2 Post – 293 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

They should make the versions UUIDs instead of integers so that we don't make assumptions about their ordinal relationships.

"Solving the crisis ... requires the private and non-profit sectors to join forces with the public authorities at all levels of government."

So as long as everybody coordinates toward the same common goal, we should be okay.

...Welp, we had a good run.

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"Completely new"

Okay, then don't train it on anything at all and let's see how it turns out.

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That's pretty cool of you to show up to the conversation in good faith tbh.

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If those Joe Rogan fans could read, they would be very upset right now!

EDIT: Oh you know what? I just fact-checked myself and apparently that podcast is no longer Spotify-exclusive as of very recently. I hope you enjoyed the joke anyway.

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For anyone who can't tell the difference: The OLED is the one that's next to the other one.

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When the "Subscribe" button is gray and the "Use for free" button is blue, you know something's up 🤔

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That art style is called "Alegria" or "Corporate Memphis" and it always makes me feel kind of nauseated, even without the cannibalism.

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Can someone OOTL this one for me?

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Your YouTube link should have been a Piped link but it's okay.

You're free to enjoy the content, but don't interact with it or you will appear confused.

Don't stress about upvotes/downvotes-- They're even more made up here than usual.

Never pass up an opportunity to bitch about ads, Chrome, Reddit, capitalism, Arch users, streaming services, or your favorite Lemmy client.

Do not attempt the Picard Maneuver unless you're sure you know what you're doing.

Or like consumptive knowledge vs. participatory knowledge or something.

I notice a huge difference between things that I consume alot of content for but don't engage with, vs. things where I actually try to apply the knowledge. Your brain makes connections in a totally different way when you try to apply the knowledge.

I watched piano tutorials for like a year before I finally saved up for a decent digital piano to play at home. I had tons of little facts and ideas rattling around my head, which were actually very helpful, but completely disorganized. Every time I learned a new piece, some of that loose knowledge would Tetris into place, and things would get a little more coherent.

But there's always this gap between my pool of ingested information and my ability to do something with it.

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I kind of don't get what's going on here. I'd think your options would be:

a) Go back to the office, or

b) Stop working there

Like you'd either say to your boss "Look, this work from home thing is really important to me, so I need to look for an opportunity where I can continue to do that," or your boss would say to you "Look, you keep not showing up to work, so we're gonna let you go."

It seems like any period where the company says "Okay, everybody back to the office" and some people say "Oh yeah I'm just gonna ignore that" has got to be pretty short-lived, right?

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The original article contains 412 words, the summary contains 0 words. Saved Infinity%.

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This is going to get soooo much more treacherous as this becomes ubiquitous and harder to detect. Apply the same pattern, but instead of wood carvings, it's an election, or sexual misconduct trial, or war.

Our ability to make sense of things that we don't witness personally is already in bad shape, and it's about to get significantly worse. We aren't even sure how bad it is right now.

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Like... Literally any of it. I'm a software engineer and my degree didn't have anything to do with software or engineering.

I'd have to really stretch to something like "time management" or "active listening" to find any connection, lol.

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Only kinda? To me, the "we're not liable because we have no idea how this technology is going to behave" argument is very unambiguously not acceptable.

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MacOS is waaay better for that than iOS though. If you squint a little and try to stick to the CLI, you can pretend it's Linux.

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Hey in my defense I did hand wash a spoon and a bowl so I could have cereal for dinner even though all the dishes were dirty, so it's not like household tasks don't get done.

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Does still work to get around it?

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I feel like the real headline is "One third of Americans think frozen embryos are people for some reason."

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Reusable zip ties, goddammit! Regular zip ties are useful once in awhile, but the fact that you need to cut them makes them impractical for many applications.

But the reusable ones, which you can fasten and unfasten with equal ease? Holy shit. I use these bad boys ALL. THE. TIME.

For starters, just think about the cords, ropes, cables, and wires in your life. You have a great many of them, and they are probably a mess. ZIP TIES. Wrap an extension cord or laptop charger up in a loop, pinch it together, and zip it up. And that's just for starters.

Sleeping bags? Blankets? Towels? ZIP. TIES. Roll and zip them and they will pack down much smaller than just rolling them alone, and they won't come unrolled, making packing/storing way the hell easier. I can keep going.

Most applications where you might use an elastic band are actually better with Z I P T I E S. Need something squeezed tightly, like the aforementioned sleeping bag? Zip ties ratchet down tighter than an elastic band can. Need something secured gently, like a bag of chips? An elastic will crush your delicate chips, but a zip tie can hold the bag closed with gentle pressure bespoke and delicate. With zip ties, YOU are in control. They last longer and are much more resistant to temperature and sunlight than elastic bands too, so you can use them in the freezer or outdoors or wherever and they will outlive you.

