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That said, the entire mexican public health service system is absolute shit, so much so that the president acknowleged it as recently a last year.

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1.6 was the shit on every single LAN party when I went to primary school. Good times.

I'd say at least the europeans I know more readily give away personal information, i.e. stories, anecdotes, details about themselves and their lives. In latin america you never know who's out to get you, what with many abductions being perpetrated by family, friends or other close ones. Particularly money is a no-go topic in public spaces.

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Last year my (then) gf got it into her head that I'd been unfaithful to her with my neighbour, and on one occasion snapped and physically assaulted me in my own home. She then claimed to friends and family that I assaulted her, presenting photos of bruises on her arms and face as "proof".

I used to use QuickPic back in the day, and when it went downhill I couldn't settle with any other gallery app, so I ended up going with the gallery mod maintained by WSTxda. Might be worth checking out, perhaps?

If you're the self-improving kinda person, I'd suggest looking up podcasts related to your line of work, hobbies, mind and health, psychology and that sort of stuff. Last time I went on a transatlantic trip, I stocked up on podcasts and took personal notes as well as notes for my private practice. Kept me engaged for a considerable part of it (total of ~22 hours), although without delays.

Makes you a bit more active even with passive media, and since you're working towards a goal, it also probably leaves you with a productive end result, be it for yourself or ideas for work, hobbies, etc. Couple of ones I like (as reference) are:

How to be a better human; Stuff you should know; Feel better, live more; Speaking of psychology; This jungian life

Feddit.nl rules explicitly state no illegal content, so it seems to be not so much inviting illegal content as a failure to moderate account creation and post content, like OP alluded to.

Maybe abductions isn't the best word... Kidnappings? Everyone I know has emphasized on some - or several - occasions not to give away info and be trusting because of a supposed risk of being kidnapped for ransom, risk of burglary, etc. Never happened anything to me or people I know, but many people I know have had family or personal friends killed or kidnapped apparently just because, or to ask ransom, and several of my neighbours have had their homes broken into.

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I've indeed heard frequently that the best practitioners are found in the IMSS, although in my own experience, whether you have a good experience with the medical professionals and procedures is basically a coin toss, unless you have connections and are able to ask for someone in particular, or personally know one of the practitioners.

How to troubleshoot and give your electronics basic maintenance.

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Just remember that you gotta know your limits with the boombox, it's not a toy.

So I'll give you my take, and it's by no means exhaustive, though maybe a bit lengthy, so TLDR; veganism is on a do or don't spectrum; piracy is (to many) more nuanced. Here goes:

For one, you can download software, but you can't download, say, a cow. There's definitely a distinction to be made between tangibles and intangibles. In addition to that, they're different types of commodities; food is a necessity, software is a luxury (IMHO).

In my experience, the reason consumption of meat (or not) is often such a contentious subject, has to do with how vegans position themselves on a moral high ground, based on their belief that no living creature deserves to be killed in order to satisfy our human need for food. If you consume, you implicitly kill, and so you have no escape from the morally condemnable bad action/inaction.

Since most of us aren't farmers or involved in husbandry, we need those people (by extension the industry) to provide slaughtering, refining, etc. as services in order to enjoy the final product. While you could in theory keep your own animals, laws prevent you to do so practically, due to agricultural regulations and sanitation requirements (may vary depending on where you live, I dunno).

When it comes to software, there are basically two camps (AFAIK): those who believe tech companies/devs charge reasonable amounts for their products or recognize and advocate buying as a way of supporting good products; and those who believe tech products are overpriced, and/or that the companies/devs engage in anti consumer practices in one way or another and consequently pirate.

Pirates necessarily go against the industry, and due to the nature of many tech companies actually employing shady business tactics, the grounds for arguments are a lot greyer, and so there's a lot more back and forth; trying to determine if something is acceptable and under which circumstances. Many times people conclude that not supporting the industry is the better move, often considering not a single producer/Dev but the market/industry as a whole (often because of megacorps), and sometimes that giving support is the better move (you'll see this sentiment a lot more related to indie devs, open source and federated stuff).

For many people, rather than not consuming a product, consuming it in an unauthorized way is a better way to flip the finger, and so it sometimes comes down to a tooth for a tooth response. Many people don't have the luxury of buying products they don't know are right for them or have the featurs they'll need, and turn to piracy as a form of demo/trial, buying only if the product meets their needs/standards.

In the end, most people I've come across (who are vegetarian or vegan) view their choice as a moral "should", because they consider animals equal to humans in terms of rights to life. It's a do or don't scenario, and if you do, you are by extension morally worse because you feed the industry (necessarily). People tend to have a more nuanced view on piracy because you're not directly affecting someone's right to life, and sometimes piracy can be construed as a form of protest. As such, you could argue that piracy, although not technically good, is in some cases bad, and in some cases worse.

So I'm from Europe, and I remember being drilled in the importance of sources (i.e. use of research papers and primary sources when available, no wikipedia, etc.) as well as theory and methodology, how to cite and paraphrase properly, checking who wrote/created a text/media and what bias it might have, etc., but not how to actually find, navigate and use databases, analyze media, documents and information, etc. At university it was basically assumed that we'd already know everything we needed and we mostly just got a refresher on research methodology.

Years layer i studied a second BA in Mexico, and (ironically, being a "third world country") had to take three courses on research (documentary, qualitative and quantitative), during which we went in depth into research method and theory, different research databases, types of sources, media types, critical evaluation of sources, etc., as well as hands-on use of all of them. In addition, there were three courses on thesis research and writing to put it all into real practice, with a graduation thesis as end product.

That said, the teachers were much stricter in evaluating proper referencing and citation in Europe; oftentimes minor errors would have them significantly reduce your score, and so students were much more careful. In Mexico, the teachers accepted anything even remotely resembling APA style because anyone could argue they were using a prior/newer edition and get away with it, and at least one of my classmates got suspended for plagiarism while three others got off with warnings.

Completely agree. The fact they're restructuring and allocating funds at least seems to suggest that they're taking it seriously, and even if it's baby steps, it's something

Of course.

Mostly pertaining to software related malfunctions, I've been on the helping end of so incredibly many "have you tried turning it on and off?" situations that I can't remember all of them. Aside from that, not knowing how antivirus works, not knowing how to search for fixes and solutions to common problems, not reading error descriptions or even how the basic device settings can/do impact performance, etc.

Many people I know don't know how to navigate their computer's or phone's OS and/or settings properly and don't understand basic descriptions of what functions and settings do, and they're around 25 yo. They can't troubleshoot hardware issues either, are unable to identify faulty components or peripherals correctly, and e.g. commonly confound RAM and HDD storage, be they related to phones, computers or other kinds of electronics.

Something stops working and it's immediately a) call the techy friend to get a free fix for zero effort, b) trade it in for another one/throw it away and buy a new one, or c) call an actual (or not so actual) expert. I mean often times it's not really that hard to solve the problems. It's always a faulty product, not the end user failing to identify proper use and how their electronics actually work.

Sometimes, although I usually don't write that often, unless it's a dream or something emotionally significant since that's what my therapist recommended journaling for.

When I look back on entries it's usually to revisit a dream a/o interpretation, or thoughts about/experiences I had with people who aren't an active part of my life anymore

I mean sure, mileage may vary I suppose. In my experience the difference isn't that great, but it's not like I know a lot of people in either continent either, so my perception could definitely be biased.

Absolute legend for linking the review

I currently have Pi-hole and Unbound running on my pi4

They explain the physics of it pretty well here, I think https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LNfAwWk33nI&t=1m25s