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Joined 12 months ago

The majority of the southern states identity (not that part) has long since been reduced to a caricature of itself.

All being a southerner requires now is access to your divine guide: whatever the most recent pop country album is. It's just advertisement set to country tunes.

If anything I'd say the least free group in America is your typical 'country boy.'

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I look forward to when someone releases a box to record the screen or shows you want to watch on Netflix just in case the rights gets pulled before you get the chance to watch it. Added benefit is they can make it skip ads too. Gotta have a catchy name... like... NeVO for Netflix Video On(demand)

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Yeah, it's more a commentary on the whole current 'country' lifestyle. Texan? Buy all the things with a single star on it or you aren't Texas enough. Southern? Get that truck. Gotta lift it. Biggest tires you can find. It's all just the most degenerate capitalism with a dixie wrapper on it.

Was making a comparison to TiVO and old cable/satellite programming 😂

This may not be a popular response but when did the nazi regime stop? When did China stop with it's cleansing? America and manifest destiny? I could go on... Humanity needs to realize that we are pretty shitty in general and can't be trusted when it comes to hatred, entitlement, and tribalism.

The solution is a neutral third party with sufficient power to stop any country's bullshit through economic and military (actual) peacekeeping... which doesn't exist nor will it ever.

So the short answer is they will stop when the cleansing is complete.

After the deed is done we as 'civilized' nations will lament the tragedy and promise change... until the media cycle washes all those sins down the drain and it will be forgotten until next time.

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Oh, I'm fully aware. Tribalism is the lizard brain going deeeep in the paint. The problem is this: peaceful culture doesn't fight back - aggressive culture exploits this: which one thrives? We have systematically bred for and codified our warlike nature. This is the result. Is it fixable? Many have tried. Our history books are littered with both failed attempts and their distorted remains. All I can say for certain is that the way the majority of countries are structured... isn't it. This is fundamentally why achieving a fix is nearly impossible at scale: tribalism. Even if we are wrong it's our wrong and we don't want to lose it. This is rooted in fear of change which from a survival aspect makes sense... but becomes detrimental at scale.

For the afflicted? No.

For us as a species? No.

For capitalism? God yes.

Thin people consume the least. Once we stop growing we stop needing new clothes. Obesity changes this. Clothes wear out faster, you need new sizes. Obesity leads to depressive states where people buy more to feel better. Speaking of more: eat more! Have some sweets to feel better!

Be bold. Be beautiful. Be you (for us!)

Clothing stores and food chains done with you? Guess you are broken now...

Welcome to the medical system you will now need to rely on to function and stay alive! Till death do we part.

Obesity is an epidemic and it's too profitable to actually do anything about. They don't care about you, your feelings, or your health. You are literally livestock to these corporations that you think are caudling you and your way of life. This is a wake up call.

Obesity is difficult to conquer. It requires change and persistence. It requires support. Not everyone can achieve a 'healthy ideal' but everyone can do better.

I'll be honest: I think this only made the news because it wasn't league of legends. I was shocked.

Do no evil.

Beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Can't wait till we find out that the arbitration agreement they forced on people was penned up shortly after they discovered the breach.

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It's been echod several times in this thread already but:

Wireless and security are oil and water. They do not mix. This goes byond wifi. If your security system has wireless sensors (door, window, motion) - you aren't secure. Please do not buy smart locks.

Wireless cameras are not security - they are a convenience. A convenience for checking on the kids in the back or seeing if that package got delivered.

If it's not wired and powered it is at best a scarecrow and at worse an indicator that you have money and you feel secure.

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Don't worry though we solved inflation. We just removed it from our calculations. If we don't count it: it's not there!

JFC Microsoft has no chill. Snip is practically the last thing in windows that works right.

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There are a variety of options available with near feature parity. Killing the free version effectively cut out lab users which may as well say: we sure would like people to start training on a new platform. People use what they are comfortable with.... and tend to carry a hatchet for companies that burn them.

This was a short sighted play which ultimately will result in the platform dying slowly as the workforce changes. They cut off new blood: less people will be proficient with their platform and more will be pushing for a switch to the competition. In addition to the loss of the free version they massively ramped prices. They won't last. Right now the companies that are too big to pivot are already starting to weigh the costs of transitioning vs the squeeze. The C-suite are idiots.

I can't imagine why the windows 11 market share is dropping.

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Can't wait until this spurs the security community into doing a deep look at the roms on these cheap Chinese boards. Yeah the malware was caught - but what's more important is the intent. This is a country that is constantly behind breaches and botnets... and here we have these PCs being marketed as router replacents and mini servers. It doesn't take much to figure out that this is free back door territory.

