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Maybe we can finally end all the hopes for that UFO thing. The people who spent years on it deserve closure, even if it was just hints towards a cancelled DLC

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You know how in Plague Inc you can spread your disease via the Olympics?

I’m quite worried that will happen with bed bugs. We nearly eradicated them and have had decades of relative peace, but they’re having a hell of a resurgence. I genuinely fear a world where they become as widespread as they used to be.

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“Go for X” was somewhat common, including in media. I think OP was mishearing that. There’s virtually no way to differentiate between “gopher” and a rushed, casual “go for” in speech.

I don’t think anyone is actually enjoying the animal’s suffering, it’s more meant to be a humorous juxtaposition of the annoying dog yapping and the dog’s own dislike of sound. Upon further thought, it’s obviously not the same as annoyance because they display fear. Humor often comes in the first beat though, before deeper reflection.

I hate fireworks. They annoy me, but I’m also very aware of the affects of repetitive loud popping sounds. From pets to people/veterans with PTSD, they cause unnecessary suffering en massé every year. They also pollute, from the manufacturing to the smoke that most fireworks (to my knowledge) still emit, all for a pretty minimal gain. I still thought it was funny though, just from the base comparison of undesirable sound vs undesirable sound. That said, I’d run for president on a platform of “ban fireworks” either way

Being in advertising “r&d” for these companies must be the easiest job in the world. All you have to do is insert ads into every possible slot (oftentimes just following another example), wait for consumers to roll over and pay for it, then do it again in six months. Freest money ever since consumers will take every blow they’re dealt and just keep paying for it no matter how bad the product becomes. Some day they’ll perfect the art and blast ads in the middle of the screen with the actual show in the top letterbox— reserving the bottom letterbox for buy it now buttons— and they’ll get fired like everyone else. But until then, easiest paycheck in the world

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Ton Cruise is incredibly successful, vastly more successful than better people with no baggage. It’s kind of weird because Cruise’s cult is way, way worse than the slap. But Cruise also seems to be more talented and outwardly likable and his cult is pretty good at staying hidden.

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Do you think he believes it? Giuliani is an idiot but like, surely even the biggest moron can tell that the grift is just not working for him. I’d pipe down and try to minimize further financial damage, but maybe he’s a true believer.

Idk. I’ve never had my soul seep down my face in a black goop so maybe I’m trying to apply rational thought processes that don’t exist within him anymore

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With streaming services clamping down on password sharing, I’ve found that I actually don’t even care enough about the shows to pirate them. There’s great discussion on streaming services succeeding because of ease, and the resulting rise of piracy rates, but I wonder how many others like me just stopped watching TV.

It’s not even about the money for me— one of my credit cards has a monthly credit for streaming services. I chose to lose Disney+ instead of giving them Amex’s money at no cost to myself, cause fuck them.

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What has your experience with mercenaries shown?

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I don’t like your bots at all because I, like others, browse all. Lemmy is too small and inactive to stick to little groups. They also filled my feed with a disproportionate amount of stuff I don’t care about, like selfhosted.

The idea is genuinely interesting and the execution, especially the bridge to claim ownership of the bot account, is legitimately really cool. But until it’s not spammy— which may be never at the rate Lemmy is expanding, or lack of expansion— it’s going to meet significant resistance.

It’s weird because I really agree with you. Lowering the barrier to entry for leaving Reddit and porting over its discussions is great. People say they don’t want Reddit content, but honestly I doubt that. Hell, even having copies of the niche Reddit content would help fill out the fediverse’s lack of content. Sadly I don’t see this working at all without two way communication (which you would probably need proxies for). I’d be pretty surprised if you ever brought it back.

I particularly agree on the moral front. I disagree with Reddit the company and don’t care for the state of the internet. But I can’t see a barrier of entry low enough for people to actually stand up for themselves, so while I respect the effort and willingness to do something about your values, my faith in the remaining Reddit users is low enough that I really can’t see a universe where this works.

