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Joined 1 years ago

Oh my god, that picture of your dog carefully smelling it might just make my heart explode.

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I'm not sure that fawn feel much fear since they're supposed to lie in one spot and wait for their mother, a quick search turned up "Very young fawns do not appear to have any natural fear of predators, and may even walk up to humans" although I haven't been able to conclusively verify the claim.

What was the joke?

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I want to add that experimental reactors used for scientific research might never become net energy positive and that would be fine. Their purpose isn't to generate profit, it's to learn more about the physics, so it will be more valuable for them to be adaptable than efficient.

However, that doesn't mean that you can't take a configuration that has been shown to have potential and make a reactor that is more efficient than adaptable and use that to generate power for the electrical grid.

Basically, they have two different purposes.

The term "premium-feeling" does a lot of heavy lifting in that paragraph, one might almost say that it's a bit subjective.

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From the Wikipedia page:

If untreated, symptoms may include loss of the ability to move one or both sides of the face, joint pains, severe headaches with neck stiffness or heart palpitations. Months to years later, repeated episodes of joint pain and swelling may occur. Occasionally, shooting pains or tingling in the arms and legs may develop. Despite appropriate treatment, about 10 to 20% of those affected develop joint pains, memory problems, and tiredness for at least six months.

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C++ is unironically my favorite language, especially coding in python feels so ambiguous and you need to take care of so many special cases that just wouldn't even exist in C++.

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One thing I've learned is that conspiracy theorists always seem to end up at racism.

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This post isn't about categories of leftists or communists, it's about categories of genocide apologists. Most communists do not defend Russia (I hope) but among those who defend Russia, some claim to be communist.

Firefox now has Firefox Sync which allows seamless switching between devices and the performance of Firefox is generally on par with Chrome, sometimes faster. It also has a pretty dang big library of extensions.

This is the guy in charge of the organization which punishes people for being captured by beating them to death with a sledgehammer. I have zero percent hope that he stands for anything right, rather I think he's just using shifting popular opinion in Russia to challenge the military leaders for more power.

We must not forget that these people are monsters who have no qualms about the systematic rape and murder of thousands of innocents, including children. Any actual infighting that weakens their military capabilities is good though, I hope they get too distracted by each other to focus on Ukraine but that's still incredibly unlikely.

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Even worse, in the cases where there are buckets with cat litter in a school, it's for active school shooter situations (about halfway down, where Columbine is mentioned).

While it could naturally be possible to have a dog live on a vegan diet, I would never recommend that anyone does it without significant communication with veterinarians and other professionals in dog health. It is very easy to cause dietary deficiencies in your dog and cause very harmful, possibly irreparable damage in the process. It's also important to note that it's much more complex than just looking at nutrient contents since the way that a dog's body processes food differs significantly from how a human's does.

Dogs come from a long evolutionary line that has adapted to a diet that includes animal products for millions of years, haphazardly removing animal products from their diet without preventing the possible consequences for doing so is animal cruelty.

The cybertruck would use, according to at least one estimate, about 350 Wh/km, which puts it as the least efficient EV (including an old source). Compares to about an F-150 Lightning.

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Not to mention that Smirnova was offered to tap sabers and instead decided to sit and pout for close to an hour.

Every other country doesn't have first-past-the-post voting for their legislative branch.

Note: This button may not be present in about half the population.

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I think the idea is that the play order for the entire playlist is shuffled on each loop, so you play all songs in one order, then it shuffles, and you play all songs again but in a different order.

I would just like to give props to you for owning up and listening to the information. I do not in any way think that you were wrong in your reasoning, just that there was more context that is likely relevant which you hadn't been privy to, and once you were informed of it you reevaluated. Not everyone does that and I think a very valuable part of this community is when people do that (I know I'm not always particularly good at it myself).

I don't think disdain for a government that thinks concentration camps are a good idea is something that should be considered controversial, but that's just me.

No one is saying that biological sex isn't real, you're making up a position that you're arguing against.

If you want to actually understand, ask questions more than you make assumptions. Something simple like "How do you view biological sex?" would actually tell you something.

Gets me soooo hard

I think I know what you meant but be aware that this can be very misinterpreted.

Thing is, it's not about being "the main character". Some people had a really rough time in school and for them it can feel that they're being judged by others even if most people aren't. Childhood trauma and psychological conditions are really complex and even if you can "logically" reason something to be true, your anxiety and your emotions are really really good at convincing you that your fears aren't unfounded.

