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As an American, all I can say is thank you Europe for continuing to have sensible legislation that forces these companies to have decent policies worldwide if only to comply with EU laws. I only use Windows on my company provided laptop but just because I don't need to worry about it personally doesn't mean that I shouldn't care about how it affects others.

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Good lord. They've looked at the last few years of crypto and thought..."Yeah, that looks like a good way to do things! What could go wrong?" What a ridiculous scam. The fact that the Cryptobros at /r/CryptoCurrency are excited tells me all I need to know that this is a scam.

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The problem is that there isn't a great replacement for it now. The same with reddit. I'm on here and I'm on Bluesky. The main uses I have for both Reddit and Twitter/X is sports news and discourse. Reddit for the discourse and Twitter for the news. There aren't the communities here to have that. I want to talk Orioles baseball but the Orioles community here literally has zero comments other than bot comments updating scoring updates/pitching changes during the game threads. I'm trying to do my part and comment/post stuff to them but without any actual responses or conversation it feels like yelling into the wind.

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Excel. There's just basic stuff with LibreOffice and OnlyOffice that work like crap. Like why in LibreOffice when I type =sum then hit tab does it think I'm done with the formula instead of adding the ( and letting me put in the first input. It's awful.

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But at this point, what kind of care are they actually going to get if they're too poor to move. They're fucked either way because God forbid we help people in need.

Okay. Audit me. I have W-2 wages and take a standard deduction. Like why are every day people afraid of being audited.

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Even if we were thirsting over it, what's wrong with it? Apple makes some impressive silicon that's really efficient. The problem is that it's tied to their products and closed off. You can marvel at what they're doing on the production side while not liking their business practices.

Sure you'd think you wouldn't need regulations that state that there should be a manual way to open your car door. Have we gotten that stupid? Why in god's name would you not have that option? What happens if the battery dies and you can't start the car? You can't open the door to pop the hood to even jump it. With all the brilliant people that work at a company like Tesla and no one thought there should be a way to open the door from the outside if there's no power?

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Now they will be forced to look at ads.

I'm pretty sure they would've been seeing ads anyways. I doubt that school IT administrators had uBlock Origins as an extension that was being installed and I really doubt they didn't have the chromebooks locked down so students could install whatever extensions they wanted.

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The vast majority of people do not have tax returns complicated enough to be worried about an audit. If you're going through the process of itemizing your deductions, keep your receipts and have stuff saved and backed up. It's not hard.

If you're lying on your taxes hoping you don't get audited, that's your problem. The same way if you're driving 20 over the speed limit and get a ticket. You knew the risk and did it anyways.

You're telling me the part that doesn't care about feeding kids, universal health care, clean water, and clean air but is pro gun, pro war, and pro forced birth isn't Pro Life? SHOCKED!

I have worked for the last 6.5 years at a faith based credit union ($400MM in size) despite being an atheist. All of our meetings start with a prayer. They have been good up until recently where we've done more and more investment real estate lending and that doesn't sit well with me with our housing crisis in the US. Have a 3rd interview with a regional bank ($14Bn in size) to move to more C&I and CRE loans instead of single family homes. I know they are still involved in it but I'm not going to be the one writing loans on investment properties. They also do a lot of affordable housing lending and community reinvestment in distressed areas.

Have clearly never owned a Hyundai. My mom had a cheapo Hyundai Accent that she drove until it hit 300k miles. She only upgraded because she got tired of manual transmission, hand crank windows, and no power locks.

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Yeah, they're really struggling to get their reputation back after letting IE drag it down. I honestly never really used Edge until I started my new job last month. The system is locked to Chrome or Edge and I decided to give Edge a try since it would actually let me enable dark mode where Chrome is locked by system administrators for themes. It's actually a good browser. I just never trusted it because it was a MS browser. But I prefer Firefox to all of them but that's just a personal preference.

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They have one on the inside but not the outside. That's why the mom couldn't get into the vehicle or the firefighters and they had to take an axe to the window. How are you supposed to pop the hood to jump start your car if the battery is dead and you can't get in the car because the battery is dead? It's just a stupid design to not have a manual override.

Because they've set up a false quandry. They're setting it up as a three option problem with no other options.

a. Use a Windows desktop to game because they prefer mouse and keyboard unless Steam comes out with a desktop. b. Use a Steam Deck with mouse and keyboard but it has alleged poor support for that and isn't viable (I'm saying alleged because I've never used a Steam Deck though my son has one). c. Use SteamOS and hope it has better keyboard and mouse support than the OS on the Steam Deck.

Those aren't your only options. You could also.

d. Use pretty much any other Linux based distribution on a desktop and install the Steam app on it. Why would you need a Steam based OS? Clearly they don't have a problem running Steam as an app in Windows, why not do the same on Linux?

You don’t want crypto, don’t use it.

I use Brave as my Chrome based browser when not using Floorp but there were other issues with Brave in the past like injecting their affiliate links unbeknownst to users so they could make money off them. They have reverted that decision but that they thought it was acceptable in the first place leaves some to question, rightly, what other shenanigans they might pull. They've also had issues with paying out Creators BAT tokens.

Yeah the only real reason for Reddit for me anymore is sports discourse. E.g. the Baltimore Orioles are my MLB team. /r/Orioles on reddit has almost 80k members. Currently on the page there's 62 people actively in the sub and that's at 10am on a Wednesday, not during a game. The two Orioles communities on lemmy are and Baltimore and they have 133 and 131 subscribers, respectively. There's a bot posting game day threads and 0 comments in all of them. The only post not by a game day bot was 21 days ago.