Quite a jump from shoplifting to genocide, which makes for extremely poor rhetoric. You should’ve at least listed every next step, e.g.: shoplifting -> robbery -> armed robbery -> murder -> several other steps -> genocide. Which still looks absurd but like, less.

Yeah I unironically hold this stance. My original comment is usually followed by a brief rant about how we (as a species) almost did it but banned DDT a little too early. Might be a dumb take but I feel very strongly about bed bugs.

I suspect part of it is cynicism about climate change now, where things are so bad that it feels like using DDT for a few more years wouldn’t have hurt that much. I’m not versed enough about the effects on human health, but there is truly a level of increased health risk I would accept to exterminate bed bugs. They are a blight upon humanity and a return en massé would probably cause ecological/health damage of its own.

Plus high density housing is much more appealing if you can’t get a neighbor’s bed bugs or German roaches. That’s a massive and unavoidable downside to shared buildings. I am thankful to have avoided them so far but the likelihood only grows.

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Not saying this about you specifically cause the other person did it too but I miss when the internet sourced claims instead of just being like “no that’s wrong” with zero elaboration or evidence. Very few people are convinced by “nah not true” and nothing else

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I hate these sores with a passion. You can fix them instantly with Oralmedic from the internet (possibly currently undergoing supply chain issues but that is temporary). It is agonizing— you are cauterizing the sore— but provides immediate and permanent relief. You can also get a laser for it, which does not hurt but is way higher effort and costs a ton more. I am passionate about my sore hatred so I have done this.

If you don’t want to do either, Canker Shield is available on Amazon and reduces sore lifespan to around 24-48hr. Also painful to use but nothing is as bad as Oralmedic or debacterol. Combine that with supplements (not one size fits all, lysine seems to have high success rate though) and you can deal with these while away from home.

Anyway this tip actually reminded me to check my travel toothpastes which naturally do have SLS. So thank you. I had noticed an uptick to a sore every couple months since Covid “ended” but that cause slipped my mind

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Someone else said you can’t bring some meds, make sure to double check what you can and can’t import to and from. There are things you can’t bring back (e.g. agriculture like potted plants or seeds) too.

It’s pretty easy like they said, doesn’t require a lot of planning or thought. Restaurant reservations for some places can be difficult to acquire if you don’t know locals though. You’ll have to go through your hotel concierge

I personally recommend avoiding touristy things. I’ve found they’re invariably kinda mid. Depending on how much time you’ll have, and how many times you plan to go, I would suggest spending a few days to a week in single cities and not overdoing it with activities. Exhausting oneself isn’t necessary if you’re going to go back, and you don’t really experience it to the maximum if you’re on a strict itinerary with limited time

Booting the head of state during wartime leads to some transitional difficulties

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I’m very pleased. Been following this since the original arrest and his defense was engaging in some shockingly vile behavior trying to discredit the victim.

The man is trash and, after what I’m sure will be an entertaining downfall, I’m looking forward to forgetting he existed. I know there is some fear that he will overcome this, but I would be shocked if he ever had a single major role again— he was dropped by multiple parties pre conviction and others he worked with called him cruel and abusive (imagine how awful you’d have to be for a director, who you know professionally, to say that). I’ll try to remember this comment if he ever rebounds and return to admit I was wrong and lament the state of Hollywood, but I would bet against it.

Until then, may he and his team have a miserable time filled with regret.

I think it’d be great to be able to see Reddit content if I wanted, and ignore it if not. I left because I’m a mobile user, not because I dislike Reddit content. It would also significantly lower the barrier of entry to Lemmy, so they’ll never do it.

I think works identically, it’s what I’ve always done

Yeah same. I first remember hearing it when Apple was planning that amazingly invasive local scanning of user images. Now it seems to be everywhere.

I’m not against it though. CP could’ve described multiple things and this one is a lot less mistakable when you know. CP wasn’t particularly intuitive either— no easier to decipher, merely that with years of use many people knew it— so it’s an upgrade overall I think.

Another benefit is that it includes “abuse” in the name. That’s important and ensures the people who seek that stuff out won’t borrow the term like they did CP.

