The post title is "Best Tablet for Kids 2024" to Mildly – 478 points –

I know its easier than ever to dunk on how terrible reddit has gotten, but honestly? What is this? How is is safer to deliver this content to kids viewing reddit on a tablet or PC or in the app? Why even create the bs excuse?

They could just have easily told the truth an displayed a message like "Content is limited. Open in the app to view." It's still a jerk move, but at a minimum its honest.


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Does still work to get around it?

Old reddit has started to prevent people from accessing the site without being logged in if you use a VPN. Reddit is officially dead for me since last month.

Big yike 😬 Anyone find a decent way around THAT yet? How do they even know that you're on a VPN? Is it like... they maintain a list of known VPN exit node IPs?

I guess the IPs of most VPNs are known to everyone. I thought killing Old Reddit would be the end for me, but it came sooner. Thanks Spez I guess.

I'm starting to wonder if they kill it not by axing it but by replacing it with a newer ui but not the newest ui.

Yes they have a new new ui now

I use a scraper called geddit, think it was on fdroid.

I have been using old.reddit to get around these since the API stuff started