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@๐”„ ๐”ฐ๐”ข๐”ซ๐”ฑ๐”ฆ๐”ข๐”ซ๐”ฑ ๐”ญ๐”ฆ๐”ข๐” ๐”ข ๐”ฌ๐”ฃ ๐” ๐”ฅ๐”ข๐”ข๐”ฐ๐”ข@lemmy.world
12 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sign the petition for a Guillotine emoji.

I used to walk to Grandma's every Wednesday after school for years. She made me my favourite every time: Beef tongue with green beans and mealy potatoes from her garden, all swimming in melted butter.

I am German and use Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal, Threema and SMS because NO ONE CAN MAKE UP THEIR FUCKING MINDS!!!1!!11!

Some people seem to be extra confusing and contact me on multiple channels based on the moon cycle or whatever the fuck.

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Spec Ops: The Line

It's story is based on Heart of Darkness, the same book Apocalypse Now was based on, so they share some commonalities.

Gameplay wise it's a pretty standard 3rd person cover shooter, nothing really memorable.

But man that game fucks with your head and expectations of a shooter. While you mow down hordes of fellow American soldiers who have gone AWOL with their commander, the tone of the game constantly shifts ever so slightly. You lose people from your team, you get to be more and more vengeful and violent. And at first you think nothing of it, because that's almost every shooter I've played.

But they let you see yourself in a mirror, so to say.

I think the first time it really hit me was when on one of the loading screen tooltips, that usually said stuff like "You can throw grenades back." or "Flank your enemies." it just said "Do you feel like a hero yet?". Felt like I'd been punched in the gut. It gets more and more intense from there and I can't really describe it all, because it's been a decade or so and it was mostly the sum of a lot of smaller things.

I know some people called it corny and pretentious but it really stuck with me.

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His foundation is heavily invested in vaccinating populations in the global south. On paper at least โ€“ I don't trust billionaires or their foundations, most of it is tax evasion anyway.

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Germany uses Max/Erika Mustermann โ€“ literally Sampleman. It's used for example on official sample pictures of our IDs. Some authorities in erlin have startet to use the gender neutral name Manu Mustermann.

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Not gonna sugarcoat it โ€“ this will suck for a long time. For me it was friends, hookups and time that helped.

Friends let me forget for the time we hung out but also listened and just hugged me when I cried.

Hookups (and I realise this sounds vapid as shit) made me feel like I am still wanted and attractive.

Time made the thought of them sting less.

This will smost likely stick with you, but it's going to be okay. It's not going to hurt this badly forever. You will think of it less and less frequently. But you will have that scar. And that's okay, I think.

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Gotta enforce speed limits.

And these things don't shoot you if you look at them wrong โ€“ or are black.

Edit: "No, you can't just stick a camera worth a couple of thousand [local currency] next to the road, that takes photographic evidence of infractions. You gotta rip out the entire surface, redesign the sides and introduce a few sharp curves by demolishing a few blocks of buildings here and there. In the mean time speed is only enforced by violent cops who feel like you were speeding.

It's the only logical way."

55 more...

How are your kids coping with, uh, something different? I imagine it's a tad less convenient, even with your server. Also, I haven't done something different since the rise of Netflix. Is the quality of something different generally higher with streaming services just putting their content on the internet themselves?

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I mean, fuck him, but why would this be such a big deal?


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Yes, but very conservative. I posted this because - as your OP pointed out - it feels like such a self own.

90% of their reportoire are sorry variations of The One Joke conservatives have - attack helicopter. They got banned on Twitter (can't remember why exactly) and were one of the first accounts reinstated by Musk.

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