is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? to – 337 points –

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Abundance is already here, tons of food are destroyed and thrown out when they accidentally make too much while people are starving, there's no money in abundance, it's the artificial lack of supply that keeps prices high and profits soaring.

Food isn't the only resource in the equation. Most of the resources are limited and even diminishing.

I agree but I think their point was more along the lines of "Even if we have complete abundance of everything (as in, the capabilities to produce anything in abundance), capitalists will continue to create artificial lack of supply to continue profiting off of the workers. For example, look at the food abundance we have"

capitalists will continue to create artificial lack of supply

I think it's not that, but just:

capitalists won't spend their money to create logistical chains for free.

"Collect and distribute supply" won't do itself, someone should do that. And noone will do that for free