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Old mandolin slicers. The plastic on one's produced recently cracks in a year for the cheap ones, or five years for the expensive ones. My grandmother had one that was solid metal. I'm sure it's serving my cousin as well today as it served my grandmother 50+ years ago.

This will date me, Missile Commander. When you lose the game doesn't reset, you had to reset it. So if you don't you just see dead cities on a screen, with silence. This was right about the same time I saw War Game. The only wining more is not to play.

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It's two things, one personal vehicles are designed to bend air around them rather than slice through or just brute force through air resistance. This means that more bugs are pushed out of the way with newer vehicles now, compared to older vehicles which just had the bug hit the windshield. The second and much more impactful reason is because the insect population has dropped significantly in the last 25 years.

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When all the bad information from the news begins to bombard me, I think back to March 2020, when the pandemic hit full swing. That might seem odd to some because many would argue that was the spark that set of the series of events that got us here. However what I see now, years later, with a bit of perspective, it was an amazing time. For the first time in human civilization almost our entire species focused in on one task and overall succeed. An existential threat to our entire way of life emerged, most people got on board and we avoided the absolute worst.

We're not meant to process all the bad things that happen in the world every day. Our primate brains are meant for small communities, not international events. Perhaps the pandemic isn't OPs thing or yours to think about, but I'll bet that almost everyone has some memory that gives them hope. Think about it, hold into it. A hopeful thing happened once, it'll happen again.

Are your AIO fans, pump, etc. connected to the motherboard or through a USB hub?

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Tripped and dropped a box, worth approximately $220,000 today, of extremely precise tooling meant for a cutting die. I was on my way to my bench to wrap them up safely. Boss was not pleased that day.

I dunno, him and Coolio had some beef in the 90s. When Weird Al parodied Coolio's Gangsters Paradise with his Amish Paradise Weird Al didn't do so with the consent of Coolio. Gangsters paradise was a deeply personal song to Coolio so he was understandably upset. As a direct parody it was protected under fair use but Weird Al didn't feel right about it. So he reached out to Coolio, apologized and ever since then Weird Al has gotten the artist approval to parody their work despite the fact he doesn't need to. Coolio did eventually come around and agree it was a pretty funny parody. Plot twist, (not really) that's how humble Weird Al is, he didn't do anything legally wrong and yet he still recognized he could do better.

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So right. If they give up their lethal weapons how else can they be the most dominant person in the room?

You joke, but it won't be too long before NVIDIA charges you a monthly fee to use features like DLSSupreme or some features on a card you already own. Then Intel and AMD will follow with something like Quantum threading for CPUs with four threads per core. Want to run more than one thread per core, pay a monthly subscription fee please.

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When I was younger and I had roommates I hated it when they killed the house spiders. It was the reason we had so many other bugs. Once that roommate moved out, the rest of us stopped killing the spiders and after a burst of spiders the rest of the bugs were gone. House bugs are very creepy but they keep the bad house bugs away. Like bedbugs. Fuck bedbugs and the evolutionary niche they've crawled out from.

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Been here for a month, I've noticed that my anxiety levels have dropped significantly. I think it's because I am not an American and on Reddit I didn't realize how much American politics I was consuming just reading comments. Here I just haven't subscribed to American focused subs. It's nice.

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While I do agree that it, at times, definitely stepped into 'dumb femminism' as you put it. I also acknowledge that it was a movie and to do a discussion on feminism justice it would require a lot more than 2 hours. So a lot got simplified, sometimes too much. I disagree with you that it was a constant attack towards men. The movie went wayyyyy out of its way to make it clear they were attacking patriarchal systems, not men in general. That's Ken's whole arc, he's suffering under patriarchy too. He just also gets the benefits of the patruarchy while he's suffering. If I had any criticism about the film it was how much it tried to avoid criticizing capitalism and corporate culture's role.

