
0 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I've been doing this since forever ago but I season my ice cubes with whiskey.

Are your parents pressuring you to move out of their basement? Your seemed to take this article personally.

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I'm sure the AI will auto layoff every one once it realized plants don't crave electrolytes.

Does it upset you that they are kicking you out of their shanty?

I have no idea why the Dacia Sandero is not brought to the US. $15,000 for a new car. They would be competing with the mirage and Rio all of which cost much more and are lower quality.

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He probably gave them all the info he had on his first day. After that he wasn't valuable as an intel asset. The only other thing he offered was a bargaining chip which NK found out was not much of one. At that point it was just easier for NK to cut their losses and turn him over to the US.

Forcing a person not to wear a type of clothing is just as bad forcing them to wear it. The reasons for either are not important.

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The death star was a military base they a attacked a military base.

The rebels didn't murder and rape the ewoks in the middle of the yub nub festival.

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Public posts have no expectation of privacy.

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This is 100% a political statement and nothing more. The 'pause' will only work if both sides pause. Both sides have nothing but hate for each other they won't pause, innocent lives are much less important than getting their enemies.

How many Israeli soldiers paraded around naked bodies of innocent people they murdered?

How many Israeli soldiers attacked people at a music festival?

Israel is not innocent but the levels evil displayed by Hamas are horrifying.

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I'm sure they did the math they've calculated that the increases will offset the loss is subscribers. From the article it looked like the royalties will increase so less subscribers paying more is even more profitable.

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It's not overblown, they are modifying people's systems without their knowledge or consent, a warrant to do so should never have been granted. Whether their intent was good or not is irrelevant.

This smells of a case where they are looking to broaden their reach through precedence. They now can modify peoples systems if a judge feels it's "good" to do so.

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The protocol for how to subvert this type of tracking is all ready known. You have to use burrner phones and swap out every couple of weeks. Don't take any electronics to sensitive meetings.

They are encoding commands in calendar events there is not a vulnerability in Google calendar. After your device is compromised its commanded to subscribe to a calendar. Those events have commands. Since checking your calendar is a normal event unlike connecting to a nefarious server it becomes more difficult to discover.

At the time chrome was slightly faster and more efficient... Chrome actually forced Firefox to modernize its browser to stay competitive.

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This is how you end up with sharknados

It seems you don't pay much attention to the history of jerselum either. The "rightful" owners of the land depends on when you claim that this is when ownership was established.

1% of Russian and Belarusian nationals living in Lithuania had their visas revoked. This is not a round up all the russkies and put them in a camp. This is a this one person out of 100 has to leave.

The AI system searches public posts, it's not able to read DMs, it doesn't have login credentials.

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Trudeau comes off more as an opium guy then cocaine.

I have 4 kids, vans or suvs are my only option. I got my explorer new for 24k. It was the cheapest vehicle with 3 rows and room for luggage in the back. I miss driving a car, but for the next decade I need a kid hauler.

Airplane mode will work. The alerts are sent out via the mobile network. When airplane mode is turned off there is a good chance the alert will sound. There was a tornado that went through my area, the basement had no cell signal, as we were all coming out from the basement everyone's phones started going off.

Sling would gain so many more customers if they could have a functioning ui on their app. You shouldn't have to force stop and restart the app multiple times a day.

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It's more than a couple hundred dollars. Production time will drop from 10 to 5 hours per car. The tooling and multiple parts eliminated from large casts will save thousands.

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The brine solution will contain concentrated amounts of elements, like lithium. That concentrated solution may be economicly viable to process.

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Tactics change with better equipment, nobody would defer to the reanimated corpse of the red barron for modern air combat.

I'm hopping by the time I need my next phone Linux phones will be ready.

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We have always been at war with Eastasia

The mayor was restraining the boy a other person was threatening the boy.

It's even worse than that. You can buy seeds from the market place have no agreement with Monsanto but can't plant those seeds.


There's only one religion where a rapists, pedophile, warlord is held up as a role model.

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The forecasts for FFP projects have competitive forces pushing them down. Many times they will underbid to win than hope everything goes perfect or they can find a way to weasel out of it.

I'm waiting for details on this case. Did the cop have a legitimate reason to pull over Leonard Cure, did he have a reason to arrest him. The article claims Lenard resisted and continued going after the cop after he was tased but I have not seen any evidence.

I wonder why you get so worked up about someone wanting more info instead of blindly following a narrative.

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My i7 "laptop" would burn my lap, it was not a laptop.

The letters just stopped...

They never called back...

They don't reply to my IMs...

They ignore my texts...

You mean ordering soldiers to rape women in front of their husbands is not a good role model.

Seriously what did he think the outcome would be? Did he think all of the middle east would unite in support of a civilian murdering group? If Iran was part of the planning did he think they would help? Did he think they would win? I don't know how one can't see how these actions have done a great disservice to his cause.

This is how you wash federal money and turn it into campaign donations. There is no way our politicians will turn off that spigot.

I see no one RTFA, the book was electronically flagged, and removed from the review list after the mistake was uncovered.