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This article seems to be trying to make the use of drones seem ominous but that's really simplistic. A drone is a tool. They talk about flying drones over large gatherings but before drones they'd just have a dude with a camera go up a tall building.

When there's large gatherings it can be helpful to spot crowd surges or crushes to be able to see things.

Of course these things are open to abuse, but how many cases of abuse have we seen with basic police on foot?

It's not the technology we should be worrying about but the officers who are abusive.

Israeli civilians being killed is a war crime though? Double standards much?

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And he's doing that by genociding the entire population... that's totally morally normal

The government of China are not good people... is that controversial?

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Absolutely. Top sprinters have a whole different kind of muscle structure to the average person. I can train 24/7 for the rest of my life and I'm never going to develop a whole different muscle structure.

As a short person I could never be the best basketballer, and with shorter legs I'll never be a hurdler.

Sport is always a good percentage "what you're born with".

The couple knew these women. They had these women to their houses. Danny wasn't raping strangers in dark alleyways, he was raping partners when they said no. Chrissie was with him for 6 years.

After hearing the evidence. After him being convicted. They both wrote statements saying he was a great guy.

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It's clear that she did something awful, but she doesn't deserve a greater punishment than other people convicted of the same crime, I think that's the point being made here.

Nobody is saying you can't. Read the article.

It's somewhat misleading to call one side of a war a 'terrorist organisation' though. That's not really how war works.

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You're comparing people who strip rights from women and minorities to people who believe in equality and trying to say they're both as bad as each other. This is only true if you believe that some members of society should be treated badly at least a bit.

It's a bizarre take.

You understand how many civilians Israel has massacred this week?

Both sides have committed war crimes but Israels are more numerous even if we talk about the current conflict and ignore the past decades of torture, cruelty and invasions.

Having said that, there's been an acceptance of war crimes recently since America committed a lot.

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I'm confused by the picture being a lionfish rather than a firefish.

They are trying to eliminate Gaza. They have openly said that. They are purposely trying to kill every single civilian.

Yes the war is being fought from a populated area because Israel have created a tiny ghetto where everyone is living toe to tail. There is no nice rural area they can go to here, they've been kettled in.

You have a complete misunderstanding on what constitutes a war crime and a misunderstanding of the war currently ongoing. This is an occupied nation trying to fight back against generations of war crimes.

Israeli war crimes have their own wiki page and it is long -

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Not what I'm saying. Partying suggests something very different to what he experienced. He's also been sober for a long time. A relapse is possible but so are a hundred other reasons. Suggesting it was his own fault is quite grim.

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Jesus christ. Just because someone has a history of addiction does not mean they're destined to die. That's an awful thing to say.

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I read a report that suggests longer grass encourages small mammals to set up breeding areas and that mow in June kills them. Animals like shrews, hedgehogs, harvest mice, they're all being mowed up.

By mowing normally and leaving the hedgerows intact we allow animals to choose safe nesting spots.

You can't say something horrifically offensive then pretend it's OK. Disgusting.

I don't think that's the case at all. He drunk at some points and took drugs at some points but never 'partied'. If you read his book it gives a bit more context.

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Fern Brady I find always makes me laugh, it's like she's enjoying herself and just bringing everyone else along for the ride. Even in interviews I just end up really enjoying myself.

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Even if they were, even if each individual person in Gaza was personally responsible for 9/11, this wouldn't be allowed. The Geneva convention does not allow this treatment.

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They have bombed a neonatal unit! You can't murder premature babies and be like "Whoopsy!". Absolutely disgusting. As for 'evacuating civilians' they've blocked the borders. Workers who worked outside Gaza have been forcibly returned.

This is genocide.

We all thought AI was going to turn on us and murder us, but no, it will be its incompetence which does us in.

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And of course, we learned during covid that the general public are just great at looking after their personal health by picking good sources for their health information.

The deer disease is the same family as BSE which does jump to humans, so it's fairly likely.

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Quokka! They eat leaves, they have no idea about predators so are incredibly trusting and keep their babies in little pouches.

It was the most viewed show on the day, beat every 13 festive special and matched 12's. We have to go back to 2013 to find a special that beats it by any significant amount and that's before streaming was so common.

Not sure why you're claiming a 'low view count'.

I've mentioned this before but I worked at a zoo and we provided all kinds of plants to primates that were medicinal for just this reason, they're very clever and often treat their illnesses before the keepers even know they're sick. Not just great apes either, capuchins and lemurs that aren't nearly as bright do it too.

I know a woman who didn't realise she was trans until her 50's. Like she'd got married, had kids, and was thinking that every bloke was walking round like this. It was only when it became more of a thing a thing in public consiousness that she was like "Oh shit, I've been a woman the whole time!"

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Two LGBT doctors in a row is quite cool.

Maggots are the things that breakdown dead stuff, without them you'd have dead animals and plants rotting on the ground for ages while the bacteria breaks them down slowly. I think the whole world would smell worse.

I was a supply teacher when planking happened. I'm a hearing impaired person but not completely deaf, I can hear most noises. I was teaching a class around 13/14, writing their work on the board, turned round and they were planking all over the classroom. desks, windowsills, cupboards, one of them was on top of the metal lockers like 6 foot high.

It's still the best thing that ever happened while I was teaching. I couldn't get it together for ages. No professionalism left at all. No idea how they managed to do it so quietly.

People are getting very confused here. You can allow your anonymised data to be used for research. This is not new whatsoever and it's done by consent.

What IS new is that a company (GSK) are about to start using this data. Data that's publicly used already. This may help them to develop some new treatments.

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Caring for animals in a humane way. Post apocolypse civilisation will be kind to our fluffy friends.

Have you not been following this? They've announced their intentions to eliminate gaza followed by cutting off food and water to the area and refusing to let people leave. They've then started systematic bombing from north to south. The very north is flattened already. All residents dead if they didn't move south.

This is genocide.

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It is weird if you think about it that people buy intelligent animals as pets and then don't bother to entertain them at all. It's neglect. Cats are not difficult to care for but if your only entertainment for them is opening the door and hoping they find something out there to do without getting killed, then just don't have them?

What are you seeing here? There's a small shaft that looks a long way from the hospital, maybe a well, maybe a sewer, nothing to suggest it's anything untoward. There's some people walking through some buildings, then a map with writing on.

Where are you seeing evidence here? Where are you seeing any of the things you're claiming?

I had that. I put up a nice top, cost like £50 brand new, I put it on for a start of 99p with the description of -

"I'm selling clothes that have been stored in the loft, they're dusty and some have faults and staining, when this exists I've put photos on the listing"

I was pleasantly surprised when the bidding reached £28, then annoyed when the feedback was "top was dirty and stained, I put it in the washing machine and is now perfect"

Like how is that a complaint for a top I said was stained??

Not adulthood but I didn't eat pizza until my mid teens. I hate tomato, and so avoided all foods with tomato in. I was persuaded to try tomato sauce and really liked it, from there I had pasta sauce, and pizza, which is amazing.

Turns out I only really hate uncooked tomato.

If you want animals to come and go as they please then don't have pets. Leave the animals in the wild. Get yourself a bird table.

I have one of these at work. It throws a fit roughly 5 times a day.

One occasional issue is that it claims it has a blockage, it doesn't, it wants you to open and close one of the doors.

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This is awful. Foster caring is such an important job and assesments should rule out people who want to steal babies from their families.