Get yourself or a loved one a bag of 100 for like $5 right now. Hand them out to children on Halloween. Offer them as gifts to friends and acquaintances new and old. They will change your life and theirs. Reusable zip ties.

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If you can't guess the word, you will be saddled with a hefty mortgage that has an unreasonable interest rate.

It is very close to literally that, except the boss isn't actually doing the giving-- it's automated-- and the sticker isn't a sticker-- it's a row in a database table.

At least with the boss-sticker scenario, the boss has to actually do something.

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Yeah, that's accurate-- The permit has nothing to do with speech, it has to do with use of public space. Where I'm from, the police will come and block off streets and manage traffic to keep demonstrators safe. Without the permit, everyone would still be allowed to say more or less whatever they wanted, but the logistics of the gathering could create a hazard, and that's just a gray area that everyone is just better off avoiding.

If they have inconvenient expectations, simply tell them to not have those! If your boss pushes back, just tell them in a calm but assertive tone that you tell them how things are gonna go, not the other way around.

I don't understand why more people who have not been fired don't do this.

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Try this productivity tip that bosses HATE!

Sponsored product recommendations cannot be loaded without an internet connection. Please configure a wireless/ethernet adapter and connect to the internet to continue.

Umm no cause skate shoes are lava-proof for 1 second at a time?????

Yeah, I'm wondering about how they characterize "bot activity." It seems like "any traffic not proximally related to a user's synchronous activity" is a little too broad.

I'm not sure if fediverse syncing is bot activity. Or my laptop checking for software updates while I'm sleeping. Or my autopay transactions for utility bills.

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Push me too far and you'll find yourself in a world of one-word replies for a little while. You think I'm bluffing?

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Hundreds of dollars were on the line in this case! HUNDREDS!

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Oh trust me, it would feel significantly more uphill if your arch was the Linux kind.

Let's all agree right now that we're not going to be a community that necro-shames.


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CAPTCHA for anarchists

I'm pretty sure I know the answer but I can't quite put my finger on it...

“There was a very nice video by Marques Brownlee last year on the moon picture,” Chomet told us. “Everyone was like, ‘Is it fake? Is it not fake?’ There was a debate around what constitutes a real picture. And actually, there is no such thing as a real picture. As soon as you have sensors to capture something, you reproduce [what you’re seeing], and it doesn’t mean anything. There is no real picture. You can try to define a real picture by saying, ‘I took that picture’, but if you used AI to optimize the zoom, the autofocus, the scene – is it real? Or is it all filters? There is no real picture, full stop.”

If your epistemological resolution for determining the fakeness of the moon landing photos is to just assert that all photos are in a sense fake so case closed, then I feel like you aren't even wrong about the right thing.

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Wow-- My thoughts exactly. I assumed after that, nobody would go anywhere near them with their disaster-waiting-to-happen affairs. But then I remember how I used to assume that nobody would be careless enough to make their password "12345678" and it makes more sense.

Add in the fact that the horny debuff gives people like a -30 to IQ, and it really starts to come into focus.

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If anyone else was wondering, I found this neat data table of controller latencies to compare:

It looks like 18.35ms is not really among the best, but there are still lots of products in that range.

I dunno if I'd say your project didn't work out... Maybe more like you succeeded but still have work to do. Do you think you'll try swapping the Bluetooth for a 2.4Ghz module or something and see if that performs better?

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I agree with you in general, but in my industry, there are still lots of companies that buck this trend. Employers that pay competitively but have shitty toxic environments, and scrappy startups where the pay sucks but the vibe is great.

Still, the advice to not think of it as a trade-off intrinsic to companies is solid. You deserve good vibes and good pay from the same job.

You're not an idiot-- That distinction isn't discernable from the name per se, that information is concealed within some relatively obscure typography lore!

Consider this quote from Wikipedia:

Although many people believe that the "Comic" in Comic Sans refers to the lettering common for comic books at the time, font designer Brian Richardson revealed that this was not the case: While speaking on a panel at the 1999 Microsoft DesignTalks conference for designers, he said "We just wanted to make something fun, that people could use to inject a little bit of humor into their documents. It was actually called 'Funny Sans Serif' during development, but Pat convinced me last minute to change it to "Comic Sans" so that it would appear higher in the font picker."

Now, Wikipedia doesn't tell you that because I just made it up, but it would be totally plausible! Then some of us would be talking about how we thought it was about comic books. So you're not an idiot, IMO.

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