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IQ only tests your ability to take standardized testS, it has no real ability to quantify intelligence. But in Fallout, intellect 17 is BALLER.

Everyone I talk to says watch TV shows in the language, you get better at hearing and understanding more fluently, for my dad English was his second language and he gave me a lot of tips about getting fluent with a language. One learn all the swear words, avoid accidently saying them, and know when people are attacking you, let go of translating, gato isn't cat, gato is gato. Don't translate, that's a skill in and of itself that's very challenging to aquire. His brothers made fun of him for making faces on sounds, particularly sounds not found in his native language, don't avoid that, sink IN to sounds outside your language roll those rr's until you sound like your purring, hit those gutteral sounds hard, and soften those native sounds that don't belong. LET GO of feeling embarrassed, be a goof, say things you don't understand, make people laugh, you can't be precious about it. Dork it up! My dad still had an accent, but he was one of two out of his four siblings that had complete fluency.

You may think you're making a fun point, but teenage girls don't get pregnant just by showing their midriff and the occasional bra strap, typically a teenage boy is equally participating in the pregnancy. We're pregnant make a lot more sense than She's pregnant, and I'm just window dressing. Bobbert raised morons who couldn't or wouldn't wear a condom, I know a fair amount of guys my age (40s) that don't have a single kid, it's not impossible. They weren't geniuses, they just wore condoms.

The tells

Hands issues, thumb and metal claw

Face issue, studio lighting on face, right eye is not eyeing.

Body issues, left leg is a weird tiny leg

Boot laces lack credibility

Fire in a tent

AI is bad at the details.

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Just because you don't listen, doesn't mean it's not there. You should really look into it, I'm not going to spoonfeed you, be an adult, look it up.

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Martha would throw biting sarcasm at him until he cried, and Snoop would just laugh his ass off. It would be wonderful.

We've already had judges doing cash for prisoners, cash for kids, corruption. They don't need all the budget to attract judges, a few prisons gets the job done.

It's always projection.

Everyone will have to call it 'the USA (now called X)'

You should hit the erotic poetry section of the Bible, just to be sure you get all the good parts in.

No you're right the whole thing is a sick joke.

In retail it's always boomers losing their shit about almost nothing, and being 40 now, I recall the past 30 years pretty well, and there were also recipts with coupons, you had to pay cash and using a CC or Debit was a curtesy you couldn't expect, banks gave you cards and pin numbers, but NOW they can't handle it. At all.

President Carter explained exactly the situation most Americans are now starting to understand decades ago, the interviewer then asked him why the American people weren't outraged by this. He said

''They don't know. They don't want to know.''

What was that thing Jesus said? Do unto others?.... the greatest commandment is to love one... give all your possessions and follow..... something something... the least among you..... snaps fingers Hate gay people! That's what I'm supposed to do! Control women's medical choices, and make sure gay people have no rights. of course!

Dude, I saw that picture of Elliot Page after he got his breasts removed. He looked HAPPY. Rejuvenated. I want to get rid of mine to. I've never wanted gender affirming care as much as I do now as a cis gender man, these guys are getting it done. It's clearly making them feel better.

Rare cam be a deceptive term, with the current population of the human race 'one in a million' is still 8,000 people.

But also, male lactation, other than infants at birth who have a high exposure to their mother's hormones, is always a significant medial concern, so it isn't something that just sometimes happens.

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If you read the article you'll find that this is a nation wide movement, they are all copying ban lists from Booklook, a website that used to be a Mom's for Liberty site. Which is why these clowns keep blindly removing books that make them look like anti-semetic racist idiots. They are those things, but one would guess they'd be a little subtle, also most school districts don't allow blanket book banning, you have to find the book in their libraries and have a formal meeting about removing it. A lot of these books aren't even in school libraries.

But my point is. It's not one school district in one state it's happening all over.

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All books ever!!! The Necromomicon! Solomon's Demonology! THE ANARCHIST'S NOTEBOOK!! PEPPA PIG GOES TO HELL!! !

