Bernie Ecclestoned

164 Post – 932 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

vintage champagne socialist 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈

I remember when Google glasses came out, people got assaulted for wearing them

Her Facebook post 💀

“OMG so you’ll never believe this but… I got verbally and physically assaulted and robbed last night in the city, had things thrown at me because of some ---- Google Glass haters,” Slocum posted to Facebook.

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The one boundary that is not threatened is atmospheric ozone, after action to phase out destructive chemicals in recent decades led to the ozone hole shrinking

So we can do it when we need to.

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Just because you feel that, doesn't make it true.

There's no real difference between boomers and anyone else. Still using the same wetware as every other human for 10k years.

There will be rapey boomers, rapey gen x, rapey millenials and rapey gen z.

For example, Andrew Fucking Tate and his regressive masculinity bollocks is extremely popular all over

Nearly eight in ten 16-17 year-old boys in the UK have watched Tate’s content

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Good, they'll be left with second rate wage slaves while other companies who trust their employees will be more productive and competitive as a result.

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People are increasingly worried, full stop.

Doom loop news cycle doesn't help.

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I remember this on Reddit, is Boris an edgy memelord?

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165 years for white collar crime, no fucking chance

They only made $322k, that's nothing.

What did the Enron guys get?

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Making 400k and paying rent. Highly regarded.

Putting cobra in front of your name is cool af, if you're 12.

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Both are annoying mind control techniques

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Or if they did, they failed to act on it.

The only reason I can think why they'd fail to act would be to have a good reason to declare war...

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In the air?

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No one could spell it

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The guy who grew up with apartheid? Surely not

It's in the North Sea, pretty hostile environment for anything manmade. Oil rigs in the same area have an expected lifetime of 25 years.

Throughout his NBA profession, he performed in 67 video games over two seasons

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If Repman remains on the payroll through November of next year, she will hit her 30th anniversary as a public employee and will be able to collect an additional $42,577 state pension.

Legend. Hope she makes it.

Dywedodd Mr Miles y byddai'n gofyn i'r cwmni ystyried sut y gallai'r llywodraeth - sydd â tharged hunan-osodedig o gyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 - gefnogi datblygiad y cwrs, gan weithio gyda'r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol. Roedd ffigyrau Cyfrifiad y llynedd yn dangos bod 24,000 yn llai o siaradwyr Cymraeg o gymharu â degawd yn ôl a dywedodd adroddiad yn gynharach eleni fod amheuaeth ynghylch cyrraedd y targed. Ychwanegodd Mr Miles: "Mae Duolingo yn adnodd gwerthfawr a all helpu dysgwyr ar eu taith i ddod yn siaradwyr Cymraeg, ochr yn ochr â chyfleoedd dysgu iaith eraill. Roedd y tiwtor iaith Richard Morse yn un o'r rhai a fu'n gweithio am nifer o flynyddoedd i roi cynnwys y cwrs at ei gilydd.

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Lose count?

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Duck sharing is prohibited

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They did nazi that coming

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That headline does not read right.

If you fail an audit, that's a bad thing.

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That's like blaming the bomb disposal team for not defusing your bomb...

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That headline needs a massive IF statement

IF it passed in its current state, which is highly doubtful.

The govt has already U-turned on breaking encryption. Making everyone share their biometric data to prove age is a privacy nightmare, and probably breaks existing laws

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She's British Palestinian, it makes sense that a British citizen strikes a chord with the British media.

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Lol, the irony.

Tankards punching air.

Edit. Do you have a source though?

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Vatican-owned properties in Rome are operating as seedy saunas and massage parlours where priests pay for sex, according to the latest in a series of leaked reports to embarrass the Church.

It is also claimed that Vatican officials are allowing buildings to be rented out at peppercorn rents as favours to powerful colleagues and turning a blind eye to shady property deals, as well as allowing addresses to be used as red-light establishments


Two years ago it emerged the Vatican had purchased a €23m (£16m) share of a Rome apartment block, 2 Via Carducci, which housed the Europa Multiclub, Europe’s biggest gay sauna. Tales of visiting priests were legion, and a section of the sauna’s website promoting special “bear nights” included a video of a hirsute man stripping down and changing into a priest’s outfit.

From what I've gathered from others who've been bothered by them, they are a 'tankie' who fantasises about communism and thinks China is still a communist state. That they do so while living in a western democracy using all the tools of freedom of expression is an irony that's lost on them

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. * here's how they are supposed to work

The joy of selecting cookie preferences on every single website never gets old...

Edit. And we have our first winner

Zalando, a German online fashion retailer, has filed a legal challenge over its inclusion on the DSA’s list of the largest online platforms, arguing that it’s being treated unfairly

Nevertheless, Zalando is launching content flagging systems for its website even though there’s little risk of illegal material showing up among its highly curated collection of clothes, bags and shoes


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Does it occur naturally in anything or would it be a toothpaste ingredient?

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Not sure building a moon base to launch spaceships from is going to be the end of the world

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the girl mentioned that she would have to see the doc if I went down on her.

That does not compute

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Always check for toilet paper before you shit

Some pretty wild stuff scraped from the internet 2 years ago... It's just regurgitating what people guess an AI could do

I went on a meditation retreat and was stood in a forest being mindful when a little mouse came out and drank some water that was pooled in a leaf.

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Yeah, after watching the siege of Mariupol and the destruction of civilian infrastructure by Putin, it's kinda hard to defend the same actions, whatever the provocation, by Bibi

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One country promised a second country a third country's land

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Just his normal behaviour

Somehow he got let out

Billingsley pleaded guilty to a first-degree sex offense and was sentenced in 2015 to 30 years in prison, with 16 of those years suspended, court records show. He was paroled in October.

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