Remote or hybrid workers, would you rather work a 4 day week on site, or WFH completely for 5 days a week, for the same pay? to – 128 points –

I know this will vary a lot, so hypothetically let’s say you currently WFH/work remotely at least 3 days a week. Your commute to work takes an hour max (door to door) each way. If you were given the choice of a 4 day week working onsite, or a 5 day week WFH (or as many days as you’d like) for the same pay, which would you choose?


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The commute time is kinda worse than work time, so the 4 days in the office are equal to 5 days WFH timewise. And I would still be missing out on benefits like cheaper lunch at home and wearing comfortable clothes, and not being tired all the time. On the other hand, I would always have 3 day weekends.

Yeah, count time getting ready and you're easily wasting 1.5-2 hrs a day going to an office.

When we started wfh, most people picked up overtime and still spent the same amount of time devoted to work with a significant pay increase.

It's a lot of time and effort everyone was just used to giving up for free. Why go back to it?

Especially since it's 2023 and we're still getting new COVID waves.

The time spent getting ready would be a big factor for me.

I work full time from home. Fridays almost never have any big meetings or important deadlines, so if you need to knock off early and beat the vacation traffic, it's not a problem. And all the little things you usually reserve for a day off, like doctor's or dentist's appointments or a haircut, any of that can happen during the week without missing a beat. You don't always need a 3 day weekend, but when you want one, you take one.

It’s the same for my partner. I don’t think he’s worked past 3pm on Fridays in the 7 months he’s been there. There’s just nothing going on.