2 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

‘splurging’ on a dumb tv

This might not be the best advice if money is an object, but some LG OLEDs can be rooted simply by visiting a website:
So you get a top-quality screen and complete control over the software.
Personally, I've never connected my LG OLED to the internet and it works just great.

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Quick! Someone tell us why this isn't a good thing because the government did it! Surely there's some secret corruption at work!

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A $3 Million Crypto Wallet... A $2 Million Crypto Wallet... A $5.5 Million Crypto Wallet...
(This joke probably doesn't work anymore, but I still think it's funny.)

Interesting. As much as I'm a Foobar2000 fan, it's not open source. Looks like I'll be giving Winamp another spin soon.

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Rats. Leaving TPM off in the BIOS is how I've been avoiding it nagging me to upgrade from 10.

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I had to update my BIOS a while ago and it set TPM back to disabled as default. Voila. No Windows 11 prompts because, as far as it can tell, I do not meet the requirements.

Looks like a lot of info is shared through the manufacturer's app which interacts with the car. Easy to avoid if you don't install the app.
What we're all here looking to avoid is the car itself uploading data. The article isn't as clear about that, I guess since it depends so much on your exact model of vehicle.

I'll trade you my 3D TV for one.

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This is something I noticed when I got my Macbook. Apps for basic functionality that would be free on Windows are pay for Mac. Mac users are just used to opening their wallets.

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IMO, for the average user, leading with anything about self-hosting is just asking for trouble. The basic pitch should be "Go to Sign Up. Search for communities and join them."
You can replace with the instance of your choice, of course, but even asking people to choose a server is enough of a deterrent that you'll lose casuals. Now, maybe that's a good thing, but that's a different argument.
If you encourage people to look into self-hosting, or imply that it's required, they'll run the other way as soon as they look into the details.

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Consider Disco Elysium.

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I hear pigeons aren't too hard to breed.

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If you just want to distance yourself from Google, give OpenBoard a try. It's GBoard without the G. It's been working just the same for me, except for some reason it spontaneously decided to stop automatically capitalizing "I".

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I'm not using disk encryption. It's a desktop and if it's every stolen I've got bigger problems.
Also, I presume that disk encryption makes it so you can't just pop the drive in an adapter and pull stuff off it, which I sometimes need to do with old, retired drives.

I’m old

You'll fit right in.

It's like a Sokal Hoax for STEM.

I'm not sure if I'm enjoying it yet. I'm only 4 hours in and it feels like Divinity Original Sin 3 and not a Baldur's Gate game. Maybe that's fine, but it's not what I was expecting.
The combat seems more complicated and I'm having to rest after even basic encounters, but I guess that's the way BG1 was too.
Still messing with the graphics settings to get it to look decent and run ~60FPS on my creaky old Vega 56.

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Steve Wozniak. He's so important that his last name isn't flagged by Firefox's spellchecker.

Looks cool. My RPi 1 is still rolling along running Pi Hole, but if I need to replace it, something like this running off PoE would be very tidy.

How does multiplayer work without Game Spy?

They should parse it the same way as "postgresql".

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I love the spectral view in Adobe Audition and would be happy to leave it if Audacity (or whichever fork people like) would implement something similar.

It's a real dilemma.

Honest question: Assuming nation states have the all-powerful ability to install software on your networking gear, which country would you rather have? USA or Russia?

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Depends on the kinds of accounts you follow. Mastodon is all technical users - so not many celebrities who aren't in technical fields.

I was thinking it would work like reddit, where you can set a threshold in your preferences and posts below that vote total will be hidden from you. The default was something like -5 iirc.
Every post would still start with your one vote.

I started playing Pillars of Eternity II about a month ago, then I was gifted BG3... and dammit, I'm going to finish PoE first. It's a very enjoyable game. Lighter in tone than the first one and a bit less brutal with the lore. This time I have a good idea who the pantheon are, but I still occasionally find myself confused about people and place names. I used my saves from the first game to start this one, but I have very little recollection of what the hell I did back then, so maybe I should have started fresh.

you are better off buying xiaomi/poco

If they have the cell bands you want in the US - which they don't necessarily.

Meta isn't heavily influenced by a government adversarial to that of the US, so the risks to US security are not the same.
The mental health risk looks pretty similar, though.

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So you're suggesting that all scammers are skilled.

You mean like

I'm pretty happy with Pixels for the moment, so it's a $5 USB-C to 1/8" dongle for me. That or the Pixel Buds I got for free as as promo with the phone. I've never had to charge and use the converter at the same time, but I believe there are cheap dongles that can do that too.

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Does anyone here know how money transfers like this actually work? Stacks of $100s? Armored carriages full of doubloons? Briefcases exchanged at the train station?

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Masochism, paranoia.

Now if only someone over there would order their plain logo shirts in common sizes I'd give them $15.

Now this might be down to my search skills, but -
A media player like MPCHC that gives previews when you scrub the timeline
A reasonably small text editor that understands the different line endings like Winpad.

I found Elmedia Player for video, but I end up using VLC most of the time since Elmedia doesn't generate previews for remote files. For text I found TextMate, which I like quite a bit.

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Or the app requires root.

I use an ancient guitar tuner app called Pitch Lab. Tiny, no ads. It's great. If they don't kill it this round it feels like it will be soon.
Anyone have a suggestion for a replacement?

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Especially since modern desktop environments will have a gesture or something to give you a preview of all your open windows. What's annoying is that they all seem to shuffle the spatial order of the window previews whenever they feel like it.

Man, now I'm gonna have to replay it 17,000 times.