Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31

Bernie to World – 604 points –
Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31

Let's not forget that Guinness World Records is known for giving out records without fact checking.

I just don't buy it as a 31 year old dog.

To be sure. A purebred dog the kids "kept secret" for several years after a culling. So only the kids knew the dog even existed. Sounds more like the kids found a puppy and justified keeping it by saying they always had it.

How many years after the culling are we thinking they "found" him? Because even if you take off 10 years, he looked astonishingly good for 21!

Even if they're a few years off, he lived to be ancient.

It doesn’t say in the article how long they kept the dog secret. They were 8 so I can’t imagine it was more than a week or two.

yeah, no grey hair at all??

That's the secret to living long, just don't go grey.

Im not even 30 yet and im going gray. How fucked am i

There's a natural regimen to save yourself - you must cut out all gluten, eat meals consisting of horse/radish paste (that's a paste made of horses and radishes), and drink at least 6 glasses of clam juice per day.

Where do you get your gluten free horses?

Etsy or eBay surprisingly enough. They are mildly radioactive, but worth every penny!

Really impressive for such a large dog. Usually the larger the shorter their lifespan.

Yeah usually like 9-15 years. Even long-lived small dogs like mini poodles are lucky to get to 18. For a big dog, 31 must be akin to a human living to 200.

RIP doggo. :(

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Guinness World Record holder Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, passed away at his home in Portugal on Saturday.

"Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough, for those who loved him," wrote Dr Karen Becker.

Bobi's grand old age was validated by the Portuguese government's pet database, which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians.

Bobi lived his whole life with the Costa family in the village of Conqueiros, near Portugal's west coast, after being born with three siblings in an outbuilding.

Mr Costa and his brothers kept the dog's existence a secret from their parents until he was eventually discovered and became part of the family, who fed him the same food they eat.

Apart from a scare in 2018 when he was hospitalised after suddenly collapsing due to breathing difficulty, Mr Costa said in February that Bobi had enjoyed a relatively trouble-free life and thought the secret to his longevity was the "calm, peaceful environment" he lived in.

The original article contains 340 words, the summary contains 169 words. Saved 50%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Isn't it like 160-200 in human years?

169 according to the American Kennel Club’s formula. (Year 1=15 years, Year 2=9 years, more years=5 years).

Which, if you ask me, is just more proof that humans could live to 169 if we didn’t have jobs and someone took us for walks all the time.

Have you ever seen an elderly dog? They have the same characteristics as an elderly person. Gray hair, lack muscle tone, eyes that just look old... that dog is not 31.

Bobi's grand old age was validated by the Portuguese government's pet database, which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians.

Ah, the wonderful prevailing argument sweeping the internet the last few years: “that looks like something else, so it must be that. Let’s disregard sources and science. Everything must be what it looks like.”

People lie about their age all the time. There's been many elderly people with badly documented births who fudged the numbers and added a decade or five to their age.

Unless there's good documentation, be skeptical of extreme longevity claims.

Did you even read the article? There is good documentation. Man you keyboard ninjas need to spend less time in the dojo and more time in the library.

Bobi's grand old age was validated by the Portuguese government's pet database, which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians.

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Critical thinking! No! It doesn't look 'old' so it can't be!

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And as with people, the obese don't set age records

Yeah, it's gotta be fucking incredible living life at 108.


Quality of life from 100 - 108 is much better than quality of life from 50 - 58 at 500lbs

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