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Joined 1 years ago

If a woman can produce a baby in nine months, 9 women should be able to deliver a baby in one month.

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RIF was Reddit for me. Now that it's dead, so is Reddit.

Little Bobby Tables as we call him.

Why are educational institutions even holding these hearings? Sexual assault/rape is a crime and should be handled by the police/courts. The schools should just come in after the fact and make decisions based on the verdict.

God. All I really want is to be able to sideload and app I developed without Apple's approval.

And not bullying kids because of their chat bubble color would be cool, too

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Can you imagine a congress and SCOTUS that actually acts in the interest of the people?

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Let's see: biology demands humans sleep every day, and not always voluntarily. Yep, we should criminalize that.

Also, let's criminalize public eating, drinking, and breathing unless you have a house.

Slava Ukraini

The charging port is underneath the car

What is this- an urn for aunts? Should be at least 3 times that size.

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I hear Spain has hung, twerking men

The good people of Texas are trying but this state is crazy gerrymandered. Ken Paxton is a cancer upon society.

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ITT: A bunch of people who don't realize Texas is nearly purple, but gerrymandered to hell. There are millions of us who are blue.

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they're just The Chicks now

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I read ATACMS as Attack 'Ems

"Slavery was just an old term for on-call internships." ~ Florida

OOTL: what is meant by freebooting. Is it just reposting other people's content without proper attribution?

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Let's not fix anything until the things we won't fix get fixed.

Tim Lincecum. It literally required his engineer father to analyze and perfect every part of his pitching mechanics to be able to compete at the highest level. Everything about his pitching delivery was so goddamn weird that he is simply known as The Freak. But for a short time he was as good as anyone, throwing 2 no hitters, and winning 2 cy young awards and 3 world series.

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Independence Day

Caught a sneak peek the week before it opened. As soon as Will Smith punched the alien and said, "Welcome to Earth," everyone cheered and it was a nonstop thrill ride that had the entire audience engaged.

When the credits rolled, there was a legit standing ovation. It was the single best crowd I've ever watched movie with.

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Reminds me of a quote I heard somewhere that I will now butcher.

Michael Caine was so good in the Muppets Christmas Carol because he considered his fellow Muppets to be actors.

Tim Curry was so good in the Muppets Treasure Island because he considers himself to be a muppet.

Carrots will allow me to see in the dark if I eat enough of them.

This was (and is) a very successful British WWII misinformation campaign. The Brits didn't want it known that their aircraft had radar - which allowed them to find enemy aircraft at night. So they embellished carrots' benefit on night vision to cover up their technological advantage.

It worked. Don't feel bad for believing it. Everyone believed it.

I'm so excited!

I read this in Mario's voice and it works

I knew my wife took my piece of string

I just want to know if I should be righteously offended at the inconvenience because some idiot on a phone rear ended someone, or if I should be sympathetic because someone now has a steering wheel where their head used to be.

The Dems had control of the House and a filibuster-proof Senate under Obama... and did jack shit. They could have legitimately transformed healthcare and broken for-profit insurance and the Republicans could do nothing about it; but they bickered amongst themselves until suddenly the insurance companies stopped complaining.

I'm not holding my breath.

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This is utterly asinine. The only way to survive artillery when you're spotted is to run somewhere. The king of battle will zero in and wipe out everyone otherwise.

Software engineering manager here. My team went full remote and it is amazing. We get more done than we did in office.

I love cycling laundry or running the dishwasher in the middle of the day. It doesn't affect the amount of work I or my team gets done.

I really only have two rules. 1) Attend and participate in your meetings. 2) We deliver what we committed to at the beginning of sprint.

Otherwise I don't care when the work gets done. I am pretty sure one of my devs writes his code between 9 PM and midnight.

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The average person has slightly more than one skeleton inside of them


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Any high ground Israel once had in this is long gone.

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Imagine going from one of America's heros after 9/11 to absolutely tanking your reputation and financial well being for the Cheeto in Chief

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They want facial recognition so they know whom to add to their list of enemies

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Palin wasn't the main party on the ticket. Obviously a different timeline, but I can't imagine she would have had as much support as the POTUS candidate.

I am only interested in single Hot_search_words in my area. No phrases for me.


Based on my recent failings: apparently hitting a little white ball into a hole.

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They are protecting them from 1) abortion, and 2) education and opportunity so that they can be wage slaves.