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Public records obtained by the Orlando Weekly showed that Associated Builders and Contractors lobbyist Carol Bowen sent a text message to the chief of staff of House Speaker Paul Renner, saying, “I haven’t texted you in weeks — HEAT cannot die.” Another lobbyist from Associated Industries of Florida texted asking “Are you all looking to put the wage stuff back on?” referring to the living wage preemption component, which at one point was cut from the bill.

The Florida Chamber of Commerce would go on to further pressure lawmakers by threatening to double-weight the vote on HB 433 in their legislative report card, meaning they would be doubly penalized for voting against the bill. This report card can later be weaponized against lawmakers in political ads and is used by the chamber to determine who to donate to and against, with the chamber giving $1.44 million to campaign accounts from October 2023 to March 2024 and Associated Industries of Florida giving about $1.8 million in the same time frame.

These are the same lobbying interests that in the same legislative session supported a rollback of child labor protections to allow minors to work more than eight hours a day and more than 30 hours a week during the school year. They also lobbied for a state-level preemption of rent stabilization measures that were approved by voters in Orange County.

HB 433 was ultimately passed on March 8, around the time that Miami-Dade County would have taken up its deferred ordinance to establish local heat stress protections. Reached for comment, the Farmworker Association of Florida noted that the “same lawmakers and governor who unanimously supported common sense heat protections for student-athletes” did not extend the same protections to the “hard-working communities that produce the food that sustains us, and that build and maintain the critical infrastructure that we rely on.”

Edited for formatting

In addition to the other replies, items there were just too expensive. Now, items are too expensive without the mall, and it's not to do with regular/mid-low level management, supply chain costs, but due to price gouging, in order to pay executive, board, and and other major share holders/investors. (See the Economic Policy Institute reports on this, for more info).

I'm not buying 180 hour work weeks, that only leaves 38 hours or so for meals, bathing, etc. I'm not buying 100 hour work weeks for 24 years, either. I am curious what industries need graveyard shift receptionists that aren't illegal industries.

It was interesting about the sports people, and may or not be believable.

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They were abridged though.

Ok but 38 hours a week for sleep, hygiene? For years? Sleep deprivation alone causes serious mental and physical health issues and don't just impact the sole individual. That's deific, and I can see why the gods have issues, and they rest, according to the mythos.

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You've got me, there.

Happy belated Cake Day.

I just don't see how it's humanly possible without artificial means and/or serious health consequences (mental and physical). Sleep deprivation is a torture tactic and causes serious issues. Even the gods rest in various mythologies.

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You're not wrong. Some truths are inconvenient and unpopular, but they're not wrong.

That's your takeaway? It's like Walmart moving into a town and undercutting indie business prices until the indie businesses close, then raising prices.

What doordash is doing is scraping restaurants' websites for prices, taking a temporary loss, then going to the restaurants saying, "We got all these orders, it's a win for both of us!" to sell the contact, then raising prices and tacking on extra fees, making money off the restaurants and the customers

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In another thread some time ago, someone * asked the best way to report illegal income without having the feds on them for either tax evasion or illegal income. I feel ignorant for not thinking of pacs and superpacs. In fact, I believe I saw a thread title recently that suggested they are money laundering.

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He may or not be in that situation, but if he is, I don't think anyone will tell us, anytime soon.

Yes, tfg was worse and would be worse still. The Democrats see the writing on the wall and are not getting it together rapidly or "radically" enough. I'm aware that's not a popular opinion, but it's what I see, regardless of if everyone not for the other guy gets on board or not.

After Reagan left office, we learned he had Alzheimer's, and Nancy was governing from the shadows. It didn't come out* until years after he died. 🤷‍♀️ I don't think he's well, and I thought it's obvious, but I guess people believe what they want to believe. That applies to me, too.

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They are now, apparently.

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Oh absolutely. I meant only they weren't so glaringly obvious, always.

Can we just admit the whole system is owned by and rigged in favor of the oligarchs, now?

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It's more plausible that a 53 year old knows what a Rick roll is than for his kid to not know that

To the surprise of no one.

In some ways, loss leading can be done in more or less ethical ways. For instance, a small mom n pop hardware loss leading on lumbar or hammers and taking a reasonable profit on ten penny nails. Or something, maybe a better example is the Costco 1.50 all beef foot-long dog and soda but their memberships are reasonable profit for those who would go often enough and buy enough to make it worth it. It's late and I'm tired, I hope you get the general gist. But yes, doordash is just double-dipping on the sleazy. And maybe loss leading isn't ever acceptable, but I'm simply unaware/haven't thought of reasons that make it so. I'm willing to hear any argument against any of it, though.

In December 2023, Latimer announced that he was running for the United States House of Representatives in 2024, challenging incumbent Jamaal Bowman in the June 25 primary for the Democratic nomination in New York's 16th congressional district.[22]

Latimer has received high-profile endorsements for his campaign including from Hillary Clinton, a resident of Chappaqua in Westchester County, former area representatives Eliot Engel and Nita Lowey, and most state legislators representing the district.[3][23] During the campaign, multiple news outlets reported on the "record-breaking" levels of outside spending in Latimer's favor. Over $14 million in outside spending benefited Latimer's campaign, much of it from groups affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.[24][25]

I did not see that coming. /s

I think that's a "feature, not a bug" in the grand political scheme.

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I concur with you and this post commenter:

Re: O... kay (+1) ls671 3 hours ago

Boeing starts to remind me of OceanGate

I hope the kids aren't so indoctrinated, they can't argue about the contradictions, hypocrisy and sheer evil of the Canite war god and his amoral warmongering followers.

I wish I could remember the film this reminds me of. I thought it was Jodie Foster, but after reviewing her movies, it isn't.

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Yes! It was a good movie, too. I need to rewatch that. Sandy doesn't look like Jodie, I guess my brain just thought drama= Foster.

Thanks so much!

Too many religious pedos in school. Can't send them skyclad.

I think that's scientifically accurate, too.

About Anonym: Anonym was founded in 2022 by former Meta executives Brad Smallwood and Graham Mudd. The company was backed by Griffin Gaming Partners, Norwest Venture Partners, Heracles Capital as well as a number of strategic individual investors.

Completely reassuring.

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“But yeah, I don’t know whose money this is. Maybe someone saved it for their child. Maybe it belongs to someone who really needs it,” Al-Ali said

When individuals are more honest than their societies.

And they say we aren't propagandized.

I'd add corporate farms should not get subsidies.

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Doesn't mean much of they keep letting him projectile vomit nonsense?

The DNC and Democrats too.


Everyone not a multimillionaire.

He's a virulent Zionist, so not surprised.

Yeah, that's great for some sleazy talk/[un] reality show. Not so great in government offices.

Trust and love are powerful bonds.