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Joined 12 months ago

No, sadly, unless you have an amd64 phone, which would honestly be weird at this point.

-guy who spent to long trying to get Linux Dwarf Fortress running on an ARM tablet not a month ago.

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Appreciate the offer. I managed to get it running full screen on a sever I can vnc into, just like steam link except not slow.

Note: SL may not be slow, but the server it's on aty place is a potato. Doing DF and steam (goddamnit I'd love to kill steam webhelper) and steam link will make you crazy.

Put it on your phone. It runs inside a container, so on top of stock android. All your normal phone stuff is still there and running. Worth noting android has good support for mouse and keyboard.

Edit: user below pointed out that this does not appear to be an app, which kinda makes it a weird choice? Seems like there are still better solutions like Userland, Andronix, and LinuxDeploy

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Yeah, I seem to have believed the title of the article before reading the article for some reason. My bad.

Box64 might be worth checking out. I didn't get much out of it but your mileage may vary.

You can, it's crashy.

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Decentralized email? I feel like I could get behind that

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I understand what you mean, having had to deal with SPF nonsense for a job back in the day. The SPF nonsense is what prevents selfhosting email, as you effectively point out yourself. If there were somehow a way to use federation to tackle that, it seems like it could be kinda cool.

Im planning on pulling it strait out of the air for freesies through the use of untrackable antenna technology from 90 years ago.

14 more...

The argument goes, as a British citizen, you have and continue to benefit from policies that your government made a long time ago. Reparations are not a tax on you, but an expense the government should have paid at the time of the work, but instead it did things like kidnap people from their homes, transport them to where labor was necessary, and force them into work. Now, the people who are the descendents of the kidnapped folks are requesting that the bills their great great grandparents were never paid. To extend that, after slavery ended, many of those who had been enslaved were left disenfranchised, and impoverished to the point that there is almost no possibility of building generational wealth.

As for if this will open the floodgates or not, who knows. An argument could be made in both directions, it's not as though governments paying one time sums to places is rare, and reparations for wars used to be pretty run of the mill.

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malware is what gave the DOJ the ability to do this, so yeah,

Wasn't gonna reply but you just seem like such a a charming person.

Why was the cop owed respect?

Who was the cop protecting when he demanded a citizen do something he had no right to demand?

Why is it ok for a grown ass man to shout down a child for not respecting them?

Has this cops behavior shown he is due respect?

When a cop lets his emotions out of control cause a kid doesn't kiss his ass hard enough, while the kid yes trying to bully remains calm, who IS due respect?

Fuck him specifically, fuck the police in general and fuck you.

TIL I'm a dutchman

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The dead name requirement isn't the issue. There is no way to provide that info, the requirement to provide tha info isn't documented, and they are attempting to disqualify her over it. The actual fuck?

Be the change you wanna see. Start that aoe2 community

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And also zero evidence that police protect people.

The irony of this being paywalled....

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Yes, sound is carried in waves of matter. If sound moved at light speed, the.matter must also. Interesting thought of the day, your heartbeat would explode your chest.

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Women? Who said anything about women?

Just cause I'm a dutchman doesn't mean I drink shit beer.

Not arguing, but the kid didn't disrespect the cop, he just didn't comply, which the cop assumed was the same thing cause he's a fucking child

My brain skipped over the word "to" in the title and I started freaking out a bit

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Homie, I am 37 and was diagnosed last week. Could be worse. Just glad to hear you're in the know now.

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Yo, you never met a mean girl? They even made a movie.

All you need to do is grab the drum line from Amen, Brother, by the Winston's. No ther samples necessary

Is this news? Does anyone really care that 3 random dudes od'd? If yes, why aren't the thousands of other overdose deaths news on a regular basis?

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Yes, though I'm unmedicated

The pun in the title makes this worth it and I don't even care about chess

Oooooh also, it seems like Magnus Carlson is butthurt

You should go back and make the effort, don't let your dreams stay dreams

You forgot about his diapers

But you could make chickpeanut butter

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I watched the whole video, and while yes Karl does conclude with that, many of the statements of fact he makes aren't actually fact but speculation. This is super biased reporting. Doesn't mean he's wrong, just that he's biased.

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I feel ya, but what else COULD you describe someone in a single word that doesn't seem to be able of forming their own thoughts?

I mean, it would be in the US where OSHA is a real thing, cause OSHA is in the US, but in Canada which is, iirc, not a part of the US....

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An accretion disc is...

Stop feeding the troll. He has no answers, he's just here to piss people off.

I think you're making assumptions that aren't fair but maybe aren't obvious either. Honestly I'm only thinking about this because I just watched the contrapoints video on twilight, and so I'll use her example, though she's talking about a slightly different topic. Gonna paraphrase like a mofo:

Weird Power dynamics between partners in a fantasy, like twilight, or say porn since we are being obvious here, is normal because self image often requires women to present one way while hiding their desires for sex. It's absolution of a sort, and is ostensibly healthy to explore in this way. That said... Some examples such as race play in fantasies may dehumanize the "other" in super not cool ways and reinforce negative racial stereotypes.

If we take that and extend it to pedophiles, normalization of the thought process leading to that sort of disfunction/disorder seems like a not great thing, but yeah, we'd need to study to learn more and that seems both difficult and likely undesirable for the researchers.