Lindsey Graham Claims Biden's Student Loan Relief Is 'Beyond Dangerous' to politics – 198 points –
Lindsey Graham Claims Biden's Student Loan Relief Is 'Beyond Dangerous'

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They make more money on average so pay more taxes.

How is that a bad thing?

Because if we help them pay off those predatory loans, they're less desperate and less likely to accept a bullshit job to avoid starvation and homelessness. Can't have people having options, like those afforded to educated folks.

They don't want people moving out of red states, like South Carolina. Too bad for him.

Don't accept his premise. It's completely incorrect. Statistics show that the vast majority of people getting student loan relief are not ultra wealthy, or even mildly wealthy, or Wealthy by any definition. Wealthy people don't need student loans. It's overwhelmingly people of lower middle class background or currently working in lower middle class jobs will receive student loan debt relief. People either just above just at or just below the poverty line.

If you go to post secondary education you’re going to on average make more money then if you don’t.

If you make more money you’ll pay more taxes the rest of your life so it’s a cheap investment is my point.