
1 Post – 266 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Someone tried "April & Bob" once, but MS excel converted it to date.

you're applying logic.
you're not the target audience.

More boringly , maybe its selection on the circumstances too. For example maybe ev's tend to drive more in urban environments, more urban may mean more collision opprtunities per time spent driving.

Of course ram is a farmers vehicle is desgned for rural use, so must rarely be seen in built up areas. /s

edit: having glanced at the cited article - theres no obvious mention of any risk adjustment, the measures seem to be simple ratio of crashes per driver. No obvious control for whether the sub-population spend more or less time driving.
Rate per - place-specific-risk adjusted person-hour would work better.

As often with things like risk, it really helps to be able to do a multidimensional analysis. See if vehicle type/brand is significant after controlling for as many circumstantial factors and exposure related factors as you can reliably observe.

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windows is a pain in my glass

napoleon vs neopolitan icecream maybe ?

Is it that wierd little box thing that you have to take out of your smoke alarm to stop it beeping?


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good cross platforms too.
I've used it from win, osx, linux, android.
It just finds the DLNA and CIFS shares from my nas so naturally in the library - better than thunar.
I just wish my "smart" TV had it.

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you probably have to convince more people with those views to switch away from their other social media.

i suspect moderate conservative people are maybe more likely to stay with status quo/ monolithic / non-distributed services, so there won't be as many moving to a new looser open source thing.

like i bet linux / open source / foss users are a little bit more likely to be liberal or socialist (or DGAFs) - at least insofar as they're choosing on principles of ownership and user rights rather than affordability - its sort of linked-in to those licenses which inherently disempower the individual creator of the IP (vs say a patent) and empower the end users and people who want to reuse the IP in a different ways. That's basically a liberal ownership model vs a capitalist one - to grossly oversimply.

conservatives are maybe more likely to be buying proprietary services from microsoft, oracle, or amazon/google ( pay someone else to run your linux /postgres for you!), if they're happy eating all that shit from them, reddit is probably fine.

IP infringement law suits.

I think that's the whole point of all risc - it saves power over cisc but may take longer to compute some tasks.

That'd be why things like phones with limited batteries often prefer risc.

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Of course! We should've been eating the covid victims.
That's what big Pharma didn't want us to know.

compared to microsoft, crack gives you a lot more control and cusomisation to fuck your life up on your own terms.

you mean like human babies?

Volvo probably trying to cast off their reputation for being "safe ang boring" and take on a more edgy image.
Ditching Internal combustion in favour of steam power is also a major shift for them.

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just go stock debian xfce, keep it simple.

It's what my 70 year old mother is perfectly happy with for several years since I told her to drop lubuntu.

install flatpack +flathub f you want even more app convenience.

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There is no distro.

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explainingcomputers on youtube.

But really he just shows how there's nothing to it these days.
Probably easier than a windows install.
Especially if you try to force your brain to read the windows user agreement - I tried to do a micrsoft virtual machine install recently, and got stuck at the EUA. My mouse just refused to click yes.

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I'd guess they'd need to figure out whatever apple did with it's arm chips.
efficient use of many-cores and probably some fancy caching arrangement.

It'll may also be a matter of financing to be able to afford (compete with intel, apple, amd, nvidia) to book the most advanced manufacturing for decent sized batches of more complex chips.

Once they have proven reliable core/chip designs , supporting more products and a growing market share, I imagine more financing doors will open.

I'd guess risc-v is mostly financed by industry consortia maybe involving some governments so it might not be about investor finance, but these funders will want to see progress towards their goals. If most of them want replacements for embedded low power arm chips, that's what they're going to prioritise over consumer / powerful standalone workstations.

duck billed platypus

"are you still watching?"

5,4,3,2,1 Auto-pause


new fork of legacyOS into LandfillOS.
based on "De Bin"
The only major change needs to be you save stuff by putting it into the wastebasket.

it's open source.

how'd they get from 26% in one segment to "almost one third" headline?
Who the fuck buys this drivel for £3,000

Surely if someone is buying research, they dont want to literally buy hype.


netflix in 2016/17 when they upped the rates AND made vpn=ing much harder.

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tent not rent!

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I think your argument works if someone is stealing the beef.

If they are buying it then that is directly funding that "90%".

When I buy a turnip from the grocery store I don't have to pay the farmer directly.

If I donate to debian, that I depend on , then debian (morally) should disburse some of that donation to the linux kernel that debian depends on.

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are cows included? or are they a-milking something else?

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Maybe It should say grandfathered you tube users are to be estranged.

I keep typing ls into the command prompt.
Generally it seems to try to do something then crash the cmd.exe process.

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I heard he was mean to flightless sea birds?

Teaching them to to obey dumb instructions from incompetent bosses.
Very useful skill.

Assume the earth is a flat disc . . .

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lee patsy oswald?

get a worse or more boring job.

they need to give you a 2fa device.

This should be linuxmemes forum, not a serious one.
It's blatantly somewhere between unfunny joke and obvious troll.