
7 Post – 313 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, it is a travesty that people are being hounded for sharing information, but the solution to that isn't to lock up information tighter by restricting access to the open web and saying if you download something we put up to be freely accessed and then use it in a way we don't like you owe us.

The solution to bad laws being applied unevenly isn't to apply the bad laws to everyone equally, its to get rid of the bad laws.

Didnt you hear? We stan draconian IP laws now because AI bad.

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Ukrain is a country of 40 million people, with millions already internally displaced from the war. A few thousand extra refugees wouldnt even be noticed.

There is a bubble in AI, AI isnt a bubble. In the same way there was a bubble in e-commerce that lead to the dotcom crash. But that didnt mean there was nothing of value there, just that there was too much money chasing hype.

Proton is steam's version of wine which is used automatically when you install any game that doesnt have a specific linux version.

The same way the pictures of ninja dinosaurs can only be trained on actual photos of ninja dinosaurs, right?

Its honestly sad how many people I see on Lemmy cheering on corporate IP law because GRRM is pissed off at not getting a few million more royalties by being included in a training set.

Also China, Korea (Both), Israel, India, Brasil. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_Cluster_Munitions

But apart from that ALL the major countries

Exactly which bit of a foreign country is Ukraine occupying and forcing its citizens to fight for them?

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yup,just even the word "sideloading" seems like its been custom created to sound shifty and sidewise when all it means is installing something. People would look at you weirdly if told them "sideloading" Photoshop on to your PC was dangerous, but somehow its accepted for phones.

Isnt that pretty damn suspicious? We'd rather just shut down than sell it as a going concern?

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And there's about a 50% chance that in a year's time they will do a 180 and pull all support from Ukraine and start actively working with Russia. That's why they're a shaky ally.

I mean this is perfectly reasonable, its why you can turn up at the airport 3 days late and get the next available flight to your destination, right?

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It probably has more to do with the fuck up they did with accidentally creating a torrent for the original model's weights allowing them to spread across the internet. Doesn't really take "balls" to open source it after that and make it look like it was intentional. Still good that they did however rather than trying to use legal intimidation on anyone who used the leaked models.

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Yeah, that's not true is it? The SPD fought against the Nazis all the way up until the end and were the largest force against them in the Reichstag. It was the communist that refused to ally with them against the Nazis as the Stalin enforced policy was to not collaborate with "social fascists" (i.e. any party not taking orders from Moscow) and directed far more opposition to them than to the Nazis until it was too late.

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I mean, the model in question was quoted as recently as 2019 as saying she had no problem with it, so hardly 50 years.

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"hurting the feelings of the Chinese people" is a phrase commonly used by the ccp that means anything that goes against our narrative. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurting_the_feelings_of_the_Chinese_people?useskin=vector

By 2075 my 10 year old nephew will be over 12m tall given current growth rates!

Yes, just like the pictures of astronauts on horses were trained on an extensive collection of space derby pictures.

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I don't even think victory is possible for Russia in Ukraine, never mind taking on NATO after.

By that I don't mean they cant win the war in Ukraine, there is a possibility of Trump winning and pulling US backing, the EU not making up the difference and Russia winning a slow grinding victory over the Ukrainian military. But can that really be called a win? All they will have achieved is trashing their own post soviet surplus, their military, their economy and their largest export market just to be able to spend the next 20 years locked into counter insurgency in Ukraine and expanding and strengthening NATO. I don't see that as a win for Russia just to gain a buffer state to ward off an invasion that would never happen thanks to nuclear weapons.

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Its fine you guys: the Israelis have decided its legal for Israelis to burn down Palestinian houses that a Hamas fighter once stopped beside to tie his shoelaces.

one of the sad things about this is that it devalues actual antisemitism too. Its got to the point now where if soneone is accused of being anti semitic now i assume they just were critical of Isreali policy. Actual "Hitler did nothing wrong" anti semities beneift from this by being camoflaged among those who just disagree with cutting off food water and electricity to millions of civilians.

The counterpoint is since 16:9 became the de facto standard for monitors, vertical resolution is at much more of a premium than horizontal resolution is.

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If Russia was in a strong position now there would be no point trying to negotiate now when theres a 50:50 chance trump is in power next year and massively strengthens their hand.

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2003 called, they want their joke back

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This is a really good science communication article, it describes their work in clear terms (finding structures that relate to abstract concepts, seeing when they are activated and how strengthening and weaking them modifies outputs) and goes into the implications for it. I'm probably going to save this link as a rebuttal for the people who claim LLMs just predict the next word and have no concepts embedded in them.

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That's a normal size for a compact car. American car sizes have inflated to ridiculous proportions.

This is not the case. Model collapse is a studied phenomenon for LLMs and leads to deteriorating quality when models are trained on the data that comes from themselves. It might not be an issue if there were thousands of models out there but there are only 3-5 base models that all the others are derivatives of IIRC.

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I deserve help from the government as I've done everything right and just been unfortunate. Its everyone else who have got into trouble entirely through their own doing that don't deserve help.

Using encryption has essentially nothing in common with deleting records while under investigation.

Millions of people's personal data gets leaked, Musk's cowboy "pry open the floor and electrical panels with a knife" electrocutes him, or blows the power for the room/floor/building or starts a fire.

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Its not about giving her citizenship, she already had it from birth but had it stripped away under the pretence that she could get Bangladeshi citizenship (which they dispute). This is essentially the UK trying to dump its problems elsewhere and setting the awful precedent that if you have recent ancestors with another nationality you can be stripped of the one you were born with.

By all means punish her, lock her up for 30 years for all I care, but trying to pretend she isn't British and foisting the problem elsewhere is disgusting.

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Man jailed for drawing himself stabbing his wife (and also actually stabbing his wife)

I dont have a windows machine, i game exclusively on linux and its got to the point where i just buy games on steam and assume they will work fine through proton. I honestly cant remember the last one that didnt. Shit i got the c&c collection on steam recently hopping to play generals with a friend, but while it works fine for me on linux its broken for him on windows.

Yup, No one being able to produce a copy of something you created for a decade after it was first published - entirely reasonable.

People profiting off of artificial exclusivity 60 years after the author died 50 years after publishing a work - not reasonable.

yup, just like the ai needed lots of pictures of astronaughts on horses to make pictures of those...

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I think its an interesting insight into how tech company CEOs are deified and have incredible influence. That doesnt disappear by sticking your head in the sand and pretending they don't have influence.

most other countries dont keep an open air prison of millions of people on their doorstep and take potshots at journalists and children on the regular.

And do you wash your clothes in a bucket, wring them out in a mangler before beating your rugs with a stick to get the dust out of them?

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The author is Danish, are you so certain that this isnt just slightly awkward usage of a second laguage that you are willing to throw transphobic at them as an insult?