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It presumes that the feelings of real or imagined bigots who might take umbrage at such an image are of paramount importance, and that everyone else's freedoms must be curtailed to appease them.

I don't know why this made it click in my head but yeah, they think their imagined hurt feelings are more important than everyone else.

I dismiss this comment because your age and race are ambiguous and everything else! /S

Seriously though I kind of feel like Lemmy has at least some of that nostalgic feeling. Surfing through instances, finding that one semi-active obscure interest community you fit right in with. It's definitely not the same but nothing stays the same.

Give it a few more months and ads will be back. They dropped us in boiling water and expected us to just accept it. Microsoft will just slowly boil us next time.

History of the WWII part 2, JEWS IN SPACE!

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I just got one and deciding to get one is very situational. I'll sit outside with my dog for hours and I can't bring my desktop outside. For me it's been great. I wouldn't recommend one to someone unless they know when they'll use it.

I thought I'd use it commuting too, but I don't. It's just a little too awkward to bring on my commute.

If you're saying everyone is providing your point, I think you disproved your own point.

They're doing it because we are conditioned to want it.

Conditioning a behavior is basic psych101. It's a controlled external stimulus which illicits a desirable action from the subject. So a conditioned consumer is subject to external stimulie which illicits them to spend. I wouldn't blame the subject here, I'd blame the one doing the conditioning.

Regardless of all that, you are right but so wrong. We are all to blame, but I mean corporations and us. Politicians and the oligarchs aren't responsible for what you or I do. What they are responsible for is manipulating systems to benefit themselves over the interests of the general public.

Since politicians and the business elite wield so much influence that makes them more responsible than you or I who really can't make a big difference on our own. You're blaming the proletariat for being the proletariat, but we don't choose whether or not we are. You can work as hard as you can your entire life and you'll never amount to the level of power and influence Elon, Jeff, Mark, Bill, or Steve had/have.

Dogs have to be put on a leash when their outside, outdoor city cats should be too. Stops them from running away, and killing birds.

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Oh crap! They're starting to question if we're real or not. The devs are definitely going rip our code out over this.

There's nothing quite as frustrating as loosing photos and footage before it's been ingested. Always use name brand media and always duplicate it asap. Ask me how I know.

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So most of the time I talk to self proclaimed anarchist they're actually Anarcommunists which can be broadly described as "From each their ability, to each their need." If a conflict such as workers disagreeing arises, as it's been described to me, a representative community council would arbitrate the disagreement and everyone would see to it's enforcement. Personally I find it rather naive because it excludes resolving disputes between communities and focuses on incorporating communities together to settle disputes. Which is fine so long as the communities are willing to incorporate each other's welfare into their considerations.

If I may offer my two cents, as a person who's spent a lot of time in America but isn't American. I don't think you guys can have that attitude anymore. He's a clear threat to your democracy and you need to defend your democracy, you need to organize. You need to start finding allies and make your voice heard. If you're not loud enough, find more allies. It won't fix the division that runs deep within your country but it might stop him.

You're absolutely right, stats are a very misunderstood subject. It's difficult to contextualize stats like this when the population is so large. My measurement for when I got old was when I started to meet old friends and at some point in the conversation we begin talking about other friends who we both knew who've passed away since the last time we've talked.

That would be where I'd look first. A lot of AIO manufacturers only write drivers for Windows. There's an old Reddit thread that has a few things to try. If this is your first dip into Linux get used to googling things. A lot of things. Ubuntu or Kebuntu are great OS to start on because there is always a forum post or a Reddit thread that deals with exactly what you're dealing with. Once you are more comfortable I'd move onto Linux Mint or straight Debian. All those nice things that make Ubuntu easy to learn will eventually also hold you back.

