Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission to – 958 points –
Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

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Microsoft is doing an amazing job keeping me off selling windows 11!

Keep up the great work!

Guess it's time for Linux and for me to give up gaming :/

give up gaming

What? Most games run better on Linux

Yeah but I'm a weirdo that actually likes early access games and random indie stuff that rarely works with Linux so a large part of what I like won't work.

Also star citizen... lol

I game on Linux. Go check protondb for compatibility with your favourite game

With Proton, a large majority of games run on Linux, and most even better than on windows.

Is proton the distro or program?

Proton is steam's version of wine which is used automatically when you install any game that doesnt have a specific linux version.

I switched to Linux last week and I haven't had any issues with my Steam games. Just had to turn on the setting to have Steam provide Linux support for games that don't provide it themselves.

I'm gonna start sounding like a shill, but check out Nobara. Painless install, steam games just work out of the box.