Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare to – 1287 points –
Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare

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All true, and all a problem for which linux has been a solution (in the computing world) for decades now.

It's not just Linux, but free & open source software in general. And it's not just desktop PCs that are plagued by this corporate spyware, it's much worse when looking at the mobile device landscape. The only real solution for mobile devices is GrapheneOS with FOSS software installed from the F-Droid marketplace. Browsers are also under attack by proprietary software corporations, Google just intentionally broke adblockers on all Chromium-based browsers, so they can generate more ad revenue. Last year, they tried to push a proposal that would have massively extended their monopoly on web browsers (WEI). All the streaming services are screwing their users over and increasing the subscription prices while making the content library smaller. It's such a fucking scam, and it's almost sad to see how many people are dumb enough to fall for it.

To your last point: I think a significant number of people these days are aware just how much corporations are bending us over, but most of us are just so exhausted at the end of the day to really make a huge stink about it when all we want to do is just vegitate on the couch for a few hours before we have to go to sleep, then wake up the next day and do it all over again. The current paradigm is horseshit, but the puppeteers make sure we work ourselves to the bone so that we're too tired to really do anything about it aside from bitching online.

Praise Stallman

Why are some hands blue? Shouldn't it just be whatever's on the main body?

It's a spin on the Hindu god Vishnu (I think there might be a few depicted with multiple arms, but that the first that comes to mind)

This is Kali but yeah she is blue all over, body and hands. also, so is Vishnu.