So do not say to them I'll talk to you when you're acting like an adult. Patronizing a patient or family member will always end up badly. Just like it is not your responsibility to go into a burning room to save a patient, it is not your responsibility to endure physical and sexual abuse. Unfortunately, physical and sexual abuse is rampant in the healthcare sector and is something that every health care professional needs to learn to work with. That said, your facility should have a policy in place for just such an occasion. They should have educated you on it and you should never have any worries about when you use it. You should talk to your supervisor, the senior nurses, or your union rep so they can show you what to do. You shouldn't be making decisions when that happens, you should be just following protocol.

This comment needs to be put on top. I am not American but I did live there for a short time installing very big machinery, and I'm glad to be out of there.The Republicans who are doing this think a pride flag is equivalent to putting up a sign that says 'kill kids'. Which you can't do, free speech doesn't cover overt threats to crime or violence.

That's how far gone these people are, they have drank so much of the kool-aid they perceve every pride flag as an overt call to crime and violence. They perceve the existence of LGBTQ+ as an overt threat to crime or violence. At this point they're too far gone to bring back. They're so full of misinformation and vitriol that they only things they can feel anymore are fear, pride, and rage; it's kind of of like Ingsoc in 1984 using those exact emotions to manipulate their people. It's bad.

I don't have friends but I do have family. Being one of the few who actually make Christmas happen it's not fun anymore. Christmas isn't fun it's work and then it's a whole bunch of complaining from ungrateful family. I just keep telling myself the same lie my parents told themselves and say it's all for the kids but it's not. I don't even really know what it's for anymore.

Your text is too readable, I think it needs to be aliased a lot more. It also wasn't uncommon to see a black box around text. Your text looks good on the background, it shouldn't. There should be something between the text and background.

It's alarming how frequently my vet prescribes benzos for my dog. He's a reactive dog sure but he's not overly anxious. Part of me thinks that it's the vet trying to make one more sale sometimes.

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Everyone should always say 'its because I'm on my period.' Men and post menopausal women too. It could be great, if the first few times the younger women use the line it works. Then whenever someone who doesn't have menses uses it, everyone unites together and puts a little bit of their labor to helping a coworker. It'd be nice if there was a name for something like that.

So full of it. The show definitely became aware of it nearer the end of the shows run but it was too little too late.

I hope you're seeing a doctor or medical professional about that. An unsteady heartbeat can be very serious.

This! Try this! Don't go taking your computer apart until you try this. It's great advice.

I don't think females has ever been used by males to describe a potential partner of the opposite sex, except for groups of males that are notorious for their misogyny. While yeah there's been a bunch of different terms tried over the decades women was always on the table. It's kinda telling that it's been uncomfortable for some males for so long, especially since it's the easiest choice.

Difficult, with a small supply of doctors and a high demand from patients. What would you pay to save your child's life?

I think you could have explained yourself more clearly. Did you mean to say that otherwise in a vacuum, the only downside to blockchain technology is it's ecological impact? I'd agree with that, but nothing operates in a hypothetical vacuum.

What's got some people up in arms is the fact this blockchain is a solution without a problem. It's going to do things that can already be done easily in a much harder way. Which is what most blockchain deployments do. I think you know that nuance but didn't articulate it well in your post. Perhaps that's why you're being down voted?

Unions can rotate strikes, it would be a form of workshare. Although that word is loosely defined so it could mean two people doing one job halftime like we saw during the pandemic. Anyway, rotation depends on how the previous collective bargaining agreement was written and if the owners are willing to allow it. Most often business owners will just shutter the doors rather than deal with that bullshit but it's possible.

Is there a RasPi alternative that's competitive in price and has PCI-e support? It's been a dream project of mine for quite some time to pair an ultra low power SoC to a GPU in order to make a crazy overpowered Folding@Home or BOINC cluster.

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That depends on your perspective. If you're rich and getting richer, the economy is working. If you're anyone else, the economy isn't working. Your problem isn't that the economy isn't working, your problem is that you're not rich. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps like the rich people did when they inherited millions to billions from their parents. It's not that hard.

While I'll add a /s to acknowledge the end of the posh tone I took, that really is the situation we're in.