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The previous one was because Dr. Gay was the President of Harvard, a school. And really it should only have mattered to people related to Harvard, most people don’t actually give a shit about academic honesty.

It matters here cause throwing stones in glass houses and all. Well deserved and pretty funny, even if you don’t care about plagiarism in general.

It’s not about Reddit. The platform will continue. It’s about the communities with some built-in danger reducing the bar for safety, potentially leading to death.

The internet is pretty callous, but someone dying over this would be bad, right? That’s still a living person who might not do enough research or follow the unsafe article and get hurt or die. Reddit as a platform aside, and even if you or someone else believes they should have been more careful, people dying in part because of this is the issue.

You're explaining because people know DJ to mean radio or in person, and neither are practical in context, so everyone is confused on how it’s relevant. People who use streaming service algorithms probably aren’t looking to go to a bar or event every time they want a recommendation.

Not to mention that bars and stuff with music usually cater towards upbeat music. If you’re sure these niche DJs exist, why not name some, or at least provide vague instructions on locating one? It would be a lot more useful to provide actionable advice to people looking for recommendations based on their taste

Tangentially, some Target brand stuff really sucks. Anything with moving parts seems quite prone to breaking quickly. The food items I’ve tried are extremely low quality. One such item is their shredded mozzarella.

Truly, it is the worst mozzarella I can think of. Tasted off and the texture was lightly rubbery. It also would not melt. Before they started botting the reviews (I assume; it is difficult to imagine real humans enjoying it), it was rated poorly on their own site. And still the reviews mention how it simply does not melt and is quite terrible.

That fateful bag of horror made me start paying closer attention to the quality of Target brand items, and I have found it lacking. The foods I tried were bad— there was also a memorable bag of cookies, dusty in texture and taste. Also their foaming soap dispensers break consistently within months, though they’re otherwise quite nice.

So as they pivot into store brand, I’d urge you exercise caution trying them. Buy a brand you like as well so you’re not left without, should it prove low quality. Walmart brand stuff is way better but there are far more Targets where I live.

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Takes about the same amount of time as someone backing out when leaving, so it’s balanced out eventually. It’s a little unexpected but I don’t put my car anywhere I’m not 100% sure is safe, and backwards parking isn’t particularly rare, so I’m never really taken aback that much

Wasn’t the JR pass made uneconomical recently, maybe even this month? I haven’t used the pass in a while but back on Reddit I feel like I heard about an incoming 70% or so price increase. Some commenters there indicated it would no longer be worth the price.

My last visit I paid for all the trains individually and didn’t come anywhere near the $500 or so it would’ve cost for a short two week visit on the new pricing. At the time it wasn’t in place yet, but it should be now. I like to visit just a few cities at a time though, so maybe if you’re trying to pack a lot in the pass may still be worthwhile?

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This is a lot easier to say from the other side where you don’t have to face the consequences for doing something. Americans don’t really have a choice, they can either vote for the Democrats or the Republicans or throw their vote away. Peaceful protest has long ceased to function and is mostly a tool for the opposing powers of the current party in power.

Just look at the people of France, famous for not taking shit, suddenly neutered because the increasingly authoritarian government simply doesn’t care if they burn Paris down. Or the UK and the Tories running rampant. Canada’s rising far right movement. Governments are no longer accountable to the people. In powerful countries, the only things left that people can do lead to imprisonment or death.

And I guarantee you wouldn’t do anything about this either if you were born American. Consider yourself lucky you’re not, and hope your country doesn’t slide into the same position where neither you nor your people will do anything about it either.

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I have 20 or so fountain pens, probably more. I use them exclusively since 2014 and, strangely enough, have never felt the urge to write in cursive. They perform almost exactly like normal pens but without the pressure on the tip.

Calligraphy, sure, but just for kicks. Cursive is still useless imo and was when I had to learn it as a kid. I sure as hell wouldn’t make kids now learn such a niche writing form that is somehow far, far less relevant than dip pens much less fountain.