It's not just one place. I feel like you already understand this but you just need to argue a point for dumb reasons. It's not one place, it's a clear, obvious, nation wide effort with central organization. Why would you think that isn't significant OTHER than arguing a point for no reason beyond your ego?

Next time just say ''No U'', all this is doing is convincing me you don't know what these words mean.

It's not one school district is a nationwide effort, you're minimizing it either through ignorance or malice.

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A lot of cat companies have been caught faking testing and faking compliance over the years. I suspect it's not been eliminated as an option.

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You'll never get a billion of you care enough to help anyone with your wealth

POGs. I don't think anything is ever going to out stupid POGs

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Had a lady demand I hire more meth addicted as ''they work really hard for nothing''

I declined her business advice.

They came from Hawaii, milk bottles or containers of some kind had the cardboard circle under the cap, and kid's made up this game with them at the breakfast table

He'll never do it. He'll likely fight anyone who does. The most shameless man in history dosen't care about fighting against his own promises.

Don't worry, they'll reduce women back to property, so being unmarried, unowned property will be VERY dangerous for the property.

Yeah I remember when Biden won and like 3-6mo later the TPs on Fox and people on the street were all ''Biden is so boring, wasn't that nice when everyday Trump made a new gaff or horrifying threat against our existence? That was so fun!''

Can't stand genocide? Vote in the man who will support the genocide with enthusiasm, and try and start a genocide here to match! Good thing you didn't vote for someone who at least feels shitty about it, then what would have happened? Pressure on Isreal to stop? No genocide in the US? That bastard!!!

Well... I'm old so I didn't get into it.

They put new AI controls on our traffic lights. Cost the city a fuck ton more money than fixing our dilapidated public pool. Now no one tries to turn left at a light. They don't activate. We threw out a perfectly good timer no one was complaining about.

But no one from silicone valley is lobbing cities to buy pool equipment, I guess.

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Hilariously enough there's tons of empirical data that shows people are far more productive in socializing environments where micromanaging doesn't happen, and arbitrary rules aren't put in place. Give people an actual sense of community, they actually engage in work they have to get done.

It sounds like she was laying down and the truck parked on her. Really makes you wonder why a truck is allowed on a beach.

Really sounds like the CIA is a thing we don't need.

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In other news, water is wet.

What I hate the most is that his whole excuse is bullshit. The Bible dosen't even know what being gay is, it's only against bronze age booty thief power displays, it knows absolutely nothing about being trans, these people really need to start specifying that they are against 'loving thy neighbor' because they interpret out of context verses written in old English they don't understand to mean they can hate people they don't like or are currently pretending not to be one of.

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I had a ER guy fight me on me knowing what kidneys are, and if I'm having kidney pain or not. I have really bad memory loss so I was all kinds of flustered, eventually I remember that I didn't diagnose myself, a doctor did! A doctor told me it was kidney pain. That fucking weasel wouldn't listen to me for anything. Then he eventually agreed after seeing xrays, sent me to a kidney specialist, and she looked at both doctors diagnosis and said ''these guys are idiots.... see the L the xray tech typed in next to your kidney with the dark spot, yeah that's the Left kidney, your pain is behind your right kidney, The left has never hurt, correct?'' She was correct. Turns out I had referred pain from a spinal issue. She figured it out because I was sitting weird, and she was like, why do you sit like that? ''Oh, the pain goes away when I sit like this, but it comes back when I stand up''. ''yeah that's a spinal issue, kidney pain doesn't present that way at all.'' So basically, some doctors suck at bedside manner AND being a doctor.

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I've lived in the edge of a state before. It's really hard to miss what side of the populated area is one state or another, and the fact that there are laws about crossing. I knew if I went shooting in CA I needed to keep my ammunition and firearm in seperate compartments, unloaded, and that I couldn't have friends buy me a gun to take across if I couldn't legally buy it myself. And I was just shooting clay pigeons, not my racially hated neighbors.

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I agree they should be taxed. That being said, I don't know this man's goals, but inviting Trump to an open mic at a black church makes his son of a KKK member views just SO much more damaging. I really wish he got more offers like this.