A Phlaming Phoenix

@A Phlaming Phoenix@lemm.ee
1 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, that was the dominant form of music distribution at the time.

Yeah, that's a really weird way to finger a G major. I will play it with my second finger on the third fret of low E, first finger on the second fret of A, third finger barred across B and high E at third fret. If I'm playing a song that requires certain chord changes (like the way Wonderwall drops from G major to a G/F# to an Em7 to a Dsus to an A7sus) I will use third and fourth finger on the high strings instead of the barre because it's easier to move the root notes around that way.

So you haven't seen, for example, Cowboys From Hell by Pantera or Weathered by Creed, then? I don't think Vs is a particularly bad album cover, especially by comparison to those. The photography is fine. Maybe it's not your average Hipgnosis cover, but it's ok.

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Anything from Neutral Milk Hotel's album In an Aeroplane Over the Sea. The whole album is Guitar 101.

Did not read the entire article, but the first thing that stands out to me is the survey question itself:

Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.

This language is extremely in line with fascistic rhetoric. So the people agreeing to this are likely Trump supporters. Maybe this is a good thing that most people think democracy is in trouble but only 23% of them think fascism is the solution.

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Official statement on the matter reads:

All students are treated equally at MCA...

Except this case proves that to be a lie. I'm sure there were boys in suits there. Unless boys are also required to wear dresses? If that's not the case, then this is a clear case of one student being treated differently from others.

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Two protestors who were chanting were taken away in handcuffs, according to The Bloomingtonian. Authorities haven’t said whether they will face charges.

What charges? For chanting? Isn't chanting free speech? Were they creating a blockade? Were they causing harm to someone? Or just vocalizing dissent?

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The article asks what is the politically neutral answer to the question of whether a trans woman is a woman. I wonder why this is a political question at all. Send like a question for scientists - biologists and sociologists and such. Seems they have achieved something like a consensus on the matter. I don't see anything inherently political about that, except that folks of a certain political bent have made it political. It's not a matter of "what do we do in public policy about trans people" but "fascists refuse to accept trans people in society and have decided to lambast and punish them".

In case my position isn't obvious, trans people are people and trans rights are human rights. If there wasn't a group of people trying to make them into a second class group of citizens (or a group of "eradicated vermin") we wouldn't be having a political conversation about this at all.

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It means what you're building fires a projectile. The instructions are warning you not to shoot your eye out.

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So the church was homophobic a decade ago and then fought to protect their legal right to make an example of that homophobia to the children they're supposed to be stewarding into the world for a full decade and now rest their case on homophobia... "Why are our attendance numbers dropping? Could it be that we're completely out of touch with reality? No, it's reality that is wrong."

I am a daily Gnome user. There are many things which I actually dislike about Gnome, but I have solved them all through extensions. Fine, I'm not bothered because it can be customized.

But every time they introduce something like this, it takes me a while to get a functional desktop back. It takes time for those extensions' developers to respond to these things. They have to research the change, implement it, test it, go through extra work to stay backward compatible, etc. These people aren't being paid for this, so it takes some time.

I'm just frustrated about this. I know someday I will run updates and suddenly find all my extensions broken.

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“What is it with liberals that want to control every damn aspect of your life?”

The party of Don't Say Gay and Abortion Is Murder expect me to think that it's the liberals who want to exert control over my life?

one of the first things they wanted to do was ban gas stoves

Not true. Cruz is (probably intentionally) conflating two different Republican talking points here. The New York State issue mentioned here involves preventing the use of gas stoves with inadequate exhaust that leak illness-inducing gasses into upstairs living spaces, and even then people can get exemptions for this. The changes at the federal level are for making stoves more energy efficient. This can only help consumers.

They’re trying to go after and regulate ceiling fans.

They've proposed more energy efficient ceiling fan criteria for manufacturers. This can only help consumers.

now these idiots have come out and said drink two beers a week, that’s their guideline.

These "idiots" are an organization built around reducing alcoholism. I don't think they're idiots for suggesting that drinking more alcohol leads to more alcohol dependence. I also think it's probably not fair to categorize this org as liberal. It was created by Richard Nixon in 1970. It also has no executive or legislative capabilities as far as I can tell. It only reports information to the government and citizens. A "guideline" from the NIAAA is not a law and does not represent any amount of control over people's lives.

Ted Cruz is a liar of the highest order. Newsmax is raw, uncut fascist propaganda. The only way to believe this shit is to be completely braindead, unwilling to do the 15 minutes of basic googling that I just did to form this comment, and unable to accept that the world they believe they live in doesn't align with reality.

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It takes my kid half an hour of screaming and throwing a public fit just to get within two miles of a needle, so I'll take it.

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Change the next three characters beginning at the cursor position.

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What if my $1500 PC built 5 years ago has been more capable than multiple generations of consoles that have been released since? My brother has bought like 3 XBoxes in the same amount of time and my PC still outpaces it by a pretty wide margin.

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Or that he's not a psychologist or neurologist, did not administer any kind of formal cognitive examination, and is not qualified to make this kind of claim.

