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I was working at a hospital that had to do ethics training twice per year because of previous violations. I was sitting on the floor in a super crowded room and the video opened with, "Do your ethics match those of your employer?" and i went, "Oh shit! They do not! I have to get out of here!"

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We're really hot right now because the earth is trying to kill us. It got a taste of peace during COVID and wants more.

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Mostly we partied like it was 1999.

The hospital had violations and for the next 5 (i think) years, all staff had to do ethics training twice per year. Money and productivity were much more important to them than patient care. Shortly before i left they quit buying wet wipes. Staff was expected to clean patients (bathing, vomit, BM, blood) with washcloths that were put into laundry bins for wash and reuse.

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1900's... 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the age gut punch.

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That was the shower thought. The rest of it developed while brushing my teeth.

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I got fired for not arranging the tshirts at Spencer's. No one told me they were moving me from poster to t-shirt duty.

I think most people don't know what the jay walking laws are.

I don't understand what it is. I read a blurb about it, but i don't really get it. I can remember what my house, car, dog, etc. generally look like, but i can't think of a time i tried to imagine a picture or visualize an item. I'm terrible with faces and intruduce myself to the same people repeatedly. Off topic, i just learned that some people hear a voice in their head when they're thinking or reading.

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He also closed (rather than overhauling/updating) mental health facilities, dramatically increasing the homeless population.

We could reduce a lot of issues if you had to do a calculus problem to get an erection.

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My topic failure - My son totally nerds out over amplifiers and guitar pedals. He frequently tries to talk to me about noise and resistance and power supplies and other words that i can't even remember. I really want to listen but i know my eyes glaze over and he gets irritated.

Oh man. I wish i could read a book!

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I get that. On top of increased cost we got into this overtipping to help people who were working and it's all gotten out of hand.

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So so glad i grew up without social media!! My bad decisions would be meme warnings for future generations.

Hopefully it will continue to improve.

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Do you have insurance? Cognitive therapists and speech therapists work with people who struggle after stroke, head injury, etc. It might be worth seeing if your doc will refer you for an eval or maybe talking to a neurologist. There's a group called BIND (brain injury network) that may be able to help you find free/cheap resources. They have a website with faqs and contact info.

We used to do that - try to decide who had the best tortilla soup, tiramisu, burger, tacos, ... Very fun!

Teflon/pfas and deodorant with aluminum.

I would probably call the doc in the morning and try to get into an ENT. Edit to add - where I live the ER can mean hours of sitting and a waiting room and several thousand dollars. They do some tests and usually tell you to follow up with your primary care physician, unless you're having a stroke, heart attack, or something like that. They don't really diagnose other issues.

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I went to Cuba and i leaned that not all advertisements are capitalist.

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Not holidays, but i had a new kid who wore a cultural head covering and the other little kids voted for him for crazy hat day and he won an ice cream sandwich. They were 6 year olds who didn't understand and we didn't know what to do, so we gave him the ice cream.

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Mine too! Then i said, "It wasn't that bad. I can't believe i stressed over it for so long," and he said, "Yep! You should have come in 32 years ago." And that was the most uncomfortable part of it.

Don't you...forget about me..

Agree. I understand expressing acceptance of non hetero love so kids know that there are other options and they're valued, but i don't need to know what labels everyone has chosen, who they're having sex with, or what is under their undies. And i believe that many people who are medically trans are chasing a masculinity or feminity that they feel is not allowed as a male or female and it's sad that the stereotype is what they're moving towards or away from instead of individuality. Also, kinda drunk, so probably disregard.

Mayo or other similar foods, mouth noises, and animals without extremities.

Not disgusting, but just irritate me - whistling (unless at an event where noise is the goal), forrest Gump, and when people describe themselves as bougie.

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Texas population is purple, we just need more people to vote. My work and social circle are 85% blue and 15% moderate red. You're going to find people who agree and disagree with you in any situation and that's how it should be. You have to do what's right for you, but wherever you are, vote and encourage people around you to vote. That's the only way anything gets better.

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Hopefully you'll find a friend you can share your pets and your life with.

If you're in a city in Texas, you'll easily find people to connect with and will have little/no issues. In rural areas, you're likely to find people who are less accepting of different lifestyles.

My kids are 30ish. If he's sneaking out, his punishment comes from his wife, which i suspect is more effective than any grounding he got from us. 😁 Niece's and nephews are late 30s-mid 40s. The older ones seem more likely to go out later and stay someplace longer drinking and chatting than the younger ones.

I'm sorry. That sucks.

Yeah, many places that shortened hours during covid have not resumed their BC hours.

Our route to the beach goes through an immigration checkpoint. My friend says, 'ok everyone, try to look white." Captcha = ok everyone, try to look human.

You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.

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Knitting/crocheting and cannabis. Not (always) together. Yarn art to pass the time while sitting with my mom - I start a lot of things and always need new yarn, but I never finish anything. Cannabis because I started making candies for a sick friend and it's pretty easy to get caught up in different strains and what's on sale this week.

It's just an iou

You really hear a voice? Like it's someone with you? I cannot get my brain around the idea of having a voice inside my head and i just think of old cartoons where there was an angel and a devil on someone's shoulders. It would be crazy to have Morgan Freeman narrating my life - like that funny penguin movie he did. I do frequently get songs stuck in my head that keep me awake. I don't hear them, i just can't stop trying to get all the words in the right order.

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I think of endearing as nice, kind, pleasant to be around, also being well-mannered. Like if someone visits my home and they leave the last piece of pizza for another guest, or carries their own glass to the kitchen, or brings a bottle of wine, or asks how others are doing before sharing their own stories.

High school, college, love, work, marriage..... None of it is what you see in movies. We're all just working to get through life. There are a billion ways to 'do it right'.

I work in schools. It's like a wildfire right now.