1 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Album on,, &

Revanced and newpipe fill different roles while covering a lot of the same functionality. Revanced is still the YouTube app ... Just modified.

There's a lot of ppl that don't want the actual yt app for everything that it is. Also this being Lemmy there's a lot of users looking for open source alternatives for all apps.

The people who dont want to be told how they live desperately want someone to tell them how to live.

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Damn Lemmy users are no different from Reddit. Don't read anything. Take anything you did read out of context. Be sure to rage post your own ignorance so we can all read about it.

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It's almost like making money is not the primary purpose of this website 🤔

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The Aussies have an extreme right wing thing going on and that group just absolutely fucking loves trump cuz he's the fast-fasch king.

30 million copies sold. even if he only made a dollar into his pocket for each sale....hes doing alright.

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Posts and comments is one thing... It's inherently public. But I think being able to see up and down vote publically is a tough pill. If you don't realize your votes can be seen you risk your vote being held against you. If you do know it disincentivizes you to use the vote system to protect yourself from something that should be rather benign.

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ITT: people who don't realize that most USB-C cables are USB 2.0

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yup like this guy former Idaho Senator Larry Craig - staunch opponent of LGBTQ+ rights caught cruising for dick in a public bathroom. To be clear, the problem isn't that he was doing gay stuff, but that he was a hypocrite about it and was clearly projecting his own insecurities into law.

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Don't give people your solution and ask them how to do it. Start with your problem out of the gate.

Instead of checking for audio maybe you can write a usescript to run actions based on what's happening on the website. Dunno tho cuz Im making assumptions at what the problem is.

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Babe it's not what you think, she's just statistically correlated to my dick.

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Endeavor is owned by Delta.

Will be interesting to see who's fault this is.... Sounds like ground ATC.

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Yep and not wanting Palestinians to die anymore means you hate the Jews. The gaslight is spooky.

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Yeah. Before your options were roaming or waiting till you get there to get a physical SIM.

Today I can get an app that will install the esim before I get to the country so I'm ready to go out the gate. Also pay per day options.

Rates seem really good this way.

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This is only really true if you're already educated. Presuming that reading and writing is something that all can do would certainly lead you to believe the dictionary had limited usefulness.

Man as someone who named themselves Album because i am a fan of Albums as a piece of art - I do NOT agree. Illmatic is one of the best albums ever made, no challenge - but it's an odd take to try to frame it as one of the last. Super narrow view. I'm not even entirely convinced that Albums are "dead" though they're certainly less popular than they once were. It's also important to remember that LP/Albums were not always popular either.

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It's not really about eating the costs of doing business. A restaurant doesn't charge you $1 at the end of your bill for washing your fork, it's just part of the cost of serving the dish and so your Salmon Rice dish is $18 not $17.

The point is that the listed prices for services should either have these fees be built right into the pretty much all businesses do...or if you're going to put it at the end of the bill then it needs to be clearly defined per FCC.

It's a transparency problem. Not only is your $60 cell phone bill not actually $60 but then they also don't tell you about the additional fees very well when they tack them on at the end. It's gotta be one or the other, not neither.

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I mean... We probably should have seen it coming.

They're not a "disruptor" in an industry when they give away the product for free at a loss...they're just anti-competitive. We got a free ride at the cost of basically destroying all competition for Google. They got to sit back and chill and now they can reap the benefits of zero competition... eg doing whatever the fuck they want since there's no competitive alternative.

Uber did this too. Remember when you didn't have to tip?

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Yeah they built this UI on the assumption that people didn't turn off their BT generally. This is an improvement for me but I really don't see why they can't make it an option for people.

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I've lived in both US and Canada.

In Canada, my mother had cancer stayed in a private room for weeks until she died and we only paid for the phone bill for her room and parking. I didn't get a bill from the hospital at all. No claims on insurance.

I had a baby in 2021 and again my wife had a private room while she recovered from her C section and my infant was in the NICU for a week. No bill from the hospital, no claims on insurance. Just paid for parking.

My wife who is type 1 diabetic had 100% of her needs covered through the ontario healthcare system.

I hear stories that in Ontario you have to wait for non-urgent care due to Premier Doug Ford not paying nurses enough, but I have not seen this personally.