Yeah, this is like one of those illusions where you can't tell if you're looking at two people staring at each other or a vase. If you're a leftie, you look at this and go, "Good, based Bernie." If you only consume the mainstream narrative that the Israelis are on the right side of history here and opposition to their campaign or our support for it are heresy, this reads like "Bad Commie Bernie."

Edit: Just read the article. It quotes Bernie heavily, seems to let him represent his own position. It juxtaposes the Israeli claim that they're not being indiscriminate against some pretty ugly numbers about the dead and displaced. The article reads pretty pro-Bernie to me.

At the end of Peter Pan, the Lost Boys along with Wendy and the other kids are tied to a mast while Captain Hook monologues at them. Peter has pushed Tinkerbell away, and she's fading out of existence. It seems all hope is lost.

But then Peter gets an idea and begins to chant. "I do believe in fairies, I do, I do." Soon, they're all chanting it together. "I DO believe in fairies! I DO I DO!"

And Tinkerbell pops back into existence to save the day. This is what faith is. The idea that if you believe in something hard enough it will pop into existence.

Of course, it's a fantasy story for children. I can't believe grown adults think it's true, either. It's absolute insanity, agreed. But that's where Republicans have to meet their constituents, who apparently live in Never Never Land.

Dolly Parton is the kind of saint the Catholic Church will never canonize.

Not surprised. What I saw that I haven't seen mentioned in the handful of news articles I've seen about this is that pretty consistently Biden was winning the Dem primaries with 80-90% of the vote with the remainder scattered among a few other options, maybe protest votes of a kind, while Haley was taking 30+% of the Republican votes. I don't honestly know how this compares to previous primaries. Could this be an indicator of some red reluctance for Trump? Will there be a similar follow through in the presidential election to tear Republican votes away from him?

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Yeah, people like weed way more than they like Biden.

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Lawyers of Lemmy, let's say he gets stuck with a fine or some trivial amount of jail time or something as a result of these charges. Is there anything about these crimes or punishments that would prevent his presidential candidacy?

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Biden needs campaign ads calling Trump out for passing unconstitutional anti-gun legislation.

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And also because when people try to use neopronouns they take as much flak for that if not more. Imagine this same argument: "I'm not used to these newfangled pronouns. Why can't they just use normal ones?"

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The city I live in has about 320,000 people in it. Union action has today materially improved the lives of more people than live in my entire city.

Yeah, that thing she participated in.

Because he didn't ask if he could go. He asked if the trial could be delayed. The judge is not telling him he can't go. He's saying the trial won't be put off. And, as other posters have pointed out, this was a request that has already been made and denied a while back. Why would the judge's answer change?

A lot has been said already, but it's worth mentioning that modern guns are much more capable of killing than guns 200 years ago. Back then, guns were very inaccurate and had to be reloaded one shot at a time and packed by hand. Now we have automatic weapons with large magazines that can be swapped out in seconds. They have less recoil and greater accuracy. Regardless of cultural and political issues, guns are just more capable of killing than they used to be.

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There was a post here a while back about how younger generations often don't understand concepts like file system structures because concepts like that (which are still relevant in a lot of contexts) have been largely stripped out of modern user interfaces. If your primary computing device is a cell phone, a task like "make a nested directory structure and move this file to the deepest part of it" is a foreign concept.

I guess my point here is that I agree with yours about this being cyclical in a sense. I feel crippled on a cell phone, but I'm also in my comfort zone on a Linux terminal. Using web apps like MS Teams is often difficult for me because their UIs are not things I'm comfortable with. I don't tend to like default layouts and also tend to use advanced features which are usually hidden away behind a few menus. Tools built to meet my needs specifically would largely not meet the needs of most users. A Level 1 user would probably have a better experience there than a Level 3 like me. It's hard (maybe impossible) to do UX design that satisfies everyone.

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Loss would have been easier, though I appreciate the extra effort.

Why is this a survey? A survey is a tool used to approximate the distribution of opinions held among a population. What this survey is attempting to measure is a detectable fact, though. It would be more appropriate to do a statistical analysis of actual grocery costs over time.

Gavin McInnes stuck a plug up his ass to own the libs. Anytime you think you're inventing something so ridiculous the right can't possibly have done it, you're probably wrong.

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That's because him shutting up for three consecutive seconds would be the smartest thing they ever heard.

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Imagine not having to argue with a massive corporation about whether you should be able to take the medication your doctor told you to take.

The largest I've passed was about 4mm. It's the most painful thing I've ever felt, and it took weeks to work its way through, even with the Flomax. Crying, moaning, writhing on the bed in pain, pissing blood. Malicious looking little thing. Looked like the ball on the end of a morning star. I passed two of those at once one time.

Jorch is only 17 but sometimes he can score you a six pack anyway.

I bought a bunch of little pride flags to stick in the ground around the neighborhood and a banner for my front yard when I saw this a couple days ago. Fortunately I live in a great city for queer folk, but you go just a mile north or east of here and it gets ugly pretty fast.

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He was receiving an honorary degree from Duke and spoke at the commencement.

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My neighbors just put out a couple little pride flags. I should do the same.

He should be arrested and lose his freedom.