These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into to politics – 156 points –
These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into

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Veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal: “Mr Trump can’t come off as unhinged or enraged. The words ‘rigged election’ shouldn’t pass his lips. He has to keep his cool and can’t make it all about himself.”

I can’t believe they defrosted Karl Rove.

I think Rove is wrong. He's like Carville -- he used to be a legendary master because he absorbed the shape of the landscape, but then he solidified, and he thinks it's still 2004 and always will be, and that nothing's changed since then.

Trump's base wants to start a civil war with the Democrats. If Trump wants to win, he needs to sound like an angry crazy person. It's when he tries to be normal that it all goes sour for him. That has no spice to inspire the electorate, and it doesn't suit him and he doesn't do a good job with it anyway, and all the people who were looking for a sensible leader have long since left the GOP's tent.

trump doesn't need to court the cult. he needs the independents in order to win.

Yeah I remember when Biden won and like 3-6mo later the TPs on Fox and people on the street were all ''Biden is so boring, wasn't that nice when everyday Trump made a new gaff or horrifying threat against our existence? That was so fun!''

He shouldn't make it about himself? Has Karl Rove even met Trump? He's the posterchild for untreated, raging narcissism.

It's like saying Biden should come in skating and say "hello, fellow kids!"

Rove is one of the old strategists of the GOP. He knows how to play the game the traditional way, and he was pretty successful at it for a long time. He's evil, but not dumb.

What he apparently still doesn't get is that Trump took that playbook, noticed it has words in it, shat on it, and threw it back at Rove.

Veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal: “Mr Trump can’t come off as unhinged or enraged. The words ‘rigged election’ shouldn’t pass his lips. He has to keep his cool and can’t make it all about himself.”

In other words, Trump has to be literally anyone other than himself. He might be able to refrain from lying about "rigged elections" but there's no chance in hell he doesn't come across as unhinged or making everything about himself.

Which won't matter at all to Republicans, cause they're a god damned cult.