I had work coverage that provided dental, vision, and drug coverage if needed.

In the US, I'm 100% dependent on work provided benefits AND I have to pay $4k a year for those benefits. Wife went for some routine work done and it was covered by work insurance. In ontario it would have been a no cost thing too, no dealing with insurance. We wouldn't have waited in Ontario, we didn't wait here either.

There seem to be waits here for specialists. Haven't had to go to the hospital for anything yet.

That's basically what therapy is. The lack of vitamin is the damage you received in your childhood that you just thought was normal.

Then you actually recount the experience to a therapist and they tell you how not normal that is and help you to recognize the fact that you had to go through that without support and that the way you are is because you had to cope to support yourself to survive when no one else was there for you.

Once you know it then you can tell all your friends and get them to awe at your seemingly inhuman perseverance.

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The value of your NFT just went from .02 to .0002

Right, not only do I not have a problem with this - but it SHOULD be rewarded.

Personally I beat the v1.1 version of the game back in Oct 2016 - but I purchased the game a second time on android because a) i wanted to support a cross platform port and b) the guy really deserves it.

I like it when I have the option to support a developer more, but it isn't expected or required.

Me: mom can we get O?

Mom: we have O at home.

O At home: O2

Really impressive for such a large dog. Usually the larger the shorter their lifespan.

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She's a symbolic scapegoat for everything wrong in americans lives and thus the source of everything wrong with this guys life.

This is the most NPD post ever trying to make this comparison. People with disabilities or mental disorders that hurt people when unmanaged SHOULD be treated differently. No it's not the same thing as ensuring blind or people in wheel chairs can get around without assistance or making sure people with autism get job opportunities.

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Everyone knows where Drake lives in Toronto it's no secret. He raps about it and named songs after the street so at worst he doxxed himself. He posts videos of his property from time to time. Etc

I like Xitter. Kinda like shitter if you pretend it's like a Chinese x sound

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These guys have such a crazy social media presence for a shawarma shop. First the toktiks and yt shorts, now this.

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Only lawyers and politicians would be dumb enough to break DNS

Ipv6 requires fundamental rethinking about how addressing is done. If you're trying to apply v4 concepts to V6 you likely end up running into something they intentionally designed out.

A unique local address is an address space where you could do that. It's the equivalent to RFC1918 eg. 172/192/10. So you could statically assign fd0::x, and that is expected, but not required generally.

I wouldn't give each device a static unique global address unless they need to be accessed via wan without domain consistently. You lose device privacy really quickly that way because every device gets a unique globally routable address. It's fine for internet facing services but most Linux, Windows, and mobile implementations are using ipv6 privacy extensions by default to ensure you get a random GUA every day.

My network is dual stack and I connect mostly over ipv6 to all my internal clients using internal DNS. If my internal DNS is ever down I can fall back to ipv4 or it's basically the one box on my network with an easy to remember ULA.

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The GOAT - Canadians credit Tommy for bringing universal healthcare to canada. And starting the NDP

Lmao yep

Getting you to feel like your vote is meaningless is how they win.

I think it's more an existentialist response than an indictment of Binghamton:

"Everybody has to have a hometown, Binghamton's mine. In the strangely brittle, terribly sensitive make-up of a human being, there is a need for a place to hang a hat or a kind of geographical womb to crawl back into, or maybe just a place that's familiar because that's where you grew up. When I dig back through memory cells, I get one particularly distinctive feeling—and that's one of warmth, comfort and well-being. For whatever else I may have had, or lost, or will find—I've still got a hometown. This, nobody's gonna take away from me." —Rod Serling

Yep there's no way they didn't see it coming. I'm not saying this was day 1 intent but surely before release somebody had the realization that it had potential to be used in other ways.

Love it when ppl add "simply" to things as though it just hand waves it into success

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Your kids aren't kids and probably understand the value of a good night's sleep in order to work the next day?

I generally don't go out on week nights especially not late because I want to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep or I'm a grumpy unproductive mess. My evenings I'm making dinner, getting ready for the next day, and trying to find an hour or two to relax before doing it all over again

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It's flying over a river not over people or buildings. Just some info for the terminally outraged.

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