
10 Post – 906 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They don't make it clear which games have steam DRM and which games have nothing at all, they only list it if it's a third party solution like denuvo.

If companies always try to force arbitration on users I have my doubts about how good it is for us.

Try downloading any GTA before 5, there will be a community guide about the missing songs and how to restore the radios.

You just repeated the proposal.

It's really a sad seeing Ubisoft going from a trendsetter up until Far Cry 3, to being a failed trend chaser.

When a game is successful it's because of the executive, but when it bombs it's the fault of the workers, sadly.

What happened with those brain training games? Seems like they vanished suddenly.


How is a pin not a passcode?

Comments are closed because: In 2020 this was made for my when subscribers and based exclusively on the writing of MK in its most unedited form. Whoever else stumbled onto this later bearing a delusion it was made for them (e.g. fans of a Baltimore computer game corporation) were never meant as a target audience. Do not sub.


What's so bad about not permitting commercial uses?

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from the article:

I am well aware of how licenses work. That's why I changed, to make it very clear and a deterrent due to certain parties violating the old license, by not attributing and stripping my copyright. Packagers being collateral damage was a beneficial side-effect, considering they don't clearly mark their versions as modified (also a GPL requirement), break functionality, and expect upstream to provide support.

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Nintendo are trolls and have been doing this for a while whenever the competition scared them, before Palworld they sued White Cat Project to give an upper hand to their own Dragalia Lost, that came years later.

I'm glad Dragalia closed down, fuck Nintendo.


Patents are cancer for software, I'll side with Carmack before Nintendo any day.

Look forward to Inzoi, I think it launches next year, they released the character creator to try it.

Just another nail to the bootlicker's coffin of "review bombing does nothing".

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A better solution would be to force sites to care about the Do Not Track browser setting that currently does nothing as told by the browsers themselves.

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look inside


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Skill issue.

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Epic's CEO has a hateboner for everything Linux.

They can't possibly kill them all right?

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It worked, SEO really sucks.

"Let's tolerate the people that say they want to genocide entire ethnic groups" Surely nothing bad is gonna happen /s

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Their parents don't even give them PCs, only phones, how would they even learn?

Experts told the Vancouver Sun that Air Canada may have succeeded in avoiding liability in Moffatt's case if its chatbot had warned customers that the information that the chatbot provided may not be accurate.

So why would anybody use a chatbot?

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Lmao, this is months after they released a steam deck focused patch for Monster Hunter World that made it run on the deck, World was suddenly being played by several people again, congrats capcom for the fumble.

"Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of a game"

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The anti-circumvention clause is being abused for some years now, it's disgusting.

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So, internet users may soon need to create accounts on sites they currently access for free. As Laporte worries, "We thought those cookie permission popups were bad, but things may be getting much worse" regarding being forced to hand over personal information just to browse sites.

Good way to kill your site, this is the one thing everyone hates, from the enthusiast to the casual user, making an useless account for 1 service that you barely use.

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Pornographic content that consists only of text is not covered by today’s guidelines.

Ao3 users can't stop winning.

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For real, this algorithm is making people talk in a funny way to discuss anything, I cringe whenever someone has to say "unalive" or the video goes to the bottom of the feed.

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Headline should reflect that it's because of regulators, Adobe for sure would like to be a monopoly. Second time we were saved since Nvidia buying Arm got canceled.

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It's so funny one wanting to become the other, yt went to shit after shorts and tiktok is doing the same.

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Abundance is already here, tons of food are destroyed and thrown out when they accidentally make too much while people are starving, there's no money in abundance, it's the artificial lack of supply that keeps prices high and profits soaring.

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Imagine if steam only enabled refunds for australian customers and no one else, lmao.

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87.7% of the users watch on mobile, they are this mad about 12.3% possibly having access to an adblock.

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SaaS is a scam

Let them cook, we only got steam refunds thanks to them.

I am so glad when a PC game just has the intro videos as separate file, always go there to delete them, I do it with every game.