Two things that are relevant is that Sweden is very, very dark during the winter which reduces the profitability of solar and also that it's extremely difficult to get approval for wind turbines right now.

Municipalities have the power to veto building projects and almost all of them choose to block wind power installations. Wind turbines generate sound, both audible and infrasound (which can disturb sleep), and are sometimes considered a bit of an eyesore which can both reduce the value of properties near them and make people less inclined to move to that region which reduces tax income for the municipality. This could be offset by taxation of the wind power, but currently all taxable income from wind turbines go to the state instead of any of the local governments.

There was recently an inquiry into how to make municipalities more likely to approve wind power construction and the restriction that the government gave them was that they were not allowed to suggest tax revenue being diverted to the local government. Which was the only suggestion that they said would be effective.

So... yeah.

I think that might be related to whether someone sees people as good and bad, or as being capable of doing good and bad things.

From how I see it, classifying people as just good and bad is very reductive in that you assume that bad people do bad things with bad intentions and the opposite for good people. That means that if you're certain that you're a good person, you don't need to question your own actions or motives because you can't do bad.

If you however see people as capable of making good or bad actions with good or bad intentions, you should realize that people you see as good can do bad things and vice versa. That means you should always examine your own motivations and your own decisions to make sure you're doing the right things for the right reasons.

I personally believe this is why it is so common among certain activist groups to harbor some absolutely atrocious beliefs that seem contrary to what they're working for.

Honest question: Why? Muscles aren't hard when they're relaxed, a muscular person would still be soft and cuddly if they're not flexing.

The mathematician misses three feet to the left and the physicist misses three feet to the right. If you take the average of those two, like in statistics, it's right in the middle and would hit the deer.

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Sometimes people have to wait multiple hours to vote which might lead to them not being able to get to their jobs or their children in time. In elections where I'm sure a lot of them feel like their votes won't make a difference. I suggest one tries to imagine why people could be impacted differently than oneself in certain situations before finding reasons to criticize them.

With that said, can some of y'all come down here to Florida? We've got a Nazi problem that's getting out of control and can use some support.

I don't mean to be negative but what can other people do? I feel like it'll be difficult to motivate the average non-racist to move to a place where they might have worse job prospects, get ostracized for their political/social views, and get both harassed and potentially arrested/killed by the police for trying to protest against racism.

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Okay, that was a very literal way of interpreting it. So you are the person who comments complaints on a lot of posts that reference She-Ra, which includes you bringing up PTSD triggers. Better?

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Are you the person who comments on every She-Ra post that the show triggers your PTSD?

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I think you hit on something that is a pretty big part of the problem: Men taking it personally. As far as I know, no specific man is mentioned, but a lot seem to insert themselves into the situation.

I try to do my best in life to be a good person, to be a good man, but I completely get why a woman would be worried about being in the middle of nowhere with a strange man, even if that man was me, because they don't know what that person is capable of.

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The thing is, with a certain model you could get a perfect 1:1 copy but that's not really the point. I have a degree that includes machine learning and I believe it's imperative that we have legislation that protects content owners and puts restrictions on what data you're allowed to use to train your models. Not because I don't understand but because I do understand.

Haphazardly introducing this technology at a large scale in society will come with serious consequences, not to mention the consequences to privacy if we don't curtail what data that companies are allowed to scrape from the internet just because they throw in buzzwords about "AI" in somewhere.

This is fundamentally not about being pro-technology or anti-technology, it's about how we value private citizens versus corporations.

Personally, I think this is the greatest thing that could happen for this country and international democracy as a whole.

Not if he wins. If he wins, it could very well be the end of democracy not just in the US but also in countries that are unlucky enough to border Russia or China. Would probably embolden the slide towards fascism in India as well.

That's without even mentioning the irreversible damage that would be caused to the climate.

I think you might need some form of outlet.

From how I understood it (I could be wrong), the initial blackout was planned for june 30th when the API changes come into effect, and the current (previous?) protest was due to Spez's AskReddit responses. Basically, this was the warning, the 30th is the big one.

I have a slight worry that pardoning Snowden would result in his disappearance/death since Putin would no longer have any use for him. Right now they are protecting someone who is considered an enemy of the US government and has embarrassed the US intelligence apparatus, if that changes then he no longer fills a purpose for the Russian government.

I want Snowden to be home free but right now I think he's in a precarious situation.

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If you look at this comment, the comparison should more realistically look like this an equal amount of fat and muscle next to each other, the fat looks slightly bigger than the muscle