Attention Office Resisters: The Boss Is Counting Badge Swipes

Bernie to – 141 points –
Attention Office Resisters: The Boss Is Counting Badge Swipes

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Software engineering manager here. My team went full remote and it is amazing. We get more done than we did in office.

I love cycling laundry or running the dishwasher in the middle of the day. It doesn't affect the amount of work I or my team gets done.

I really only have two rules. 1) Attend and participate in your meetings. 2) We deliver what we committed to at the beginning of sprint.

Otherwise I don't care when the work gets done. I am pretty sure one of my devs writes his code between 9 PM and midnight.

So ... are you hiring 😁

Jk, I have a nice job where people actually (like you) trust people. I mean I'd put in an extra mile just because of that.

And mixing work with home chores, naps, whatever is so good, both for me and for my productivity.

Man, i never thought i would be a multi-tasker. Yes being remotely deployed is beneficial. Less petrol costs, less wear and tear, i can do laundry and cook and feed my cats (yes have 3) and play games while working and still i dont have to rush through traffic jams.

One good thing is i noticed money is kinda saved and yes I'll definitely buy something from that.