People who haven't gotten into habit of googling stuff in the last 20 years might not get into it at all anymore because of how search engines are gamed with SEO spam tactics nowadays to – 835 points –

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This is especially frustrating when trying to find parts for vehicles or machinery. Used to, one could search for something like "1988 Suzuki Samurai Oil Filter" and get the answer for all the common filter brands. But now all you get is links to an auto parts website, where you have to use their shitty search function and hope they have what you need.

I know your pain, I've skipped it entirely and always go for the part number. There are great resources for BMWs with sites like, but what about other manufacturers?

I have been experiencing exactly this with a Suzuki in the last week. It gives me links to parts stores that don't even have the part I'm looking for. Come on Google, get your shit together!