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Republicans are masters of messaging. They latch onto one thing for one person and pound it over and over again. The left accepts that these are bad things (they are) but won’t whatabout enough about the Republicans that do it worse, so this becomes Pelosi’s image while those that do it worse are unknown.

I live in South Bay, masks are quite rare. Most of the time it’s just me. I wonder if healthcare professionals feel like they’re just saying “here’s the smart thing to do, go ahead and ignore it”

Every government seems to know the people won’t actually do that anymore. Peaceful protest was encouraged when the alternative was violence, but now that it’s not, it can be safely banned. The French are ironically a great example— they are notorious for their protests and revolution, yet when the government ignored them and raised retirement age, nothing happened.

I’m not saying this is good or bad, nor calling for action. It’s merely an observation. I further observe that perhaps this is the humanity tamed enough for governments to once again put the people last, but with the firepower to enforce it eternally. We need good people seeking public office to prevent this, and other solutions.

Applebee’s opened before the first millennial was born (most consider millennials to be 1981-1996). With an opening date of 1980, the high school and college students of the time are baby boomers.

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I think it’d be pretty funny if they did manage to make it but it ends up being mid. KOTOR is my favorite game ever and I’d like it to be great, but it’s not looking so hot. Plus story changes being possible is kind of… ehhh

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“I just don’t want to live here anymore” or “the other place seems nice” is perfectly valid. The cost part is unfortunate though.

Yeah I don’t believe him. I’m pretty sure Trump wants it to look cool so badly that his gaggle of self serving leeches is happy to pretend. I tried really hard to see even the threatening version, and there are heavily photoshopped pictures of him that look kind of cool, but I can’t see anything but reluctantly admitting he shit his pants to Jeff Sessions

I agree that the hamster wheel of infinitely increasing profits is bad. But even in a better world where companies weren’t expected to report record profits every single quarter, an 80% drop would still be rather alarming.

There’s a pretty logical reason it happens like this. This site is a link aggregator. Prison violence only makes news when high profile people are stabbed, and largely, the high profile people being stabbed are bad people. Them being high profile leads to more views and comments, and that is when you see people asking for prison reform.

“Man stabbed in prison” would get no views so news outlets do not write about it. “Let’s reform prisons” is a reasonably popular (among this part of the internet) stance and doesn’t generate much discussion, so there are no prison reform specific forums. Thus this is the only time they get to mention it.

Also, if prisons weren’t as bad as they are now and Chauvin was the only guy this happens to, you’d probably not see any complaining about this because he really does kind of deserve it. It’s that he’s not an outlier and mentioning prison reform generally takes precedence over piling in here to celebrate the guy getting stabbed.

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Seems more likely to be Apple getting ahead of incoming legislation than a small phone company’s announcement. Companies like Apple don’t make huge changes within a couple days of nearly unknown (to the general market) companies doing something that might slightly affect them.

Regulations work, and in this case, it doesn’t look like competition played any role. Apple only makes changes like this when forced to by regulators or, in the case of privacy, when it’s marketable. Capitalistic self regulating is almost a myth with them— they wouldn’t even stop selling those butterfly keyboards until their self imposed refresh timeline allowed for it.

It’s not really about Hamas being a real threat, I think it’s primarily PR. Changing the head of state like that causes uncertainty and chaos. Plus they’d probably want him to absorb maximum bad press that could otherwise be directed towards a successor.

For the people in power, keeping him there for now is ideal. Forcibly removing a head of state during wartime would cause obscene concern from how unusual it is, and some of them probably don’t even want him gone at all. Now if I was a potential successor I’d worry that he would somehow stay in power if the bad PR blew over, but pushing for his removal now is probably bad for your chances of seizing the seat.

This is of course from the perspective of opportunists in power. It’s rare for the people to override their wishes, especially in wartime where people typically rally around the head of state, so this is my thinking on why he’ll stay there. That said a handful of people really taking a stand could probably boot him.

Unlike scenarios aside I believe this time is better used establishing the narrative that he will be gone soon, with a definite end date or event. It’s almost impossible to get him out now, but it is possible to lay the groundwork that makes near-certain he’ll leave later.