Okay. Well looking at brand reliability numbers from JD Power, they're 8th. (Genesis which is their premium line is 2nd).

Where's your data to back up your meaningless claims?

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I can't even imagine the creators in those subreddits would be thrilled since so many of them seemingly use those subs as a free advertising spot for their onlyfans. More of them are trying to be creative with overtly sexual questions in askreddit and people just stumbling in to their profile.

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Kanye has really gone off the rails but still one of the lyrics he got most right...."Having money's not everything, not having it is." If you've got money, it doesn't make you happy. But not having money is crippling and debilitating.

I dunno… I mean, what are your expectations?

Honestly, some sites just don't want to work properly. Firefox is my main browser. For some reason, Dicks Sporting Goods has like a 50% success rate on whether the page wants to load correctly. I fire up Brave when I'm looking at their website.

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Old Spice makes a bald care wash. I really enjoy it. Exfoliates nicely, smells really good, and moisturizes.

I've ended up shifting a lot of stuff back to brick and mortar just because Amazon can't be trusted on anything that isn't a brand you already know. I was looking for gym shorts with the sewn in compression shorts and all of it was just the exact same image under many stupid brands. Just a quick glance the same image is being used by Leidowei, Surenow, NELEUS, Ultra Performance, Aolesy, JWJ, Born Tough, Pudolla. Like how can you trust any of those? Went to Dicks and just bought their in store brand (DSG) and they've been working out great. Plus I can actually inspect them and try them on before buying. Unless you're buying a known brand/commodity, Amazon is just filled with drop shippers and you can't trust their reviews at all. We're letting our Amazon Prime membership go this year because I just don't need it anymore.

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Yeah, to call them shitty is disingenuous. They're a solid brand at an affordable price which makes them pretty darn good for most Americans. And they still refused to actually point to any actual data about them being a bad brand. Just said JD Power is bad.

I'm surprised that makes you want to move back to Windows instead of moving to another hardware platform. I guess it's cheaper to go back to Windows but I'd just rather support a company that supports what I do.

It's fine if you never leave Calc. If you're trying to use Calc at home and Excel at work, it's absolutely awful. Key bindings aren't the same. Basic things like auto completing formulas is different. It's terrible to flip between the two.

Well yeah, the crash is included in the last few years of crypto. That's my entire point. Everything you mentioned is what I meant by the last few years of crypto.

We finally got a viable replacement for Comcast internet. I changed the moment I was able to and couldn't be happier. 1.2Gbps symmetrical connection for $85 a month. That plus YouTube TV is $70 cheaper than what I was paying Comcast for their garbage service that had constant outages. Before, the only options were mobile internet or Verizon DSL.

So much for that unity message, huh?

But seriously, I think they just call every woman a whore that has any sort of power or station in life because they have zero respect for women. It's not that they think all women are whores, its that they don't thin women have any intelligence or skills and so to become someone with that kind of power, they must just be sleeping their way to the top. How else could they get that job/position?

I've completely lost faith in places like Amazon. Used to be able to find decent stuff there but unless you're looking for a specific brand/item, it's all crap. Wanted to find some relatively decent priced workout shorts with a compression liner built in. There's so many shitty brands that all have the same damn images for the shorts. They're all just going to be drop shipped BS from China with no one actually standing behind the product. I'm back to B&M stores now like Dick's and their DSG line is actually reasonably priced and good quality.

Clean water is for pussies.

Well when you only consume monster energy drinks and miller lite, why would you need water?

Oh they already are. But if they start making porn subs like gonewild as paid services, those users are going to push the limits of whats allowed in other subs to try and just get people to stumble into their profile.

Could also look at Linux Mint (Cinnamon/MATE/XFCE) or Feren OS (KDE).

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I need spreadsheets for work in commercial loan underwriting. We don't have a commercial underwriting system yet so all our templates are excel based. I waited to move to Linux solely because of Excel when working from home. During COVID though my work finally gave everyone laptops so I didn't need to do work on my personal rig anymore.

What do you mean you can't drink ice coffee without a straw?

I'm with you especially since what I use Reddit/Twitter for the most is sports highlight clips/discussion during games. Those communities just aren't here. I love chatting with other Orioles/Panthers/Penguins fans in the game threads on Reddit during the game since none of my friends are fans of those teams other than my brother being a Penguins fan too.

Luckily a lot of the Twitter follows I had which were mainly for College Football are on Bluesky so I can use that more but missing out on the rest here. Once Boost for Reddit stops working (still works if you mod a sub) I won't be using Reddit anymore though. The official app is that bad.

I don't have a problem with the handy at the musical. I have a problem that it was over the pants. Like you're not in high school anymore. You're a damn grandmother. Act like it.

I was so pumped to see them in concert. Unfortunately, Matt Tong (their drummer) suffered a collapsed lung when opening for Panic! At the Disco. The show was going to be Bloc Party, Jacks Mannequin, Panic! At the Disco. I was really excited to see Bloc Party & Jacks and Panic! wasn't a bad option to see too (though their sound mixer was awful and it sounded like shit). Instead of Bloc Party, we got Plain White Tees. Just a brutal replacement.