers: our software is more secure than open source because the public can't go looking for bugs to exploit.

Proprietary software:

If you aren't familiar with Project 2025 there's a good video deep dive here: https://youtu.be/dk7sCJalxAo

MAGA wants revenge and it isn't limited to just liberals.

Sorry but living under the pandemic and having a moron POTUS say "we don't need masks cuz lol bleach is the cure" is enough of a difference.

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This is how you get parents who really care about their trans children to go on the black market for drugs. Fucking rage inducing.

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This one is spicy but it does work on many levels. Manufacturing consent exists, so unless your system is Anarchism, it doesn't really reflect the "will" of the people.

He shared pictures of her c+section against her will, is that drug behavior or asshole behavior? You decide!

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Gather around for a personal story.

The year was 2015 and a friend who lives in a school bus visited town. We were all smoking weed in his bus and he said "Oh please let Clinton loose". I asked WTF are you thinking? And he responded that he spent lots of time protesting and that it didn't work because people weren't listening. It seems no matter how many terrible fascists get elected, liberals still won't listen to him.

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So what happens if you start your airbag in an area without cell reception (so it can't verify your subscription)?

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I'm setting the bar at not making it worse, because the other guy definitely would make it worse.

And that's how COVID became the #1 cop killer for two years. But to hear my cop brother in law recount it: "COVID doesn't exist for us."

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What's the saying? "You can't control what you can't measure."

Heard the poem on the radio. The man understood the transformative power of grief.

if I must die

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Plot twist: Bowling already has dysphoria and the flipper zero had no effect.

I fully expect bombing a refugee camp to have high numbers in casualties. Don't need to trust Hamas to understand that is inevitable.

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Even when liberals are shown protests on TV, they often walk away with the wrong message. It seems the only time it doesn't happen is when the state uses violence in a way that is indefensible.

But maybe if we sacrifice enough ecosystems we could get it to work and then ask it to solve all the climate problems we created to power it...

At first I didn't believe. Now I just want to know where the new outhouse is going to be installed.

Must be because of all those billionaires supporting defund the police. 🤣

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It's like oil dependency, we could blame the individual but that really doesn't help the situation. Unless of course we're talking about individual executives, those bastards are totally culpable.

Does Russia get points for telling Ukrainians to leave before they started shelling? Invaders more often than not, tell civilians to flee (least of the reasons is to inflict economic disruption to their adversary).

One side has the vast majority of resources, the other is a refugee in their own home.

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I think Lincoln had the right idea, send in the troops and dare the other side to flinch. You telling me we can't airdrop amphibious vehicles to secure the river?

Or maybe we should give these people a choice in where they go?

This is just throwing them around like a football.

Because one is orange and the other isn't?

And no, they are not equally corrupt. But thank you for the self-report

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I'd watch that film

With all that dysentery, lack of food, shelter, constant threat of getting blown up? Ehh maybe 2 days cuz I'm twice as old as the average person there.

For me Lemmy provides a value proposition that reddit does not: consent.

Unless the people of the city are the same as the government, I don't see how you can say the population is belligerent. I don't think we should say the Israeli citizens are belligerent because their government funded Hamas and are doing a genocide.

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The problem with eating the rich is all the crazy drugs they take makes their meat rancid. Zuck however is probably the tastiest due to is wagyu diet and exercise routine.

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Receipts: https://m.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082

Netanyahu literally gave Hamas seed money because they don't want a viable two state solution.

Gee, I guess North Korea is a democracy because it's in their government's name.

The dude single handily fucked the American education system by mainstreaming voucher schools. His "gifts to education" was a poison pill and that really does sum up the entirety of billionaire philanthropy.

New euphemism dropped: "Belligerent cities" is the new refugee camp.

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This. Who in their right mind is going to develop their game using Unity after this? Their only revenue source from the point forward is going to be games already published.

Hell they'll even take ad money to promote Jan 6th conspiracies

Exec laughs in accountability and fires people

She should setup a GoFundMe and fleece ask other bigots for the money. let them eat each other.

Yeah, those Democrats really encourage himRepublicans to be the worse 🙄

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