1 Post – 258 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For fucks sake... This is literally about an RFID sticker that is put on the outside of whole cheese wheels.

So unless you buy whole 40kg wheel and then eat it with the rind... you are not eating any.

And also fuck that article for even mentioning that.

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I also have the feeling that the comments started to suck a lot more. It's starting to feel like comments on Youtube or Instagram, not like real people having a somewhat reasonable discussion about the topic.

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You probably can't judge the loss in user count anyway. 99% of the users never actively contribute anything, not even upvotes or so.

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Isn't that a baby opossum?

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Here obviously means where OP lives. :^)

My teeth are just really tightly togheter... I have absolutely no idea where an interdental brush would even go, it just bends and breaks if I try to push it between my teeth. Even getting the floss in there is already hard.

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The commute time is kinda worse than work time, so the 4 days in the office are equal to 5 days WFH timewise. And I would still be missing out on benefits like cheaper lunch at home and wearing comfortable clothes, and not being tired all the time. On the other hand, I would always have 3 day weekends.

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Cost and availability.

Most of those laptops cost over 1000€ if not even closer to 2000. And they don't seem to ship to all countries.

While you can get a good used Thinkpad for 500€ everywhere in the world.

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If you are in a similar situation... remember that you don't have to say "yes" to everything at work! It's the professional thing to say "no" when it's appropriate instead of overworking yourself and lowering the quality of your work.

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Not Brave itself... the connection that was made through Brave to some malicious website.

You don't. Unless you want your hobby to turn into a 24/7 support job.

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Teenagers should not be allowed to take on that much debt. That's literally the root cause of all college problems! Of course the tuitions will rise if everyone is apparently able to pay basically limitless amounts.

One Super simple way to fix this is to allow people to default on their student debts. That adds risk for the banks, with forces them to give appropriate amounts of money, which forces unis to lower tuitions to appropriate amounts.

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Paid commute (time and expenses) and free lunch.

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In my experience Linux usually has many more hoops...

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Good to see that hall effect analog sticks are starting to become mainstream.

What does it even mean to donate a poster?

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I kinda liked the Circles feature though...

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Italian media is a piece of shit. Some evenings I wonder why my parents are watching toxic stuff... But then it's just the news of the tax-funded national media. There's literally discussion shows about vaccines vs no-vax, or about if gay people should have rights.

And don't get me started about Mediaset.

Because it wouldn't really help anything if you still use the same internet connection.

Ah yes... it is easy as long as you do something difficult first.

Reminds me of that comment on Dropbox where some guy said it's going to fail because he can easily build something similar with an ftp server.

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Where the fuck did you get your laptop...

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I kinda don't like how unions are a regulated legal thing... Why are they not just a a private club, where people collectively agree to not take shit conditions anymore? Why can't all independent contractors go on strike tomorrow?

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Yeah there is definitely something going wrong with Google. I noticed that the search results got much worse in the last weeks. Either it's full of SEO Blog Spam, or it straight out doesn't find anything. Especially for technical error messages it stopped finding results. I have to directly look on Github or Stackoverflow now.

OP: complains about reddit circle jerk posts by creating a reddit circle jerk post

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The sad thing is that Edge is actually decent, and Bing is also not terrible... E.g. as an user there is absolutely no reason to use Chrome instead, but Microsoft managed to make it seem so annoying with shit like this.

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Isn't that because it's getting nag screened in Instagram? So people will be like "Yeah, ok, I guess I'll click this button to see what this is..."

Mostly "There have always been hot Sommers."

It's not about forgiving it, it about not giving out that much in the first place so unis have to demand realistic tuitions.

Otherwise you're just giving tax money to unis, without any regulation.

Because that's not how professional software development works. You don't actually get free programmers because most of the time your customers are not techy people.

E.g. if I develop some special software for dentists or whatever, and I open source it, all I get is that someone else builds the code and distributes it for free so I can't easily sell it anymore.

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I know you're joking, but actually most ISOs I have are actually operating systems or games. I've never seen a normal movie release as an ISO, except maybe 1:1 copies of retail disks.

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Ironically for a Laptop I would rather look for something that feels good in your hands and has a good design and build quality.

Focussing on performance is not ideal for laptops, because you could end up with a loud, overheating thing with a wobbly screen and mushy keyboard. Just check that it has an SSD and >8GB of RAM and you should be good.

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In fact I managed to ditch Google for everything but I can’t find a good replacement for Google photos which I’m not using anymore.

Immich is trying to be that, but it's still in heavy development.

Also here a comparison of multiple ones:

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"informed rethoric" will be some of the most piss poor arguments you have ever seen in your life.

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PSA: If you need windows, and you can install it yourself, install the Education version. It comes with slightly less crap preinstalled. (For the license just that shit...)

Im just waiting for Firefox mobile to add back support for all add-ons.

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It sometimes breaks sites because it just blocks the dialog, but doesn't actually answer what the dialog wants to know (i.e. reject all cookies).

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I wouldn't even care about it being super easily replaceable. It would just be nice if the phone wasn't basically filled with glue...

Why not just buy a phone mount and play through your phone?

It has the nice big knob so you can change the music while looking at the road...