8 Post – 469 Comments
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Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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Yep I'm somehow in a reality where everyone is loved by Crackhappy, but no one I know knows about this.

Also what no one has said yet, if you put two identical people next to each other, same mindset, same character, same visuals etc etc, but the one is wealthy and the other is poor, for 99% of people the wealthier one is more sexually attractive. Our brains view access to resources as a desirable quality.

And so, why would a rom com that is literally supposed to be about attractive people, make them purposefully less attractive? There's basically no reason.

For example.

But honestly I was more joking. The thing that makes most projects useful is the developers developing it, and they can't clone that

The real solution is to include a few tiananmenSquare variables in all the repositories. Either they exclude the entire repository or just the specific file, in either case the entire project may be unusable.

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With Proton, a large majority of games run on Linux, and most even better than on windows.

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They're not supposed to, it's just about blocking them from using the software :)

The question is, how many people spent as much time and gathered as much knowledge as you trying to break LLMs? If it's not accessible to the majority, it might as well not exist.

The "response" is that they got a lawyer, that's literally it. Misleading title imo.

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Just to be clear for everyone here, the mod author effectively stated the goal was to reduce diversity.

There are other mods that change gender of characters that state no such thing, which are still up. It's really only the intent here that mattered.

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Ah yes, "the" government.

That's probably it.

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Fandom is for-profit and making their service ever more shitty in pursuit of that. Use

Or maybe check other comments in this thread

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I do wonder why people are waiting and wanting these proprietary apps. Instead of using the open source ones more in the spirit of Lemmy and waiting for them to improve. These third party apps made sense for reddit since reddit was closed source and the official app was a pile of garbage whose only purpose was making people see as many ads as possible. But that's not true for Lemmy anymore, the official apps are already pretty nice and open source, so improvable by everyone (including Sync/Boost developers).

But I guess going from reddit to Lemmy is already a large break and people want to not have to change more than necessary. And Sync/Boost devs want to continue making money makes sense of course as well. I'm interested to see how all that goes.

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I don't think you have to worry too much. A classic gift of a vibrator should probably get your point across and not get misinterpreted.

(Sorry, I had to, I know I'm dumb)

Using kde-connect for that, works really nicely cross platform.

Also inb4 “Discord community server - no thanks” :D

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What he means is that, in olden days, videos would just keep buffering until the whole video was loaded. Now it's only at most the next ~1min, no more. You were able to see the grey bar thingie go all the way to the end.

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Me and my best friend of 10 years still talked regularly, but kept spending less time together. We talked about relationships a lot and basically both agreed that marriage is not really necessary for a successful relationship and that marrying is too easy to be dangerous in the sense that if it doesn't work out, you're likely going to be paying for the other person's lifestyle for no reason whatsoever.

Apparently we didn't though, because at one point he came out with that he has been seeing a girl the last few weeks and is going to marry her in a few weeks. I and the rest of his friends were like "um, we're happy for you, but are you sure you know who this person is and that you literally want to spend the rest of your life with her? It's only been a few weeks since you met her".

He didn't answer and blocked us all and completely disappeared. Last I heard they did have the wedding a few weeks later, dunno what happened after that. It was his first girlfriend ever, btw.

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It's more of a tragic story than a game. The misery is kind of the point. If you don't see that point or can't enjoy that, then yeah, it'll be terrible.

I mean there's probably people out there, but who'd want to do more meaningless, non-interesting quests? The fact that there's infinite quests that can be generated does not mean all of those will be good quests, there's infinite ways to arrange letters but only a few specific ones worth reading.

I don't want to shit on the mod maker or anything, and I also haven't tried the mod out, but I simply can't imagine that with our current technology it's possible to generate any larger amount of fun side-quests. You'd probably do one or two of every "type" the mod maker came up with, and then you're done. That might be the intention, but in that case, this is definitely not "news-worthy".

But also maybe I'm just too negative...

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Not many people here I guess, because most people here use ad blockers.

Based on the article they were together before working together. Because of that, while there may of course be elements where some position of power was abused after they started working together, it's quite unlikely that everything here was against her will.

This is likely a case where both people have been shitty to each other in some way.

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Well, you could be unsure if you did less research!

List of unpopular communities you should visit:

I'm so alone 😭

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You didn't get what was talked about here. Re-read the topmost parent comment.

How do you binary search for two people arriving, one punches the other, they both leave?

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I feel that's a feature of Lemmy to not do both. I don't care about microblogs. I want the sites that I use to do one thing and do it as well as possible, so I can mix & match what I use, and not see what I don't want.

Ethics will probably change... I guess in the future it'll become pretty irrelevant to have "nude" pictures of oneself somewhere, because everyone knows it could just be AI generated. In the transition period it'll be problematic though.

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Obviously, JK Rowling was not a tactical mastermind.

However in the universe she created, any powerful wizard worth a damn would simply keep protective shields up all the time, especially against such simple things like "fast objects hitting them".

Protego seems to be doing a lot with barely any effort to cast. Fred&George even create permanently enchanted clothing with Protego on it.

You may not be a nutcase, but you're definitely lacking understanding for others. How is anyone supposed to know you're not a nutcase? Only you are able to know that. It's simply impossible for anyone else except if they knew you for many years.

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As was said, the mod author stated the goal was to reduce diversity.

There are other mods that change gender of characters that state no such thing, which are still up.

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Only when you're in the process of being admitted to a mental hospital.

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I don't own a car, no idea.

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Is it only ironic to me that it's hosted on GitHub? :D

Society in general has not granted this, it was corrupt lawmakers. Notice the distinction of maximizing profits, no one says no profits should be had at all. But I'm pretty sure most of the people don't want companies to literally hold back progress of a whole field, of humanity in general just so their profits can be maximized. It's only the ones directly benefitting from this that would want this, or if you're brainwashed by those parties, otherwise you're just against your own best interests (and of the rest of humanity) which is irrational.

Matrix and even Signal you reject for some reason work fine with no one being able to see the content of your message except the one you sent it to.

Yeah no wonder that was only in a sci fi movie, that really just sounds too unrealistic.

It's funny that you used the phrase "this side of the fence", because the fence in that metaphor is exactly the line marking the territory of "enshittification" and "anti-enshittification" ^^

Honestly? I just ignore them. Something seems to be happening to them, as they're not growing infinitely, but no idea why.

It was a bit complicated to set this up, but it took me almost no time at all.

Sure I'd be ok with them, but they're private, it's almost impossible to get on them.

And then I was on one once, and it requires you to keep a 1.0 ratio or something. But there are plenty of power users that have a 50.0 ratio with their seed boxes, so they're essentially "taking traffic" from 49 other people trying to maintain their 1.0 ratio. Even though I had my stuff properly seeding that I downloaded, only few downloaded from me, so I couldn't maintain my ratio.

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The lawsuit says that they think exactly what you're talking about is unlawful according to the DMCA. Let's see how it goes.

How exactly "can" they? They've been trying pretty hard for quite a long while now and nothing has ever worked. It's also pretty logical why they can't: they don't control your device, you can do anything with it. Whatever they implement, you can always fake being a normal user. Which is exactly why no one using Firefox + uBlock sees anything of what's mentioned in this article (as long as no other addons/settings trigger the adblock detection).

Only the environment they do control is affected, which is essentially like "controlling your device": Chrome.

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