If you were alone in the woods, would you rather come across Windows or Linux?

SatansMaggotyCumFart@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 61 points –

Posted with my thinkpad running Arch btw.


If three astronauts are flying over the Gobi desert in a canoe and they crash, then how many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse?

The answer is purple, because ice cream has no bones.

Therefore, my answer is 42.

10 more...


Stupid glowing-in-the-dark FBI agents!

Gets eaten by bear from spamming the word from god command

Turns out God was trying to use the word from god command to warn me about the bear

If I was lost, Windows. More likely to get back to civilization by finding well adjusted users. Instead of one old graybeard that hasn't seen other people for days.

(I use Arch, btw)

Windows, definitely

Then if it gets too hot I could open them

Windows. It would show me the way out while blasting me with Ads.

Linux, however, would do nothing but scream about how I should use it, and how it really is the best, all while giving confusing, complicated, and unhelpful info about its numerous distros. Then, when I say that's all too much and I'm just going to go talk to Windows, it spits on me.

iOS so I can use the premium metal build Apple likes to use and sharpen against a stone and use it to slit my own throat.

I don't understand the question.


But I don't understand the question.

Its a meme reference to the Bear vs Man question going around.

Either way, assuming I can find a large stick or rock, I'd have enough patience to do a manual physical uninstall and get back to my solitude. So I think I'd be pretty ambivalent.
I guess smashing the shit out of windows would be slightly more satisfying - but that's not really the main reason I'm alone in the woods.

And yes - before you ask the obvious follow-up - I have smashed the shit out of a thinkpad in the past, they're not as tough as people say they are; it's mostly false bravado. Don't be afraid to stand up to the bully (ymmv).

Windows. That would mean there's a building there, which means I might be closer to getting out of the woods.

Windows. Because I don't hear how Systemd is the most evil thing in the history of computation...again.

Windows. It's been too long since I used Linux so don't remember all the things anymore

Neither of these are physical entities, making the question pointless

They are when you install them?

No, the only time software actually becomes physical is if you print the source code:

But the software is stored on physical drives as ones and zeroes? What's the difference compared to printing it on paper? It's a different representation of it, on a different physical medium. But physical all the same.

What are the rules, here? What's your personal definition of physical that I don't know about?

The difference is that they are stored magneticly/electronicly on a drive, that means that it is just a change of property of a physical material that change, not any addition of material as ink or toner

So there's an addition of charge? Physical addition/change!

I just feel like you're nitpicking this in absurdum. That's my honest take. βœ‹

Well, isn't it a point of philisophy to nitpick and explore conceptual differences?

Alright, I feel like we've done that now. πŸ‘

Ok so if I’m lost in the woods I genuinely don’t care I’ll make it work to get home.

If I’m not lost I’m not using a computer in the woods. That’s where I go to not use computers, after all.


Who knows how long that computer has been there, but if it’s been a while and still has something less than Windows 10, nothing will work.

Linux if I'm using the machine.

I can maintain Windows. But I don't remember how to use it for everyday tasks.