1 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

From a non-US standpoint this is rather easy:

You have 2 geriatric options. Option 1 would lead to a dictatorship. Option 2 would lead to the - non-ideal - status quo.

How the fuck do you even have to think about which option would be better???

50 more...

I'm not an American and I read the whole 45 pages indictment. One one hand, because it was highly entertaining to read Agent Oranges tweet in such a serious context, on the other hand because, in a way, this affects the whole world. The defendant was such a horrible (and effective) role model to authoritarian politicians around the globe and I honestly believe the US won't recover from a not-guilty verdict or even worse, a second term of that ape.

But even IF he somehow, miraculously, gets a prison sentence - there is still so much to be done. The whole apparatus that enabled him should face justice. Not only his direct co-conspirators but also republican congressmen & -women that violated their oath to protect your republic from exatly the tyranny that the defendant tried to establish.

But who am I kidding; In reality I am already waiting for the announcement of his second term, the pardoning of each and everyone of his co-conspirators plus a self-pardon (how crazy is that?!) from '47. Thats how much trust I have in your system at this point.

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Honestly not too surprising. But good luck moderating the bigger subs without the old volunteers.

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For a moment i was very confused what the Irish Republican Army has to do with Biden.

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On one hand I find the American prudishness extremely ridiculous and amusing. On the other hand I get the outrage. - Not because of tiddies but because of the blatantly obvious hypocracy.

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I have a theory as well: Those freezes happen when some of the millions of souls he has hurt in his lifetime break out for a moment and start to haunt him.

On a more serious note: I cant fathom the immense lust/hunger for power this person must posess to still refuse to retire. Afaik he's a millionaire anyway but he still grabs on to the tits of power like the ghoul he is. Disgusting human being.

Gotta admit this was one hell of a PR stunt! Impressive it actually worked. Considering democrats as a whole are center right on an international scale it couln't have been easy to convince working class folks they actually give a damn.

But PR stunt aside, it still is one hell of a positive message in this incredibly fucked political landscape. Kudos to Biden.

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Gotta train them kids to become familiar with prison environments. There's a whole industry waiting for them.

Good summarization. And I am sure it WILL explode if they dont start paying serious mods serious money for something that was done FOR FREE by the community before. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

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Pathetic irony indeed. Logical thinking would demand he'd be booed off the podium. - But by now I'm also a strong believer in the incredible stupidity of Americans... so not sure what will happen.

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This is morbidly fascinating. Also extremely good pictures.

e: While all of the photos are great, this one struck me in particular:

Unfit for office, unfit for trial.. is there ANYTHING this guy is not unfit for?!

e: ah yes.. fucking prostitutes. he MAY be fit for that.

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Had a prolonged laughflash right after reading the headline. Then it dawned on me: Some stupid fucks watching fox are actually going to believe this nonsense :-(

While I totally understand the frustration - apathy cannot be a solution in this scenario!

You'd rather sit at home and watch your democracy go up in flames than just make an "x" on a piece of paper or a screen? Seriously, come on man...

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Last Christmas. I hate it with a furious passion.

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Right? I'd have talked to OpenAi and told them the situation. OpenAI can probably afford ANY api fee by now so that would've been the most logical first step.

Well whatever, reddit needs me more than I need reddit so I'll stay here for now. I like it here :)

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I hope the two other heart surgery specialists in the state are non-gay, god loving patriots (/s).

A case of "knowing your audience". Better host your amoral and unethical content on platforms where it doesnt get ripped apart by the more educated majority.

Hilarious and disgusting in equal measures.

"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. [...] You know… morons."

I think "reign" is like "rule". - A king reigns over his people.

"Rein" is the thing that horse cart drivers use to control the horses. So the rope that goes from horses mouth to drivers hand. You can either "rein (in) the horses" for them to do something, or you can let them "free rein", meaning they can run as they please.

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I was mostly referring to the (likely) candidates as options, but yes, sadly you are right. Doesnt help that by design it is more difficult to vote for certain groups than others. Still. If I had to take a day off and risk my job by doing so - It would be worth it to prevent a dictatorship!

Wrath of the Lich Queen

In other words: I like the two-tier justice system and see no reason why a traitor shouldnt be president. God what a spineless sycophant.

Forgive my pedantery: It's "Nuremburg" in English, "Nürnburg" in German.

Although there are many (disgusting) truths being reported in the article, I'm afraid the critical masses that need to know this aren't gonna see it. Those that read the article knew those things already for a long time.

I bet everything I have that fox & friends wont mention even one piece of this critical information in their programs. And that is really sad.

I just cannot fathom how it can be legal to spread rumors and misinformation as "facts" like all those right-wing mediae do. Fucking fascists.

Please, stay, my liege :-D

Hardly surprising coming from a mobster.

So if the guy wins even though he's imprisoned.. will they make a prison look like the white house? Or install fences and bars in the real one? So many questions...

Its a close race for the title of "most spineless POS" between Pence and Graham. Who will take the trophy? Are you all excited?

It can be a brilliant PR move and positive at the same time!

Let me give you my (non-US) perspective: The world has watched this monster stomp on every value a decent human might have for more than 5 years. We saw the things he got away with due to a brigade of lawyers (essentially money). We all know that money talks, worldwide, but especially in the US.

I have no faith in the US justice system doing the right thing anymore (if ever). So I'll believe it when I see it.

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WTF did I just read?

So often I am thankful that I dont have to live in this dystopion shithole country. Thanks for reminding me again.

Sorry bot, you failed in this case

Biden? Communist? LMFAO.

he’s already looking at 91 felony charges… people don’t just get to walk away from this level of shit.

You just watch. It has been more than obvious for decades for just about anyone abroad that the US have a 2-tiered justice system. You think that's just gonna change just because more Americans are aware of it now?! I wish for a conviction just like most decent human beings but I really dont believe it will happen.

You sir, are an absolute barbarian!

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Any more weight and that dude would be an imax projector.

Thank you for the linked piece. Very interesting read!