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It's simple. They want the free labor provided by the community with the ability to keep all of the profits they can potentially reap from said labor.

For the price you can by a pretty competent n100 based mini PC which beats the hell out of the pi for a lot of tasks. Makers can get a cheaper solution via esp32 or clones... so what real market is there for it?

Pi isn't dead but the IPO would be a hail mary for funding while they figure out how not to go bankrupt.

As a reminder this was the go-to play for Facebook when they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Default it off until nobody's looking and change it slightly so it was named 'differently' and on it went again.

Chrome is the container housing that website the developer decided to include 15 libraries at 50 meg each because he couldn't be bothered to optimize shit and that's just "standard" now. Oh and tack on the 15 scripts running to mine your data and load unfiltered ads into your userspace.

Get more ram pleb, it's cheap.... has been the excuse for ages. Makes it easy to ignore the problem.

Don't get me wrong- chrome is a pig... but in general it's the dogshit-bad coding and development choices that turn even a small page into a massive footprint.

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Step one... create consent deepfake....

I don't like that I thought it... But It pains me to say it will be used as a defense at some point.

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I don't disagree with that. If someone wants in they're coming in. 100% agreed. The trick is making your self less of an easy target and cutting down on easy ins.

My statement was pretty generic as there is a lot of nuance to locks and security. My concern lies mostly with the fact that you rarely have a suitable blending of the two technologies. Either a lock company buying a kit or an electronics company buying bulk locks. Or a company that does neither and is looking for another thing to peddle on Amazon.

Some of these locks have very poorly positioned relays. You can unlock them with a magnet. Others can be actuated using a simple emf generator. Ones with passcodes can be read with consumer grade ir sensors or determined by wear and fingerprints.

Reducing attack vectors is always preferred. But it is absolutely up to the end user where their balance between convenience and security lies.

A good deadbolt and key while average is still superior as it is only 3ish attack vectors: pick or impression, destruction of door/lock, and the trusty rock:

Most doors have poorly placed windows with standard glass in or next to them.

Our condolences to his family.

There's a bubble.

It turns out that "we want to charge you more for eating at a normal time" was a poor choice for the fast food restaurant. Who knew?

I consider this campaign fundamentally different than his first.

First and foremost - he is a grifter and conman at the end of a con with enemies on all sides. This is a desperate man. If elected his goal is to first wipe his slate clean via a pardon - and then will be to retain power thereafter.

To achieve these goals he will do anything. What makes this terrifying is he genuinely believes himself to be the smartest person in the room. He is a shortsighted idiot that is playing chess with blinders on while the rest of the world is playing 4d chess.

Other nations fears of another term with that man are not unfounded.

The guy is between families because he's constantly traveling between them.

A fun bonus would be if his sticker was mobile and he moved it family to family depending on where he was that day.

All kidding aside:

Kudos if he's making that work and not being a terrible father. That looks exhausting.

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insert shocked.gif here.

Fuck these companies. They all need to rot.

No, see- they already know that the votes to convict were miscounted. They are currently on a crusade to overthrow it 😅

... and costs 1.2 million to manufacture. Built with moon rocks and distilled human souls.

Whoa now buddy. Can't have that socialism in muh murica. How else will these poor for profit institutions keep posting record profits?

*edit In some places maybe... but that and may other services have been gutted. sadly.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Hey they call themselves 'patriots' too.... so technically...

+1 for the anti-consumer statement.

This is a company that goes after groups who hold tournaments with their games and issues takedowns against people on video platforms just playing their games. Genuinely an awful company (good games don't excuse the behavior.)

To be fair- that value didn't change much from pre ai.

I love angry comedians... but you weren't kidding: That was a brutal watch. He makes some decent points but he presents it like Jim Cramer crossed with a 10 year old making fart jokes.

Apocalypse now - extended edition. Move the sub in the bathroom. Turn it all the way up. War is hell.

This is the song that never ends.....

They put one too many ads on the home screen... then they made them larger...

fuck em. they get nothing now.

blocked their ad servers at the DNS level.

They still haven't dumped all those chips they claimed on their last three earnings calls. Expect the 5000 series to have a familiar flavor.

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Because the verge wasn't stupid enough to buy into that insanity. The Verge.

Tech reporting is difficult in the gadget sphere - but in reporting chances are you know someone who has it. Network a bit. Borrow it and do a full review after you publish a piece that maybe discusses the product beforehand so you don't miss the initial clicks. Or better still - maybe publish a piece on why you didn't think it prudent to finance 4k for a product that the manufacturer doesn't know what to do with.

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